Nah-Oon-Kara (Where The River Of Blue Rises)

The Appaloosa colt was startled at it's reflection in the pristine water. The colt raised its head listened to the chirping, clicking, and guttural sounds of the near bye herd of elk and wandered into the large meadow of fresh green grass. Several Ptarmigan took flight in the distance. They rose above the lush delta formed by the trinity of rivers, the Blue, Ten Mile, and Snake. The colt shied away from the sound of a tree being fallen by a beaver. He listened intently at the crack of a branch from the stand of Aspens behind him and looked nervously toward them, his body tensed for flight and his nostrils flared as he bucked, snorted and farted. Through the scrub oak he saw a tan brown figure move slowly toward him. It's long black hair held tightly to by a leather string, it's body clothed in rawhide. It suddenly accelerated and broke into a run at him, twirling a foreign object about its head. The colt wheeled to the right and broke into a gallop. Heading along the river and angling out into the open field. A second and third figure sprang from the water of the river and forced the colt to veer toward a narrow opening in the Aspens. The horse although young was wary and sensed the creatures closing in from the back and sides, it instinctively leapt and turned sharply back toward the river avoiding the narrow opening lined with logs waiting to be slid into place. Its freedom secured the colt relaxed into a steady gallop and quickly distanced itself from the invaders and rejoined the herd as they galloped into the Valley of the Blue. 

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