Inspirational Healing Verses Based On SRF Daily Meditations (The Covid Writings) Volume III


 Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

Avoidance is the lack of the ability to confront a situation, place, person or time. There is an inherent quality to individuals who are willing to pick up the yoke and carry the load. In mountaineering, there is a fixed goal. The Summit is the place or the destination. Often as you are climbing you can look at the terrain and surrounding slopes and feel that your are summiting. In reality it is often a false summit or as in life a falsehood. Who would be the wiser to the fact that you did not reach the lofty goal of the attainment of the Top. You and your creator is the only answer. One must be true to oneself, no matter what the cost. To state or fix a goal and to not be willing to expend the effort and time to obtain the goal is failure. In the Mountains Nature Draws a Razors Thin Edge of Existence, you must accept the challenge and conquer nature or it will have forever conquered you. Writing is a challenge but through exercises and constant work even it may be summited! If you knew you had an appointment one that was written not by you, but for you, would you keep it? When you make the decision the vision becomes the release!

 Blazing Your Own Trail

 “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

There are many sayings involving your path in life. All of which contain a pearl of wisdom regarding your choices as to how to find your way. Find that which motivates you and would provide you with your greatest satisfaction in life. Live life for the betterment of yourself and others. Serve humanity in way the uplifts spirits and in turn your spirit and life will be uplifted.
Do not be obligated to follow the maddening crowd for they often are mindless followers. Be of your own mind and fortitude. You create your own destiny in life by your actions or inactions. Set your sights on the accomplishments of far reaching goals and work daily toward the achievement of them. The beaten path is truly for 
beaten people!

      May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.

Edward Abbey

     Do not follow a path, go instead and leave a trail. An old saying that has been quoted for time in memorial. The quote that has always drawn my attention is the Beaten Path is for Beaten People. Be a pioneer in life. Climb your own mountains and choose your own routes. For me writing has always been a double edged sword. It is my passion and my nemesis. To write one must be sedentary and face a blank page or a computer screen. The quote that has always helped me is In The Mountains Nature Draws A Razors Thin Edge of Existence. If You Accept It And Step Over It You Must Conquer It Or It Will Forever Conquer You. Move forward in your path toward the culmination of your trail. Writing a blog helps me write. My Collection of stories is being submitted. My blogs make me sit and compose and write. It has allowed me to complete writing projects and ideas and stories and novels have abounded in my mind and on my pages. Meditating regularly clearing my mind and thoughts striving for a greater purpose in life has allowed for the transformation from talking about completing my writing and meditations. If you don't know how to meditate or are not sure how to begin. The Self Realization Lessons are a wonderful place to start. The Autobiography Of A Yogi changed my life in ways that were incomprehensible to me at the Time.

Why Must We Meditate

  We must meditate to attain deep faith, After we received the first contact of God, we should then seek to develop the contact into a greater consciousness. That is what Jesus asked everyone to do. He wanted them to receive his omnipresent consciousness. And that is what Paramahansaji teaches. He brings us God and all he asks is that we receive.- Rajarsi Janakananda, "Rajarsi Janakananda: Great Western Yogi"

In God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita a spiritual text filled with wisdom about life and purpose  as well as powerful advice on living virtuously but authentically without succumbing to life's temptations or other people's dreams you will understand the reason to meditate to know God. The first time that you know (Talk With) God you may be overwhelmed. My fist time was skiing Arapahoe Basin in Colorado (13,050ft.) I had just fallen several hundred feet down a headwall after jumping off the hanging cornice that is along the traverse to the Pallavicini (before the Pali Lift, 1978) another skier cut in front of me and I caught the tails of his skis with the tips of mine. I began performing tip rolls down the steep face and every time I came back up on my skis I thought, I would break my neck burying my head in the deep powder on the next roll. After what seemed like an eternity of rolls I was able to throw myself on to my side to stop the rolls. I stood shakily resting on my poles with my knees knocking together and took stock of my well being. To my surprise I was unhurt. In my mind, I had crossed the line, the line in the mountains that if you step over it, you will die. Standing there shaking I asked God, "What do you want of me?" I was twenty-five with no direction.The answer came as clearly as if I had been in a conversation with you, "Be A Teacher!" In my bewilderment I don't think I grasped what fully happened. It was beyond my comprehension what the reality of what it was. I climbed and skied all over the U.S. and Canada many times in my life after, but it always remained in my mind what God had spoken to me. Enrolling in writing classes I was to meet my Mentor and work many years with her in my skills. (The Subject of Waltzing With Rhada.) It wasn't until a Writing Conference in Telluride that I would meet my Guru (Gurdev Paramahansa Yogananda) in the form of The Autobiography of a Yogi and begin my Journey into Self-Realization. Through Meditation and Spiritual Awareness would I understand what God wanted of me all those years ago. I write ( now at 70) because I was told to "Teach" and while I didn't understand it then, I do now and in the coming weeks, months and years up to the 2026 Winter Olympics I will not be silent as to the happenings of the world. Especially Education and Starvation of Peoples and Children (Both Figuratively and Literally), there will be no more Silence!

Mere-Gurudev, Krishna Das

Lord Krishna, Om Namah Shivaya, Krishna Das

Attuning Your Will To Divine Will

      If we allow our will to be led by the wisdom of a master, whose will is led by God's, the master then seeks to guide our will in such a way that we travel swiftly on the road back to divinity. The chief difference between a worldly man and a saint is that the wise man has attuned his will to the Divine Will.  Rajarsi Janakananda: "Great Western Yogi"

     Everything in Life is obtained from the Divine. Man's will is errant if not tuned to the Divine. You must align your will with a master. It is said that when you are ready for the master, one will come to you. Do not delay on your path to your self-realization. The rewards are great and the path narrow and difficult. It does not mean that one should not aspire for it. Masters appear when the chela is ready for them. It does not mean that you need to seek a Spiritual Master. It may be in the form of a Mentor, business, personal, writing, sports, or health. Be open in this time of great change and awakenings. Do not be of a narrow mindset. Great change is not without great effort. Is your future worth it?

Accomplishing Great And Heroic Deeds Through Great And Heroic Thoughts

     “Nurture your mind with great thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes.”

– Benjamin Disraeli

     We have said in the past and need to restate the premise. In order to accomplish great deeds, one must first dream of accomplishing them. You must be willing to step up be heard and be counted as one who is willing to attempt heroic deeds. Why should I? You say. Do we really want to be the society that sits back and watches the fall of the American Empire? Our cornerstone of survival must be our words through books, blogs, letters and speaking. Silence can no longer be accepted. We must protest the very stealing of our Nation and our Liberties. While I believe in Civil Disobedience, I do not believe in violence as a means to the ends of social change. Social Change can be achieved through peaceful protests and Social Education of the masses. Nothing can be accomplished if we continue to hide our heads in the sands and allow others to make our important decisions in our lives.
     The Great Thoughts and Great Deeds are the Foundation of a Great Nation. Stand up and again be We The People. Hope you join us!

Opening The Portals Of Limitations

    With the opening of the New Year, all the closed portals of limitations will be thrown open and I shall move through them to vaster fields, where my worthwhile dreams of life will be fulfilled. Behold, through the gates of the New Year, the distant variegated decorations of future achievements glimmering at you and daringly luring you to give pursuit. Simply watching them with the hope of accomplishment will not count. You must start racing calmly at top speed, performing miracles of greater speed on the way, armed with divine determination against the robbers of mental and physical idleness, lack of creative ability, doubt, fear, despondency, and bad habits.” 

--- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Self-Realization Magazine"

     Strive to be like the butterfly emerging from it's cocoon and greeting a strange new wonderful world. All life changes and grows before your eyes. Open your heart and your mind to new and fascinatingly extravagant dreams for your loved ones and yourself. We are all emerging from the darkness into a new period of light and divine cooperative being as explained by Swami Sri Yuketswar Giri in The Holy Science. It is time for all religions to set aside differences and work together for our planetary survival, well being and health. It is a goal well worth reaching for in the New Year. Be gone the old mindset and archaic beliefs. Be open to the change of The Renaissance that is before us. We are moving into a period of tremendous new awarenesses. Be vigilante of the fraudulent archetype deceivers they abound since the opening of Pandora's Box. The good will win out and we will once again move toward attitudes of sharing, caring, help, and love. The evil that has pervaded the world will once again be driven from our ether. Let us Hope the Veil of Maya will no longer cloud our leaders minds and shroud the future of us as a Society. We by enlightening ourselves shall be the beacons for the Children, to usher in a Brave New World!

Adopting The Truth Of The Masters

      The truth is, that which you want is with you all the time, closer than hands or feet. Any moment it may lift you above the world and personal depression. Wait patiently for Him.-Sri Gyanamata, "God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint"

     What we need is already in our midst. Use all of your senses and abilities to move forward with whatever your needs are. You can and will get that job. You will find a way to pay the mortgage. Do not despair it is a useless emotion that will serve you no purpose. It is easy for one to sit and say you must double your efforts, you must go the extra mile. The truth is what is the alternative of not trying harder raising your head higher, asking for more time to pull things together. Honesty and effort go hand and hand! We will see our way through this Pandemic. The darkest hours are now and we will overcome them.

Overcoming Despair

      The feeling of despair is real and overwhelming. It invades your being and your home and your family. It is all pervasive and earth shattering. We have nowhere to go an no place to hide. We are prisoners of our own country and the inaction of our leaders. Do other Nations talk and say we feel so bad for the suffering and dying in America. It is outrageous and unbelievable. We are beyond the pale of reason and understanding. We write out of anger, compassion, and belief in humankind to overcome any obstacle or suffering in its path. This is a life long commitment. Where we once were silent, we speak. We shall continue to speak and blog and post and publish and see and say and speak of freedom, Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness for the real American Dream until the dirt is dropped upon our graves. Despair needs to be turned into action. Despair can be overcome, let it be a motivating factor for all of us. We can no longer be cowering in our homes. Now is the time to come out After The Time Of The Coronavirus and stand tall and be heard. Time to completely change the narrative to flights of fantasy, joy, happiness and health for the coming New Year.

Clearing The Veil Of Maya




    the supernatural power wielded by gods and demons to produce illusions.
      the power by which the universe becomes manifest; the illusion or appearance of the phenomenal world.

  2. The art of deception appears to be rampant in the world today. There is virtually no way to disseminate truth from lies or deceit. The goal of the powers that be are illusion and confusion. We are gullible lambs living and reacting day by day like puppets dancing to the masters of the bait and switch. It is up to each of us as individuals to listen to the voice deep inside of us to determine what is and is not the truth. Do not be lead by false prophets and fake leaders. We are being bamboozled in mass at the time of our greatest fears and insecurity. We are each responsible for our own truths and not to be just parrots of deception and untruths. When you were young did you ever play the game of whispering a truth or saying in the ear of a friend and have them in turn whisper to another and another, by the time you arrive at the end of the chain the final statement is nothing like the original. We must have truth as the cornerstone to live bye.

Sing The Song Of Self Realization

      Coax Christ today with songs and the devotion of your heart, and then coax him with your deepening Self-Realization. With all the intensity of your zeal and inner perception, merge your consciousness in the happiness within. Forget Time. When you feel joy spreading within you, realize that Christ is hearing your song. You are not identified with Christ if your concentration is merely on the words. But if your joy is singing within, Christ is listening to you. Paramahansa Yogannada, "Self-Realization Magazine"

     This is going to be a long and difficult journey into self-realization. Nothing worth while in life ever comes easily. More often than not the road is unlit and filled with obstacles, creating impossible circumstances on yur path to enlightenment. Do not Fear. Put your faith in your God, and the ability of mankind to survive and once again thrive. It is easy to say the words but much harder to walk the walk and talk the talk in the face of the adversities that are our reality. Concentrate on yourself right now, right here, where you are today and make the supreme effort to self-realization. You and your father are one and whatever that your father has is yours. It can be yours today if you strive to be the best of your best now. Tomorrow is the dream and can be fulfilled by a well lived and introspective day today. We all remember hard times of the past and our triumphant efforts to overcome them. We can and we will get to the other side. You can be a self-actualized and self-realized master of your own destiny if you make the effort right now!

Karmically Coming Out The Other Side

 "I am Death the Destroyer of all, the source of what will be, the feminine powers: Fame, Fortune, Speech, Memory, Intelligence, Resolve, Patience." Bhagavad Gita, Fragments Of Divine Power.

     “I will be calmly active, actively calm. I am a prince of peace, sitting on the throne of poise, directing the kingdom of my activity.”

— Paramahansa Yogananda

The Law of Karma is absolute in its completeness, and often swift in its action and or reaction. After the Celestial Event of today the world will change. Times are moving in the direction of positivity. We will triumph. We will excel. I am a man alone I have picked rocks from farm fields, we are men together we can move mountains. Now is not the time for inaction. action must be swift and resourceful. Be prudent in your progress but move forward with great haste. Lesser men in Station have accomplished far greater deeds when the needs arose!

Embracing The Gift Of The Magi

      Remember when we were Kings! It wasn’t that long ago. We will be again. Believe in this. Jupiter and Saturn align with one another every 20 years or so but never as close as they will in 2020. It is the closest they will have been in 400 years, and they have not been visible, at night in over 800 years. It is the Winter Solstice the shortest day of the year, the beginning of Winter. The opportunity to see the once-in-a-lifetime star. It is commonly called the Christmas Star or the "Star of Bethlehem" The Star that the three wise men followed to deliver their gifts to the newborn Christ Child. The Magi came to honor the newborn King. The significance in this celestial happening should not escape us in this time of new miracles. It is a miracle that we have new vaccines and they are being distributed to front line workers and our older population. Do not let this miracle go without at least a small passing acknowledgement. This should be a Celestial Celebration of Epic Proportions during these very difficult times. We will soon move forward from our times of trouble to our times of prosperity and plenty. This must be the Mantra we speak for what we speak we become. What we are moving forward to is now in our own hands, It is no longer the fact that your leaders have the slightest interest in your well being. There can be no dispute that we have been left to die and starve alone without support or care. We no longer accept this as a condition for us to live by. This is a time of great upheaval and change. A great awakening of Spirit and Hope will accompany our Renaissance as we move into the Post Covid Era. We need to be both prepared and willing to do things differently to assure a greater future for all. This will no longer be business as usual, politics as usual. Things will and must change for our survival. We hope to be right alongside you in this transition leading the way.

Finding Everlasting Happiness

     Lift your eyes and concentrate within. Behold the astral star of divine wisdom and let the wise thoughts in you follow that telescopic star to behold the Christ everywhere. In the land of everlasting Christmas, of festive omnipresent Christ Consciousness, you find Jesus, Krishna, the saints of all religions, the great guru-preceptors waiting to give you a divine floral reception of everlasting happiness. Paramahansa Yogannada Metaphysical Meditations

     The narrative has shifted can you feel it? It is in the air, in the ether, in the space formally occupied by the virus. It is called Everlasting Hope and it is alive and well among us and in us. It is a time of rebirth like the Christ Child within each of us. Do not have Fear any longer. Fear is no longer productive, positive thinking and positive affirmations are what we need to help us move forward out of the great darkness that we have been entrenched in. We are not yet out of the terrible times that have descended upon us, but we are standing in the light with our outstretched hands. We are no longer beggars in blackness but effervescent beings of light, hope, and prosperity. We are celebrating our survival and fortitude during the time of extreme crisis. We cannot be held down. We refuse to be defeated and with and attitude of cooperation and brotherly and sisterly love we will move out of the time of trial into the time of good fortune and prosperity that lies within our grasp. Reach for the Golden Ring and you will attain it. Do not be disillusioned by the news of today that will soon be tomorrows sad memories. Build faith where there is despair. We cannot and will not be held down. We are a Nation of survivors and achievers and together we can attain any goal that we set for our Citizens and Country. Now is the time for the heroes and heroines that have been toiling in obscurity and silence to step forward and be given the accolades they deserve. We as a people have always persevered and triumphed. Know that we will again!

Creating Miracles For Your Success

 Thought is the matrix of all creation; thought created everything. If you hold on to that truth with indomitable will, you can materialize any thought. Nothing may truly be said to be a "miracle" except in the profound sense that everything is a miracle. That each of us is encased in an intricately organized body, and is set upon an earth whirling through space among the stars — is anything more commonplace? or more miraculous? (aoy) -- Read more:

Miracles do appear in the strangest of places. Just when you are convinced all hope is lost the day is saved. When you realize that you are the creator of the miracle in conjunction of the will of your father for you than you can truly know self-realization. Anything that you can dream is possible for you to achieve. Do not settle for the mundane in your life. Reach for the distant stars with a will and mind that is unwavering. You will not be denied, all things are possible once you align your will with Divine Will. How can I do this you ask? Prepare your self through daily exercise and meditation. The Energization exercises of Self-Realization Fellowship and Lessons will prepare your mind, body and spirit. Remember the absolute Law of Success. It is when proper preparation meets opportunity. You will not be denied the miracle you desire if you fix your gaze on your father and envision with all your being the success you desire.  

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