Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Sixty-Four; The Art of Knowing, Post Pandemic Resurgence

I knew what I wanted long before I came (into the Monastic Self-Realization Order). I did not come for honor, nor for pleasure, nor for favor. I came for God. Somethings surprised and disappointed me, but I moved on, from point to point, until I had the full vision of the guru-disciple relationship. I saw that if the Master had (not disciplined me and instead had) treated me with what is called "Kindness" I would have never known myself or my spiritual needs- Sri Gayanamata, "God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint"

What are your motivations for the actions in your life?  Are they rooted in Self-Realizaton? Now more than ever in life is the time to,"let go and to let God." What is there to think about? The assertion of one's own will often gets in the way of the success you are seeking. The hardest obstacles to overcome are those that are self created. Until you allow your will to be aligned with Divine Will there will be obstacles in the road to your success.