Turning Out The Faithful

Turning out the Faithful




tore down the old rustic white porched hotel and replaced it

with a brand new concrete and steel sparkling Hilton

at one Mirror Lake Drive.


I met a man in the Ancient Mariner who sold the Olympic

Organizing Committee 50,000 hot seats for the grandstands

everyone knows just how fiercely cold the winter’s of Lake Placid can be.


Everyone was going to make a Million Dollars.


Christmas Eve, the Chair Six Lounge, all the non local, especially for

The Olympic Entrepreneurs, tears falling like the rain in the streets.


Everyone was going to make a Million Dollars.


The Semi’s rolling through town from Saranac

heavily laden with man made snow

a caravan of determination and fierce pride

that is the American Spirit.


During the build up to the period

of the 1980 Winter Olympics

many landlords turned out their

faithful tenants of many years

for the high rents they could receive.

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