Showing posts with label Self Realization Fellowship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self Realization Fellowship. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

168- Where To Now Saint Francis?

      The Birthday of Krishna is celebrated according to the Indian Lunar calendar. It falls on the eighth day of the waning moon between mid-August and mid September.

     He who perceives Me everywhere, and beholds everything in Me, never loses sight of Me, nor do I ever lose sight of him.

     That yogi stays forever in Me, who, anchored in divine unity whatever his mode of existence, realizes Me as pervading all beings.

     O Arjuna, the best type of yogi is he who feels for others, whether in grief or pleasure, even as he feels for himself-- Bhagavan Krishna, in the "Bhagavad Gita"

Spiritual Diary- Self Realization Fellowship

     The Conclusion of Self Realization Fellowship, World Convocation in Los Angeles 2023 and the subsequent closing talk and Meditation by Brother Chidananda was inspiring and extremely moving. Do not be lost of this World and it's Maya. There is light and light bringing beings among you. Do not despair over the World situations that you have no control over. Control your Heart, Mind and Your Thoughts. Bring the Positive Light of Divine Love of Gurudev and his Promise of Freedom into your Life. There is a scientific method for achieving Enlightenment and it can be obtained through Kriya Yoga. Life does not have to be uncontrollable and overwhelming find your Peace and Your Tranquility. Do not go another day lost in the confusion that surrounds you in the delusion of everyday life. Be a smile millionaire and controller of your own thoughts and wellness.

The Autobiography Of A Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda

Night Right For Love, A Bigger Piece Of Sky, Robert Earl Keen

The Lucky Dun Ranch a 1940's Sears Kit Home over a 1890's log cabin on 130 acres.

Snowy (Sonny) A Rescue with Buddy from White Hawk Outfitters

Boobala Raja (Buddy-A great grandson of Poco Bueno) Foreground  Rescue from the Winter Hawk Outfitters were he packed the Big Cats out of the Trips

Sage (His Wife)  Rescue from a breeding operation of miniatures where she was stall bound.

King and Queen

At Rest

Sid and Sam at work at the Pine Creek Cookhouse, Aspen. The Elk Creek Range and Electric Pass.
 First Day at the Ranch Freedom of the Outdoors. 

Snowy - When he became Cloud to his New Girl and Love of his Life
Peace of Heart

Horse Hair Poetry

I wish for my poems 

to be like horse hairs

that catch into your clothing,

saddle blankets and brushes

that cling and weave

into the fabric of your life.

Bo- The Buckskin Stallion with his Bride Brooks (Photo Cookie-Buckskin Stallion Station)

See My Stories- The Mountain Pearl

Who were the Storm King 14?

 Also-Lesson 86

What WasThe Coal Seam Fire ?

 See- Lesson 84 -Sister's Precious Miracle

Where to now Saint Peter? Slick Little Fox on the Mountain Pearl

Daisy (Our Companion Wife for Jack London-Slick Little Fox's Friend) See Mornings With Jack London and Little Fox on Blog
Sage at rest in the loafing shed
Sid and Sam at Rest


Emerald and Pearl with Domnic 
Tahoe with Al Bianchine
Being Brushed and Loved for Euthanasia
See Lesson 84
In Defense of My Lady Tahoe's Honor

 Bo The Buckskin Stallion in Pose
Al with Bo
Bo in Pose
Dad with Snowy 
Celebrating their Birthday's

Litlle Man
A Perlino (Albino)
Bo and Brooks Foal

Love The Horses

Surprising the Ranch with Omelette's

Write My Fire

Where To Now Saint Francis?

Thursday, June 22, 2023

147-Why Must We Meditate?

 We must meditate to attain deep faith, After we received the first contact of God, we should then seek to develop the contact into a greater consciousness. That is what Jesus asked everyone to do. He wanted them to receive his omnipresent consciousness. And that is what Paramahansaji teaches. He brings us God and all he asks is that we receive.- Rajarsi Janakananda, "Rajarsi Janakananda: Great Western Yogi"

In God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita a spiritual text filled with wisdom about life and purpose  as well as powerful advice on living virtuously but authentically without succumbing to life's temptations or other people's dreams you will understand the reason to meditate to know God. The first time that you know (Talk With) God you may be overwhelmed. My fist time was skiing Arapahoe Basin in Colorado (13,050ft.) I had just fallen several hundred feet down a headwall after jumping off the hanging cornice that is along the traverse to the Pallavicini (before the Pali Lift, 1978) another skier cut in front of me and I caught the tails of his skis with the tips of mine. I began performing tip rolls down the steep face and every time I came back up on my skis I thought, I would break my neck burying my head in the deep powder on the next roll. After what seemed like an eternity of rolls I was able to throw myself on to my side to stop the rolls. I stood shakily resting on my poles with my knees knocking together and took stock of my well being. To my surprise I was unhurt. In my mind, I had crossed the line, the line in the mountains that if you step over it, you will die. Standing there shaking I asked God, "What do you want of me?" I was twenty-five with no direction.The answer came as clearly as if I had been in a conversation with you, "Be A Teacher!" In my bewilderment I don't think I grasped what fully happened. It was beyond my comprehension what the reality of what it was. I climbed and skied all over the U.S. and Canada many times in my life after, but it always remained in my mind what God had spoken to me. Enrolling in writing classes I was to meet my Mentor and work many years with her in my skills. (The Subject of Waltzing With Rhada.) It wasn't until a Writing Conference in Telluride that I would meet my Guru (Gurdev Paramahansa Yogananda) in the form of The Autobiography of a Yogi and begin my Journey into Self-Realization. Through Meditation and Spiritual Awareness would I understand what God wanted of me all those years ago. I write ( now at 70) because I was told to "Teach" and while I didn't understand it then, I do now and in the coming weeks, months and years up to the 2026 Winter Olympics I will not be silent as to the happenings of the world. Especially Education and Starvation of Peoples and Children (Both Figuratively and Literally), there will be no more Silence!

Mere-Gurudev, Krishna Das

Lord Krishna, Om Namah Shivaya, Krishna Das

Monday, July 25, 2022

124-Adopting the Right Attitude

 Right Attitude

See nothing, look at nothing but your goal, ever shining before you. The things that happen to us do not matter; what we become through them does. Each day, accept everything as coming to you from God. At night, give everything back into His hands.

– Sri Gyanamata

"God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint"

It is not easy to shift your focus from self to a higher power. Everything that happens, happens within the framework of your life and existence. In simpler terms it happens to you, this makes it easy to internalize the happening. A method used in meditation is to perceive the thought (happening) see it and to release it. Give the thought (happening) to your higher power and release it from your life. Do not become attached to these thoughts or experiences. Allow yourself to distance from them and concentrate your thoughts upon your higher power. You will gain a freedom that you have never known. Do not become attached to people, places and things. It is all transitory. Change with the times and be ever vigilant in your truth. It is all that you have. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

123- Aligning Your Actions for Success with Wisdom and Meditation


You cannot be free unless you have burned the seeds of past actions in the fire of wisdom and meditation.

– Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

“Yogoda Satsanga Magazine”

Your past actions should not rule your present circumstances. To be free you must work through meditation and Kriya Yoga. You can dispel the karma of past actions. How can I do this you ask? Study the Lessons of the Self-Realization Fellowship and put them to use in your life. It works. The writing in this blog is the testament to this theory. If you are not finding satisfaction and happiness in your life than perhaps it is time for a change. Do not fear change! Change is not your enemy or an action to bring heartache. The right change can bring happiness and fulfillment beyond your wildest expectations. If it seems as if the world of Covid, Politics, Global Warming is closing in upon you than it may be the time to look for the right change in your life. Go forward in your new found freedom and attract the positive rewards that are there for you. You are a Divine creation of your father and he is working miracles every day for you in your life. Open your Heart, Spirit and Mind and accept them. Remember that when preparation meets opportunity it is the Law of Success. Go out and prepare yourself today. 

FreedomJuly 11

You cannot be free unless you have burned the seeds of past actions in the fire of wisdom and meditation. 

– Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
“Yogoda Satsanga Magazine”

FreedomJuly 11

You cannot be free unless you have burned the seeds of past actions in the fire of wisdom and meditation. 

– Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
“Yogoda Satsanga Magazine”

Saturday, July 9, 2022

122- Applying the Law Of Success

 Don't mentally review any problem constantly. Let it rest at times and it may work itself out; but see that you don't rest so long that your discrimination is lost. Rather, use these rest periods to go deep within the calm regions of your inner Self. -------- Paramahansa Yogananda,    "The Law of Success"

 The term for animals that chew on a cud or their food is Ruminant. 


1) Think deeply about something

2) (of a ruminant) chew the cud.

You can stand still and ruminate or you can move forward. Progress is achieved by forward movement. It is O.K. to gently look back from where you have just been or where you have come from but to expend any amount of energy is counter-productive to achieving any goal. Still water is often silent and deep as in deep reflective pool. Go deep and reflect but do not linger. Inaction is crippling, proper action results in the fulfillment of one's goals and dreams. Dream giant dreams and aspire to lofty goals. Do not be stagnant. If you are not pedaling uphill on your bicycle you will be sliding downhill.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

121-Obeying the Law of Freedom


 Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of the action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma. You are a free agent, but when you perform a certain act, you will reap the results of that act.------ Paramahansa Yogananda. 

SRF Lessons

It seems like the Freedoms that we all took for granted are disappearing from us at alarming rates. There is an all out War on Women's Rights Today! Where is the lunacy coming from? Is it in the water? Tap, Mineral, Spring or Glacier, Sparkling, Distilled, Purified, Flavored or Infused, Alkaline, Well, my personal thoughts are they are secretly drinking the Kool-Aid that was mixed by Jim Jones in Guyana. It is the only logical explanation for the absolute onslaught against freedoms and (Oh God Yes!), rights. Don't say those words, I know because I already have incurred the wrath for collecting my (entitlements of which I worked 50 years of my life for.) But hey, lets not rule out that sneaky little law of Karma. Cosmic karma for your actions has yet to come into to play. So I say to all the Supreme Court Judges, the lying Judges of our Supreme Court. When you make your rulings, don't rule out karma because it can really be a bitch! (My rant for Today!) 

Monday, March 14, 2022

106-How to become the Controller of your own destiny, In the time of the New Renaissance.

 Mind is the creator of everything.. You should therefore guide it to create only good. If you cling to a thought with dynamic will power. It finally assumes a tangible  outward form. When you are able to employ your will always for constructive purposes, you become the controller of your own destiny.---

                                  Paramahansa Yogananda, "The Law of Success"

                              Spiritual Diary, Paramahansa Yogananda

Easily spoken or read but very difficult to put into practice. Even in meditation the mind wants to wander, you must gently coax it back to divine providence and dynamic will. Heady thoughts that boggle the simplicity of the act. Sit in silence and concentrate. There are many wonderful You Tube videos, Anmol Mehta (Yoga also) is easy to learn from, as well as Lessons from Self-Realization. Make the effort today to calm the noise and focus your thoughts. You will be amazed at the results and improvement in your well being. While music for meditation abounds their is a spirited discussion on the benefits. Listen or not and decide for yourself. I enjoy Kirtan Chanting. Krishna Das ( is perhaps one of the foremost artists in this genre, as well as his associate Nina Rao, also Deva Premal. You would be well served to explore this phenomenon. All of life is grist for your thinking mill and it seems that in Today's World doing everything possible to set your self on the course of success would be your very first priority. All will be added from there. It is an absolute Law of the Universe. The practices that you will learn and be exposed to are Centuries old, practiced by Enlightened Masters. You don't have to join the Hare Krishnas. Although I remember buying my very first Bahagavad Gita from a Krishna in the old Stapelton Airport in Denver returning from a Ski trip to Arapahoe Basin in the late 70's. I did not go back to New York and sell flowers on the streets of the City with all the other Hare Krishna's. Your choice it is not vodoo but it is proven scientific methods to happiness and success.

Happy Searchng

Sunday, March 6, 2022

100-Journey of an Awakening

 I stand on the rocks of the Rio Grande Trail in the John Denver Sanctuary and read the words of Rocky Mountain High and Annie's Song etched in to the surrounding stones. I  stare down at my hiking boots and think of how many trails and mountain peaks I have walked, climbed and skied to arrive here at this moment. The words ring clear in my mind and are part of the reason that I looked to the open road in search of sunrises, snowflakes and sunsets. It is a lot like reading Walt Whitman and Poems like Song of the Open Road. Each word, note or phrase touching a part of me and reaffirming everything that I believed in. All the reasons to continue on to another winter and another town or mountain to ski. "Aspen Colorado," I say to myself in my mind. Twenty Years in a town I thought I would never set ski boot in. It wasn't the Lure, the mountain is not king here, although beautiful and challenging in places, I can't put my finger on what has kept me here. Why didn't I go Chamonix, France. The draw was there. The lure of extreme skiing. The ever deeper snow and steeper mountains. It is the thing. Is it age? I am in my late 60's. I only went to Colorado to take Film and Screenwriting courses in the early 90's. A ski bum looking for a way to salvage a career from a mis-pent youth. In 1973 I took a year off from an Engineering Degree to go skiing, I never went back. Too late to be an extreme skier in Valdez, Alaska, too old. Part of the heart wants to carry on, even now, but the body refuses to. So you entertain other options. Ah! Aspen, the other option. The words to Rocky Mountain High pass before my eyes as I begin my walk down the Rio Grande Trail. I reflect on my time in Aspen now as I have left it. I am all right with that. It was time. It is unique and there was no other ski town in the world like it. I know I have tried them all. While I never cared much for the mountains there myself. This place has been a home and friend. It has allowed me the success for the freedom I wish in the future. Perhaps It is time to pick up my screenplay that I began here about Arapahoe Basin and complete it. I do not underestimate the work and I understand the challenge of getting it to market. The difficulty of Publishing Mountain writing will be a challenge. A challenge that others have faced and overcome. A young Nepalese Mountaineer Nimsdai Purja just conquered all of the world's 14- 8,000 meter peaks in seven months. (To put this into perspective Mount Everest, which was one, is 8,848.86 meters. Reinhold Messner an Italian Mountaineer, considered the World's Greatest Mountaineer, took 16 years to accomplish this. In all fairness Messner accomplished it without supplemental oxygen. Nimsdai used it above 8000 meters. Youth knows no limits. The will to accomplish what you were put on Earth to do cannot be denied at any age once it is realized and acted on. You do not often realize your goal or mission in life when you do you should not deny it. Accept the challenge and conquer it.) Reinhold has expressed a desire to make a film about a mountain which is encouraging and he is also the author of 80 books, however many are not published in the U.S. The difficulty is great but I believe not insurmountable.

14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible This is an absolute Incredible Inspiration for anyone who ever dreamed of accomplishing any Great Feat.

 On my way from the park I look up into Oklahoma Flats at the big log mansion that Kathy and I managed and lived in. It is dusk and I marvel at the beauty and the expense. I find joy in the freedom of not being a slave to it. I own my soul, my backpack, my hiking boots, and my Mac Air stuffed with my latest project. I have two tickets to Awake: The life of Yogananda, for Monday night in Carbondale. I still climb peaks to sit and meditate on. Even though they may be smaller hills these days. I am looking forward to an evening with my Guru and with my family. Things for me now are simpler. Maybe I look at things differently these days.

 I smile when I sit on the cliffs of Encinitas, California and meditate on the benches at Swamii's overlooking the Pacific Ocean, and Thank God that I was shown this Ashram by my wife. Although it is now somewhat commercialized it is still the most Beautiful Ocean Cliff in Southern California.

 I devoured Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket as a young man in the Eastern United States and I hope to return home soon to pay respect for my Father's Passing during the Corona Virus Time and look forward to seeing the Atlantic once again. However my die has been cast and I have no choice but to accept what God's Will is for my future. I am after all tested and ready.

Years ago I saw a concert in the Palace Theatre in Albany, New York. The group was called Renaissance. I was poised to set my feet on the road and try my hand at being a true to life ski bum. 
" Carpet of the Sun" became my song of the open road.
"Carpet of the Sun", Renaissance

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

93-How can I learn to Meditate?

 The more you meditate the more helpful you can be to others, and the more deeply you will be in tune with God. Selfish people remain spiritually hide-bound, but the unselfish expand their consciousness. When you find your omnipresence in meditation, you will find God. If he is pleased with you, all nature will work in harmony with you. Learn to talk to Him with all your soul---Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons.  

You must do Kriya Yoga everyday is the edict that Gurudev has given us. Meditate deeply to find your truth. It will become clearer to you the deeper into Spirit that you journey. If you do not know how to meditate the SRF Lessons are a wonderful place to begin. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Simply put you must make the effort to begin. The journey is filled with joy and freedoms that you have no idea exists. Why not take the journey today, right now. What are the alternatives, suffering and desperation that is the world we live in today. Do you wish for a change. Then be it!

The Autobiography of a Yogi

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Sixty-five; Applying The Principles Of Kriya Yoga

 Kriya Yoga is the real "fire rite" oft extolled in the Gita. The yogi casts his human longings into a monotheistic bonfire consecrated to the unparalleled God. 

  ...All past and present desires are fuel consumed by love divine. The Ultimate Flame receives the sacrifice of all human madness, and man is pure of dross. His metaphorical bones stripped of all desirous flesh, his karmic skeleton bleached by antiseptic suns of wisdom, inoffensive before man and Maker, he is clean at last.---- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Autobiography of Yogi"

What an incredible promise of Divine Love. Free of Karmic constraints to be able to soar in mind and spirit. Free at last. One can only move forward in your journey of Realization on a daily basis. Just know that the rewards for your efforts are there. They are promised and delivered to you by the Great Masters. Don't wait another day! Make the effort, your goal and your dreams can be yours!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Sixty-Four; The Art of Knowing, Post Pandemic Resurgence

I knew what I wanted long before I came (into the Monastic Self-Realization Order). I did not come for honor, nor for pleasure, nor for favor. I came for God. Somethings surprised and disappointed me, but I moved on, from point to point, until I had the full vision of the guru-disciple relationship. I saw that if the Master had (not disciplined me and instead had) treated me with what is called "Kindness" I would have never known myself or my spiritual needs- Sri Gayanamata, "God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint"

What are your motivations for the actions in your life?  Are they rooted in Self-Realizaton? Now more than ever in life is the time to,"let go and to let God." What is there to think about? The assertion of one's own will often gets in the way of the success you are seeking. The hardest obstacles to overcome are those that are self created. Until you allow your will to be aligned with Divine Will there will be obstacles in the road to your success. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Sixty- One; Becoming The Comptroller Of Your Destiny, In The Time Of The Coronavirus

    Mind  is the creator of everything. You should therefore guide it to create only good. If you cling to a thought with dynamic willpower, it finally assumes an outward tangible form. When  you are able to employ your will always for constructive purposes, you become the comptroller of your destiny.

    Paramahansa Yogananda, "The Law Of Success"

     Destiny they say is fickle. But it is an untruth, there is nothing that is of chance about it. Through the Scientific Methods Of Kryia Yoga of The Self-Realization Fellowship and the Masters you can achieve Samadhi. (Enlightenment) This is an absolute proven truth. There is nothing to chance about it. By applying the same principles in living your daily life and conducting your self in the manner of an enlightened Being you will be able to change your circumstances. Do not have fear or doubts. Doubts are for the disbelievers and the down trodden. No matter what your circumstances are today, do everything in your power to begin a new path this moment. Move froward with your spirituality and all things will come to you. It is an absolute truth passed down through the lineage of the great souls. They have come before you to shine the light to guide you from the darkness and confusion of maya. Do not be dismayed no matter where you are in your journey. Study the Lessons and put in the time to perform the exercises, both mental and physical. Take the time to meditate. The Self-Realization Fellowship will guide you in your progress and help you to attain your goal. It is a promise and it will be attained by you if you will exercise your willpower toward that end. Now is the time to trust in yourself and your abilities to create a new life for yourself and your loved ones. Take care of yourself and the world will be at your command. Success will be yours.


Monday, February 22, 2021

Fifty-Eight; Conquering The Thin Edge of Existence, In The Time Of The Coronavirus

      May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.

Edward Abbey

     Do not follow a path, go instead and leave a trail. An old saying that has been quoted for time in memorial. The quote that has always drawn my attention is the Beaten Path is for Beaten People. Be a pioneer in life. Climb your own mountains and choose your own routes. For me writing has always been a double edged sword. It is my passion and my nemesis. To write one must be sedentary and face a blank page or a computer screen. The quote that has always helped me is In The Mountains Nature Draws A Razors Thin Edge of Existence. If You Accept It And Step Over It You Must Conquer It Or It Will Forever Conquer You. Move forward in your path toward the culmination of your trail. Writing a blog helps me write. My Collection of stories is being submitted. My blogs make me sit and compose and write. It has allowed me to complete writing projects and ideas and stories and novels have abounded in my mind and on my pages. Meditating regularly clearing my mind and thoughts striving for a greater purpose in life has allowed for the transformation from talking about completing my writing and meditations. If you don't know how to meditate or are not sure how to begin. The Self Realization Lessons are a wonderful place to start. The Autobiography Of A Yogi changed my life in ways that were incomprehensible to me at the Time.


Friday, January 1, 2021

Fifty-Two, Opening The Portals Of Limitations, In The Time Of The Coronavirus;


     With the opening of the New Year, all the closed portals of limitations will be thrown open and I shall move through them to vaster fields, where my worthwhile dreams of life will be fulfilled. Behold, through the gates of the New Year, the distant variegated decorations of future achievements glimmering at you and daringly luring you to give pursuit. Simply watching them with the hope of accomplishment will not count. You must start racing calmly at top speed, performing miracles of greater speed on the way, armed with divine determination against the robbers of mental and physical idleness, lack of creative ability, doubt, fear, despondency, and bad habits.” 

--- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Self-Realization Magazine"

     Strive to be like the butterfly emerging from it's cocoon and greeting a strange new wonderful world. All life changes and grows before your eyes. Open your heart and your mind to new and fascinatingly extravagant dreams for your loved ones and yourself. We are all emerging from the darkness into a new period of light and divine cooperative being as explained by Swami Sri Yuketswar Giri in The Holy Science. It is time for all religions to set aside differences and work together for our planetary survival, well being and health. It is a goal well worth reaching for in the New Year. Be gone the old mindset and archaic beliefs. Be open to the change of The Renaissance that is before us. We are moving into a period of tremendous new awarenesses. Be vigilante of the fraudulent archetype deceivers they abound since the opening of Pandora's Box. The good will win out and we will once again move toward attitudes of sharing, caring, help, and love. The evil that has pervaded the world will once again be driven from our ether. Let us Hope the Veil of Maya will no longer cloud our leaders minds and shroud the future of us as a Society. We by enlightening ourselves shall be the beacons for the Children, to usher in a Brave New World!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Thirty-Two: Using the Art of Unlimited Power to Win In The Time of Coronavirus

      “No matter what your trials have been, or how discouraged you are, if you will make a continued effort to be better, you will find that, being made in the image of God, you are endowed with an unlimited power that is much stronger than your worst trials. Make up your mind that you will win, focusing all your concentration on ceaseless efforts to succeed, and you will surely be victorious.

Remember that your past difficulties did not come to crush you, but to strengthen your determination to use your limitless divine powers to succeed. God wants you to conquer the difficult tests of life and to come back to His home of wisdom."

Excerpted from “How to Have Courage, Calmness, and Confidence" by ParamahansaYogananda published by Crystal Clarity

We have it within ourselves to overcome any obstacle in our path by our will power alone if you believe that you are one with your father. You must remind yourself that you and your father are one and all things that your father hath is yours. Whatever your need is, move forward in your life, as if you already have it. The power of positive thinking is real. You must decide that you can achieve the goals you have set for yourself and you can. Nothing is accomplished with negativity. It is a detractor from success. Success comes when opportunity is met with preparation. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Twenty Nine: The Art of Being Fearless In The Time Of Coronavirus

"Be fearless. Whatever it is that you fear, take your mind away from it and leave it to Me. Have faith in Me and you will be free at once."
--- Mahavatar Sri Babaji Maharaj
"Be fearless, Gurus are always protecting you."

--- Beloved Gurudev Premavatar Sri Swarupananda Brahmachari 

     How to overcome fear. Fear is a paralyzing force. It is a palpable entity that once entering the mind like the Coronavirus itself can be pervasive. Immediately displace the thought of fear with whatever method is at your disposal. Enlightened Masters like those of the Lineage of Self Realization Fellowship accept the burden of your fear so that you do not have to shoulder it. It is a comfort and a blessing to remove the yoke of suffering and mantle it. Give up the ghost, no matter what the ghost is that you are hosting. There is no productive solution to suffering. You are the only one that can host it. Fear is counter productive it takes away from serenity. Serenity in daily life is the goal. Listen to calming music. Youtube had an incredible amount of binaural beats music to lift your spirits and calm your soul. Make every effort to exercise the strength of your mind and quell the thoughts of fear from your being.



Thursday, November 5, 2020

Twenty Six: Developing Spiritual Magnetism in the Time of Coronavirus

 Yogananda's Healing Techniques

Cultivate within yourself spiritual magnetism like that of Krishna and great Masters. In order to do this, you must express selfless love for all. Try always to be helpful. Develop your usefulness to your family, to your community and friends. Be willing wherever you are. That makes you a magnetic person. If you love people without any motive then you can have divine magnetism.

Keep this unselfish love, compassion, pity for others, grow it in your heart and thus let's pray for healing.   Paramahansa Yogannada

     Don't become closed off to life. Life can overwhelm you and make you withdraw and harden your heart. It isn't easy to soften your heart and to be open and loving in your life. Don't be afraid to express your feelings. This world is too full of automatons mindlessly performing life by rote. Stop! Open your mind and your heart. Adopt and attitude to help your fellow man. We are all one in the community and should not feel isolated. Be reasonable in your service to others not all of humanity is kind. Kindness has disappeared in the world today. We could almost be classified as Human Unkind.
     Learn to meditate, if you are quarantined then you have time to learn. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Twenty Two: Learn to Accept Your Divine Transformation

     I beheld a great blue valley encircled by mountains that shimmered jewel-like. Around opalescent peaks vagrant mists sparkled. A river of silence flowed by, diamonds bright.
     And there I saw, coming out of the depths of the mountains, Jesus and Krishna walking hand in hand- the Christ who prayed by the river Jordan and the Chirst-na who played a flute by the river Yuma.
     They baptized me in the radiant waters; my soul melted in the fathomless depths.
     Everything began to emit astral flames. My body and the forms of Christ and Krishna, the iridescent hills, the glowing stream, and the far empyrean became dancing lights, while atoms of fire flew. Finally nothing remained but mellow luminosity, in which creation trembled.
     O Spirit! in my heart I bowed again and again to thee- Eternal Light in whom all forms commingle.
                                                                                 Whispers From Eternity
                                                                               Paramahansa Yogananda

     To obtain the unobtainable must be the quest. What would be the answer if you could obtain that which you yearned for. If it is noble and good then why not you, a child of the divine, not be able to grasp the prize. If you see yourself succeeding and reaching your goal, then you shall. The times in life that you do not succeed are the ones that you, yourself sabotage, by not envisioning your success. The answer lies in the ability to believe in yourself and your abilities. No matter what your situation or circumstances are now, you can overcome them. By proper thought and right action you can be the person you wish to be or accomplish the goal you wish! Persevere! Believe! You Can!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Twenty-One; The Art Of Grieving

"Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form."

     Grief, the silencer of hope. Grief crashes into life and disrupts plans, dreams, and accomplishments. Grief can be self actuated, grief can be random. It often comes at the pinnacle of success. The Yin-Yang of life. Balance at its essence, balance that keeps everything even. Positivity is not greater than negativity. All well to know that even your grief is part of your living. When life brings grief and sadness into your being it is difficult to embrace the feeling and work through it. If you believe in balance in life you then must believe that your loss or whom or what you are grieving for will eventually make its way back into your ether. It appears to be a fatalistic view at first glance but looked at in a deeper thought you will see that not only is grief and loss a motivator. It is also an equalizer. Life lived at higher vibration or level cannot always be maintained. Life should be lived on an even keel. Meditation along with energization exercises will help keep you in a balanced form. It will help you to make your way beyond loss and grief.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sixteen: The More You Use What God Has Given You, The More God Will Give You

     Finding your way through the page can often be daunting and seem difficult. The thought sometimes is can we fill the page, will it be anything of interest to anyone else but us. Do not fear the more you use what God has given you, the more God will give you. Years earlier working out to train for a ski vacation in Utah a friend who was also a handball partner would train on these wonderful pneumatic machines with me. The saying was on a very difficult abdominal machine that we would do crunches on to build our core for back country hiking and out of bounds skiing. The saying stuck in my mind. Especially after we were standing on an incredibly steep out of bounds chute with two feet of fresh powder. We would look down the untouched slope and then at one another and say The more your use what God has given you, the more God will give you, and then we would jump into the chute and have the ski run of a lifetime to remember always.

     Use the gifts that you were given, they were not given to be kept silent and quite in your hidden places. Shout your special talents from the rooftops, cliff tops, until they echo down the mountain sides. Proclaim your individuality and the deep beliefs about life, love, and happiness. Lately the words seem to flow. Ever since that the Mountain Pearls that once took up all my energy and time were put away and shelved, my mind is clear and free. The thing that has become apparent is that the enjoyment that comes from being supportive is far greater than any ski run or mountain that has ever been conquered. Through positive self thinking and wonderful meditation time, the joy of writing is rolling off the keys like giant soft snowflakes and accumulating into a wave of fresh powder down. We hope that you find your joy in life and make your way through the Coronavirus with conviction, strength, fortitude, and self awareness of your health.