Gandy Man


For Craig Sweem

Thank You for Introducing Me to the Big Horns

And Sheridan Wyoming




 Gandy Dancer


cold, hard, heavy,

steel sings, ring.


Gandy Man,

blisters upon your hands,

understand life’s lot.


Blue, so very god damned blue,

is the color that I choose,

just a starrin down at my tattered,

hiking shoes.



grey is the color of my pants,

as yet one more,

of they’re working ants.


Writing my poems by the light

of a kerosene lamp,

my arms too tired,

to slide under my pillow,

looking toward another day closer

to a future filled with great white hope,

but a night time filled warding off

the smell of industrial soap.


Blue Sky Mine, Midnight Oil


An Alone Poem


I was all alone

at Kendricks Crossing, Wyoming

sitting Indian style on the rough wood

of a Burlington Northern Railroad

flat bed car.


Discussing life with an itinerant hobo,

when he jumped up and left

a half empty pail of rail spikes

along with his hammer.


For the beckoning call

of an open door

on a Burlington Northern/Santa Fe rail car.


Leaving me alone

to watch the sunsets

silhouetted against the ridges of the Big Horns.


Dying with the dull aching

in the muscles of my arms

between the lines

of one of my powder snow poems.


Written in Sheridan, Wyoming


Disco Bars


I am

just a child

of the sun, moon, and stars.

Sitting with my

Rattlesnake skin rimmed Stetson hat in

Buffalo Bill’s Disco Bar.


Life in a Northern Town, The Dream Academy


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