Ask Mrs. Peach? Topical Political Pieces ( Apres Covid Advice From A Champagne Toy Poodle)

Ask Mrs. Peach ? Apres Covid Advice

Hi my name is Pete Peach (was Piper, Pi,Pi,  My Pi, then Peter Piper, then just plain Pete, also Advice Columnist) and my pronouns are she, her and I like boys. I will be responding to any questions about life, love or relationships. Let’s face it, there is a whole new scary world with all types of cretins out there. Actually anything you have a question about, Please feel free to ask them. Remember to be kind and mean people suck! Oh! Girls Rule!

Please click on subscribe and please post a comment or your question.

Mrs. Peach Contemplating The State of Politics

Mrs. Peach  Endorses Joe Biden!

 This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Dear Joe,
 You know that we love you and we are thankful for your incredible service to our great nation and the love and compassion you have brought to each and every American. However you must realize that this is the decade of the woman and as such it is time to go. I know that it is extremely hard for men to recognize the ability of the women around them that get the job done. This is soon to be ancient history for Women are stepping out of the closet that men have been keeping them in since the cave man era. (Interesting thought, did cave men have closets? Where did the women keep their spare furs?) You must realize that we do not wish to insult you and your fellow men. However you leave us no choice. Do you really want to have the rallying cry to become, A VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN IS A VOTE FOR KAMALA HARRIS!, I would think not. The thing is with the attack on Women's Autonomy, A Supreme Court Out of Control, Mr. Strump! waging a campaign to eradicate women from the world, we as women can no longer be silent and we won't. We are an a force to be reckoned with. There is a God Awful Sound Gentleman and It Is Starting Down Deep From Your Underground! We are sorry if you can not hear it.The things is you will, unfortunately it will be when the wheels roll over you.
Carry on Sisters in the vein of all Great Women Reformers!
Mrs.Pete Peach

Ask Mrs. Peach?





A Vote For Joe Biden Is A Vote For Kamala Harris!

It would be better to say Elect Kamala Harris! We will take what we get!

Dear America!

This Land Is Your Land, Woody Guthrie

I would like to address all Generations, The Greatest, Silent, Boomer, GenX, Millennial, and Gen Z (Sorry Gen Alpha you are included also for we are doing all this for you. Be a part, distribute content about the Movement on your devises). I want you to go and tell everyone that a Vote For Joe Biden, Is A Vote For Kamala Harris. We are sorry Joe, you are a good man, but as women, we can no longer allow men to stand in our way. It is time for the blue haired leaders and legislators to move out of the way. This is the Decade of the Woman and we are no longer going to accept the rules of man to invade our lives and our property and personal autonomy. The Women's Revolution starts now and with Kamala Harris. She was the reason you were elected last time and she will be the reason you will be re-elected this time, but you can rest assured women will be in power. 

I fear for the future of our nation and the lives of all my Sisters and Brothers. The rhetoric that is spewing from you guessed it, Mr. Strump (my pet name since he is sooo good at calling other people names, Mr. Caligula.) May God help us all if we do not do something to stop him from gaining power again. We must band together and accomplish the goal to prevent the Authoritative Regime from ever coming to power. They can and will be stopped. Here is my plan. As you know and as you have Learned from Lesson Six (The Art Of Acceptance), I often Identify as Giant Pete, when I'm not blogging as Mrs. Peach and helping others with life decisions. Once you identify as one who is chosen to represent you must stand up and speak your truth. We can and we will do everything in our power to turn the tide of Public Sentiment to see that Kamala Harris is in the catbird seat for our future. There is not enough time to change the representative for American President but we can do the very next best thing. A Vote For Joe Biden Is A Vote For Kamala Harris. You know Kamala Is my girl, my sister, she represents and she brings it to the table. She is alive, intelligent and present. She will have our best interests at heart. Vote For Joe!

 Please! We need everyone to repost this Editorial until it goes viral across America! Here's How we do it. Everyone use your Talk Boxes, Think Boxes and Smart Watch Boxes and hit PLEASE! REPOST THIS BLOG! We will do for Kamala Harris what we did for Barack Obama and influence the out come of the election in the favor of Joe Biden (TELL EVERYONE A VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN IS A VOTE FOR KAMALA HARRIS, SILENCE IS A SNOWFLAKE FALLING. LET US CREATE AN AVALANCHE FOR THE SAKE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM!)

Hurdy Gurdy Man, Donovan  

Aristotle Says,"All Roads To Rome Are Paved In Gold."

QUICK LESSON ON BOXES : The first is my Jump Box, (with my good friend Bonnie) I use it to get on my Parent's Bed. While I may be Giant in Identification, I still am an 8 lb Champagne Toy Poodle in Stature.

 The Second is my Father's Think Box, he calls it, "His Golden Perch," and uses it to write his, poems, stories, books and blogs to help everyone be joyful and happy. 

The third is my Mother's Talk Box, she uses it to look up important information. It's magic she just says, "Hey Siri!," and Siri says, "Unh Hunh," and my Mom asks a question and it talks to her. Now we need to get real serious. 

I do not have a Smart Watch Box, I hope to get one soon, Please use yours to Repost!

Not related to boxes but I would like a pair of Brain Glasses, except I would feel bad for Siri every time I said Alexa would you!

The fourth Picture is Me when my parents retired and moved to Nevada. All my toys and bowls were put away in a Moving Box and I was very afraid for my future. (Almost like now.) It was before the Pandemic, let us not forget how many millions of us died under Mr. Stumps improper management. Remember the, "In The Butt Cure. Honestly."

The Last is me arriving at my new home where everything is right and I am Queen again. I don't want to have to flee the country I love. Please repost so everyone can tell all their Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends, Children any Living Breathing Sentient Human Voting Creatures To Go Out And Vote! Drive your parents crazy until they Vote for Joe (Kamala), drive your neighbor to the polls, help fill out the elder citizens mail in ballot. Start a local group to encourage everyone to Speak Loud, Stand Tall and Be Heard (Please Don't give the tired and beleaguered poor hard working class citizens performing their Civic Duty a bottle of water in the voting line, Are you serious? Time for a positive change.) You Are Now A Citizen Of The Greatest Movement The World Will Have Ever Seen! Let Us Not Disappoint! We can do it with Absolute Resolve To Change The Status Quo With Love In Our Hearts! An Army of Youth If You Will Enlist!

Sincerely Mrs. Pete Peach (She, Her, Girl, Advice Columnist, Goliath Slayer)

We Won't Get Fooled Again, The Who

My Jump Box with my friend Bonnie

My Dad's Think Box 

My Mom's Talk Box

Me Scared and Lonely (Not Again Please)

 Mrs. Lonely Heart

Me As Queen As It Should Be!

Mrs. Pete Peach

Ask Mrs. Peach? How do we Combat The Assault On Women's Autonomy?

 Dear Mrs. Peach  


  I am at my wits end concerning the all out war against    women and their rights. What began as inequality in pay, has now morphed into a far greater assault on our general autonomy. It is not simply concerning everyday rights, it is now including our bodies and freedoms of choice. Truly, they want to take away my right of choice but they are also attempting not to allow IVF. This is now beyond believable. I fear greatly the change in leadership that would bring a new regime to America. The zealots that are in the wings are poised to gain control and power and further eliminate any choices we as Americans still have. They are organizations of thugs, anti woman hating miscreants and power tripping zealots. What are we as women of Intelligence, Compassion and Patriotism to do. Please, we desperately need your advice.

A Sister In Arms,

Dear, Sister

Heard! I understand and feel your pain. All the rights and progress you have fought so bravely for are now systematically being dismantled and revoked. It is now an all out war on women and women's autonomy. The reason for the shift is almost beyond my comprehension. These are issues that we thought had been decided and were ancient history. Since the beginning of my blog I have been at odds with the person whom I believe is behind the new war on women. We have had our disagreements and I have stated my immense dissatisfaction that he is even allowed to represent humanity in any way shape or form. Yes, I'm sure you have guessed it Mr. Strump. Let's just be clear the balding, ballooning, bigoted orange man himself who has come out and said he alone is responsible for overturning Roe v Wade is the culprit behind almost all of our woes and heartaches in America today. I can call him the Orange man because I am an adorable champagne toy poodle and adored by my minions and followers myself. They have encouraged me to step forward and to exercise my freedom of speech to prevent him from ever holding office in America again. It will take a serious effort on all our parts to prevent him from ever holding office again. We truly must become Brothers and Sisters in Arms or we will become refugees in search of a land of Freedom of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Let us not fall pray to the .Emperor in Search of his New Clothes. I am asking (No Pleading) All Gen Z, Gen X, Millennials along with the Boomers to Unite against the Common Enemy of the People and stop Mr.. Strump now and forever or loose the American Dream as we know and love it today. When someone tells you that they are chosen by God to represent you, YOU SHOULD BE WARY AND ALARMED. We are seriously being railroaded to Armageddon. Please take a moment to understand the absolute seriousness of this moment in History. I ask all of America to set aside their differences and to work together in Spirit. Mind, and Body to Defeat Mr. Strump!

The answer is simple while you may not like the alternative you are voting for it is imperative that you realize in order to win the war you must pick and choose your battles. This is one battle that is essential to win. I realize that Biden, Harris may not be the ticket of your choice but it is paramount that you understand they are compassionate loving creatures and they have your best interest and well being at heart. 

If you have been following my blog you will know that I have advised Kamala in the past and recommended that she step out of the box that her administration had tried to put her in. Where women's rights are concerned, I would trust Kamala to have my back before the back stabbing Mr. Strump. She does not talk about retribution and and imprisoning her political rivals or taking away their rights to IVF or preventing them from traveling to neighboring states to save the lives of mother's and daughters who are there for reasons of life saving abortions.

Finally, I have advised several other Political Parties to step forward and represent for women. I believe truly if you  truly are one of God's Chosen Ones it is Imperative to Stand and Allow your Voice to be Heard. We can no longer afford to be Silent Sheep. We must become the Leaders that the World is looking (N0 Desperately Seeking) for. I cannot express my fear and absolute horror in the fact that Mr. Strump would possibly be elected. I will Write, Speak, Publish, and Shout from the Mountain Tops that we must not allow this to happen. I am asking for the support of All Americans of Voting Age to make sure all your family and friends band together and vote. We need the Largest Grass Roots Movement ever seen in the United States Of America to Mobilize and Defeat the Tyrant Strump.

May God Be with All of Us and Bless Us in Our Divine Mission.

Mrs. Peach

Ask Mrs. Peach? What Is A Girl To Do In This New Anti-Woman American Mindset, What Style and Color Hat are you wearing to the Revolution? A Concerned Swiftie

Let The Woman's Revolution Begin!

 This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Dear Mrs. Peach, Seriously, are you kidding me with this new act attempting to discredit my endeavors to get my Swiftie's out to vote? I am amazed. Just when I thought I had seen everything, THIS! My question to you is. What is a girl to do in this new Anti-Woman American mindset, also What color hat are you wearing to the revolution? 

Sincerely, Concerned Swiftie

Dear Concerned Swiftie,

First, let me say I am an ardent fan of your leader. You might even say I am a Swiftie also. What she  has accomplished in life and how she conducts herself is beyond reproach in my humble opinion. Of course, I am a true Champagne Toy Poodle and receive a fair amount of adulation in my own right. My advice is,"You go girls!" Don't let them bring you down, you are greater than he ever will be. As you already have seen back in Lesson Six-The Art of Acceptance, I am no fan of Mr.Strump (My Pet Name- I won't give him the satisfaction of using his real name. After all he is the worst name caller in the Universe. I Know How About Mr Caligula?) If you recall in the last election I stood up for Kamala Harris when she was being picked on and made fun of for wearing a mask during the pandemic. I won't even begin to go into the millions of Americans that were killed and the untold suffering that was wrought upon the good citizens of this great country by the one and only, Mr. Strump. My lord I am still amazed that he is even allowed to run for an office. Like I told Kamala recently when we spoke, "Girl, you can't let them put you on a shelf. You were an integral part and a primary reason Joe Biden was elected. Then they attempted to silence your voice and make you the dutiful little Vice President You are sooo much more than that. You know better. We must not allow ourselves to be marginalized by this ever increasing attack on women." If I wasn't so pleased by the performance of this administration and how hard they have worked to overcome the complete incompetency and inaction of My Strump's Administration, I would be very angry with Joe now. I guess you can tell, my Sister, that you have touched a nerve with a hot poker, Girl. But poor Joe, while I love him dearly and applaud him for the great savior he and his team is. Its time to let the young folks lead. 

My Dear Swiftie! I do not condone violence, hatred, animosity (animalosity), insurrection, and just plain unkindness. One must not preach hatred of any kind, there is absolutely no room in this world for it. So forgive my violent tirade, I too am a work in progress. Stand tall and speak your truth. You are allowed as a Woman in America (at least for now) to have a voice and thoughts, although your autonomy concerning your womanhood is being questioned. When will the conscience of America wake up from the deep sleep it is presently in? I know you try to use your gifts and your platform for good and noble deeds and if they thought they could get away with it they would burn you at the stake in front of the Lincoln Memorial (the second most picked on President, hey at least History tells us they had real witches in Salem) like Joan of Arc! Stem the rising tides, of American Armaggeddon's, turn back the raging sea's of radical extremisms blasphemies, spewing from the cauldron's tended by the World's Aristocracies. Yes it is time for all of us to stand up and be counted. We are with you Concerned Swiftie. We can proudly stand in our Glorious Womanhood and shout from the Highest Mountain! The Revolution is Now! When is the Revolution! The Revolution is Now! This is not a Revolution of Violence. It is the Revolution of Mind, Body and Spirit through Music, Poetry and Prose. We are here in mass and are ready to be seen and heard. For every great movement in the world there is a catalyst that ignites the flame that begins to burn until it becomes a sweeping raging storm of change. (A Cultural Revolution) That time is now, I do not fear Mr Strump. They don't call me Giant Pete for my stature. I with my sling and trusty pebble will Let Fly my words and slay the Giant! Like The Emperor's New Clothes the entire World will be laughing at his pudgy butt! (Ha, I said pudgy butt for everyone to hear!) Public sentiment will go against him and he will be defeated. To all  Swiftie's and all young people who are abandoning Joe, we need to get out and Vote and we will Let our Voices be raised and our Spirits shine brighter than the torch lit for liberty.

It is like my blogs with JillMichelle Liz and Barack when you are truly one of God's Chosen Leaders you must step forward and let your voice be heard for all of those that are oppressed and unable to speak.

Yours in Sisterhood

Mrs. Pete Peach

My Favorite Anthem, Only The Young, Taylor Swift

Thank You for your wonderful soul and music. 

You have the support and love of Write My Fire.

Which style and color hat do you like for our revolution?

My Preference is the Ariana Fascinator Hot Pink and Red Hat. It's the name of my best friend ever!

I think the Amelia Nude and Navy Blue Goes for you. Next we will have to have Jill, Kamala, Liz, and Michelle choose theirs.

Sometimes I just like to identify with the people here are several head shots. I'm so torn I'm not sure which look would go?

Happy Valentine's to you and yours. I would like for you to use your Talk Boxes, Think Boxes and Smart Watch Boxes and we will accomplish what we did for Barack and elect the first Woman President. You should pick a hat and let the best woman throw it in the ring.

Happy 28th Saint Valentine"s Day Anniversary to Kathleen a  Siren from an emerald sea with a lullaby as sweet as Fireweed Honey
from a Phoenix Rising from the mountain ashes and a tale of the love of a Colorado Belle.   Love Joseph

Ask Mrs. Peach? Should I Run For The Office Of The Presidency?

  Ask Mrs. Pete Peach?

This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of  a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Dear Mrs. Peach,
As you may well have noticed the coming Presidential Elections are becoming somewhat of a serious matter. The fate of our nation (I dare say the World!) hang in the balance. These are the ever dangerous times of confusion, disillusion, deceit and trickery. I have steadfastly declared that I have no intentions of running for the office of the President of the United States of America. My time in the White House with Barack is well documented and I have spoken at great length regarding the pitfalls and actual perils of the position and sequestration it entails. There is a growing movement among many in power to persuade me to step forward and toss my hat into the ring. The climate of American Politics is that of derisive antagonistic bickering and backstabbing that has little or nothing to do with Politics. There is a great deal of posturing and chest pounding, decrying their philosophies. What would your sage advice be regarding this matter? 
Yours in Indecision,
Michelle Obama

My Dearest Michelle,
May I first take a moment and Thank You and your Husband Barack Obama for your dedication and service to the American People. 
This is very difficult as the line between personal sacrifice and sacrifice for the betterment of society looms large. You are trained and prepared for the job with your education and former background there is no denying your competency. Especially concerning the major economical and socio-economical challenges we are facing. Dare I mention Eagle Pass and the Border fiasco looming large. I truly believe that you, especially as a woman accustomed to creating solutions rather than excuses could focus your attention on the issue. Razor wire and those large floaty things do not come immediately to mind when I think of your thought processes. A new Ellis Island type Immigration Station, where qualified immigrants could be welcomed and moved to facilities set up for training and qualification orientation. Developing their desire to help America and become a productive member of the working class to insure a future for their family and our nation.

The singularly greatest consideration would be the question of Divine Destiny. Only you, after deep soul searching could decide if you are ready to accept the role you have been Divinely prepared for. Do you step forward at great risk and peril? The American Nation, dare I say, the Entire World is looking for a leader of Great Moral Standing and Fortitude who will stand up against Falsehood, and Blasphemy. You alone are the keeper of your thoughts where your families safety and well being is concerned. The road would not be and easy one. Your calmness and insight is desperately needed and lacking in our Present Leaders and World Geo-Political Systems. May you be Supremely Guided in your most difficult hour.
Mrs. Pete Peach

P.S. Your wonderful husband would make an incredible First Man. He could sing to me anytime! (I-I am so in love with him!)

4-Ask Mrs. Peach? How Can We Best Educate Our Children, and Curb the Alarming Trend of Cancel Culture in America Today,? First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden

Ask Mrs. Peach?

This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

 Dear Mrs. Peach,

There is so much misinformation being spread about Education in America Today. The indiscriminate banning of books that have been accepted reading for generations of Americans are now being denied a place in our culture by closed and narrow minded individuals. How can we curb the alarming trend of Cancel Culture In America Today! First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden?

Dear First Lady, Dr Jill Biden,

First things first, You must not be disheartened by their delusion. The inability of those that are misguided to understand Truth is Universal. How can we educate those that already think that they are the Enlightened and The Chosen Ones, (They are certainly annoying to those of us that are.) The fact that they espouse their Radical Extremism Ideals and are ignorant of the simplest of Human Truths is truly frightening. We cannot be deterred in our mission to teach Acceptance. Ignorance has become bliss as George Orwell predicted. Double Speak is the Method of delivering their message. Change the narrative and accuse  the Innocent of Unspeakable Atrocities. We have quickly become a Society of Grievances. No longer do we look for common grounds to work with one another to accomplish difficult goals. We isolate along party and societal lines. This must end. 

The Administration that you are a part of has taken difficult and complex issues and to a great degree solved them. Thank you for seeing that the right individuals have been placed in the proper places of Authority to make intelligent and educated decisions concerning our greatest problems. We must focus our hearts and minds to the advancement of awareness. The ability to remain open to new ideas and new ways of dealing with our problems is priority number one. We do not live in the Age of Darkness. We are living in a New Age of Enlightenment. Yet more minds are closed and determined to revert to Darkness than ever before. If we are to provide any Future for our children we must let our voices be raised and heard above the din of the rhetoric that is being presented to us. Now is not the time for shrinking violets. We need to step forward and be heard. Speak until they listen! 

In conclusion I would like to reissue my challenge for the 2026 Winter Olympic Games in Cortina d'Ampezza in Italy. I believe all Children of the Nations that will be participating should create Letters, Poems, Songs, Dances, Works of Art of All Imaginable Types and submit them to the Olympic Organizing Committee. The Theme should be. What does Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness mean to you? My submission will be, The Quest for the Mountain Pearl ( Short Story Collection), The Lure of the Mountain King ( Coming of Age, Novel), The Last of The American Poets (Short Story- The Teacher's Crusade). Please Join Me In My Quest To Touch The Sky!

Mrs. Pete Peach (She, Her, Adorable Girl, Chosen One)


AskMrs. Peach? How May I Help? Barack Obama

This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Dear Mrs. Peach, 
     I have decided to use my platform as a former President of the United States to further the enlightenment of humanity. Michelle and I have opened our hearts and minds to help teach society as a collective that they need not suffer and endure the delusion of Maya and the forms of ignorance that it brings. My question to you would be, How may we be empowered by our creator to accomplish this?
Barack Obama

Dear Barack,
     First and foremost I must recognize the great truth that you have already imparted to the masses. Indeed you are never recognized as a prophet in your own country. This since time began is a simple but absolute truth. The World sees and understands that you have been placed on this Earth to bring Enlightenment and Awareness to the Multitude of Lost Souls. You do this by the way you take complicated issues and create teachable learning exercises with great candor, honesty and humility. The World truly sees this and we all long for the sanity of thought and purpose that you represent amidst the chaos that is present day America. 

   My humble advice would be to remind Society as a collective, to be of service. Service first is the great lesson that I have gleaned from your great example. America as a whole would do well to incorporate in its thinking the thoughts of how we as citizens can find ways to work together. Unfortunately a prior entity, of which I have crossed swords with in the past, (Regarding Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in a former lesson), has unleashed, Pandora's Box of evils, sickness, death, turmoil, strife, jealousy, hatred, famine and passion-curses and general vileness upon a gullible and unsuspecting group of deluded souls. I am not just referring to the ignorance of the masses but also to that of the Legislating Bodies. Sad, but all too true. However, a great fact that is often overlooked in the the retelling of the Greek Myth is that the only entity left in Pandora's Box was Hope and that is where you shine. Hope is still available to the masses and you are the catalyst to unleash it (Again).
     The great dilemma that society faces is how to stem the rising tides of extremism and turn the hearts and minds of disillusioned impoverished, and disadvantaged souls into productive willing participants in the experience that is democracy. Unification through common goals that is America only seems to work under times of duress, like war. The Pandemic only seemed to turn America into a group of dying, bickering, sick, isolated unreasonable idiots. The chaos that was the Leadership had everything to do with this. At the risk of inciting the wrath of those that still cling to the Great Lies that were perpetuated by the Greatest Liar that History will ever know, I like you, am compelled to speak the absolute truth and to risk the consequences. (Extreme Consequences for those that Speak The Truth!)
     My final thought would be to remind those that are seeking and those that are lost to turn your thoughts inward and to understand that through the help of your Father who is always with you, that with his help, and guidance and your perseverance your goals and dreams can and will be attained. Dispel the negativity that has been wrought by those willing to be easily led by False Prophets and cling to the Absolute Truth of The True Enlightened Masters. 

Ask Mrs.Peach? How Does A Woman Respond To False Accusations Of Character? Liz Cheney Wilson, Wyoming 

This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Dear Mrs. Peach, 
I am a representative in an exclusive group of elected officials and am of good moral standing. Here is my question.?I was recently appointed second chair of a very important select commission. Unfortunately the topic of the investigation was responsible for the greatest attempt at a Coup and Insurrection against our Freedom and Liberty that America has ever seen. To further complicate the situation his associates have declared an all out war on Women and Women’s Rights to choose concerning the Sovereignty of their Own Bodies and Reproductive Systems. They are attempting to deny women the access to Birth Control to further complicate the situation. I felt so strongly about the Insurrection that I assumed the lead. However it has come at a great personal expense to me. I have been removed from any positions of importance and am denied the ability of seeking re-election. How does a woman respond to false accusations to their character?


Dear Liz
Stay Strong and Stand Tall! Haters are going to hate! All is going to Work Out Well! Trust in yourself!
When I was Identifying as Giant , I wrote Lesson 6, The Art of Acceptance in the Time of the Coronavirus, I set forth a challenge to produce a work of Art for the Winter Olympics in Beijing, China. explaining what Life, Liberty and the The Pursuit of Happiness means to me.The Mountain Pearl,a collection of short stories and poetry, set in the Mountains of North America was published by Write My Fire and enjoyed by thousands over the course of the Olympic Games.(Lessons 75-91, A Children’s Crusade, A Book of Redemption.)
Trust in the Miracle of Love! Like you, I still love America from “Sea to Shining Sea!!” You will see the advice that I gave to Kamala Harris (She is one of my heroes for her accomplishments in a male dominated world. Along with You and Cassidy Hutchinson.) She was being bullied by the very same bully that is the subject of your investigation. My advice to her was to stand strong. Wear her mask because she is a beautiful shining light of a Woman and Sisterhood and if she had any doubts about life to read a soon to be “Banned Book Classic, The Emperor's New Clothes"  to completely understand the actor she was involved with. Kamala persevered and became Vice President, as you well know. She should not allow the men who she aided in being elected to Silence her brave strong voice.
She rose above her setback to become a role model for millions of young women. Sometimes our greatest obstacles in life become our greatest opportunities for advancement and success. Perhaps this is the time to toss your Cowgirl Hat in the Presidential Arena? You are articulate, intelligent, and extremely brave as you have demonstrated. The 2020’s will be known as the decade of the Woman. 

I would like to Identify as Giant again and make a Modest Proposal. If you will continue to persevere against the onslaught of Injustices that are being directed at you by your party and constituents and consider your calling to a higher office....
I will attempt to publish,The Coronavirus Writings - A Journey into Self- Realization. I propose to complete my novels and short stories, The Quest for the Mountain Pearl, ( Collection Of Short Stories), The Last American Poet (A Teacher's Crusade), and Uncle Albert's Mountain (A Coming of Age, Novel), in time for the Winter Olympics set in Cortina D’ Ampezzo for the 2026 Games.

I learned from my time on our Equine Rescue Ranch that in a herd when (usually the males) are acting up the Mares will just turn their backs and ignore them. If they persist watch out because then they will let fly both hind hooves. Of course, you being a wonderful horse woman, already know this and your back is turned. Turn away and don't ever look back.

My Mom proposed a Unification next for All Women for a Great Abstinence. She proposes it be a day. (Me-Or Several days, possibly weeks). She said get their attention, shut down the  fun factory. Time to stop this nonsense. We control our bodily autonomy.

Mrs. Peach Say's, 
"No more side saddle."

Mrs. Pete’s Prediction:
From July 2, 2020 
A Big Bully will pick on a Small Champagne Poodle. 
He will just have to do it. 
My Mom schooled me on Narcissism.

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