Inspirational Healing Verses Based On SRF Daily Meditations (The Covid Writings) Volume V

Exercising The Memories Of The Past Present And Future

 I find my earliest memories covering the anachronistic features of a previous incarnation. Clear recollections came to me of a distant life, a yogi amidst the Himalayan snows. These glimpses of the past, by some dimensionless link, also afforded me a glimpse of the future.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Do you ever have the memories of distant or future incidents. a sense of having previously belonged or an inkling of what will be? How do child prodigies write complicated symphonies or solve complex equations? My belief is that of reincarnation as mystics have for centuries discussed. the interest in past life experiences are relevant in your life today. You are free to believe or not to believe. I choose to believe. 

All things in the world today are often stated as absolutes. The parties of all politicians believe their platforms are righteous and true, yet death, suffering, iniquity, and starvation seem to be the by product of their regimes. It is beyond comprehension that humanity is able to move forward and progress at all with the thinking and mentality that is present. We must realize that our resources and the earth that we live on are limited in the destruction and devastation that man inflicts upon it. Open your heart and your mind to change and growth today. No longer be constrained by the darkness of Maya and the deceit it brings. Look to the future! Become the Mystic on the Mountain! You are yogi of your own life, use this power wisely. Act today to make life a better tomorrow for all, not just to increase your own fortunes, but to increase the fortunes of all. Yes Yogananda! We have spent our lifetimes in the mountains of North America and are saddened at the state of our atmosphere, water, earth and the drastic change in our climate. We have watched our glaciers, rivers, streams, lakes and National Treasures disappear. The time of silence has come and gone. It is now time to shout from the highest climbs of the world to stop the madness and mayhem! The rant of Today is to take up arms (not necessarily armaments), pens, banners, podcasts, blogs, posts, and print. If you wish for your children and your children's children to have a world to live in you must speak now or forever hold your voice. Be the Voice of Reason

 Seeking Positivity And Light

 "The last portion of life is more important than the first, because what you are at the end of this life is what you will be at the beginning of the next."

- Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda 
(Man's Eternal Quest)

     Strive to be the best that you can be. It isn't always easy being your best in the face of adversity. Adversity makes the man or woman. To accomplish great deeds in this world, one must first aspire to accomplish them. Never has a person of achievement accepted the mundane of life. It is difficult in the Time of Coronavirus to see beyond the fray that is our world today. There is the beginnings of a great shift in the light of the world. It may not seem to you that there is the light at the end of the tunnel. It is there and it is getting brighter. Find small ways to improve your mental acuity. Find ways to find ways to just live. However small your accomplishment today is celebrate Today. Tomorrow is just that, it is in your plus column not in your debit. How can I be my very best today. What is it that I can do to move forward. If your sending out resumes and finding nothing but rejection find it in your positive soul to send out more. Amidst a sea of no's it will only take one yes. These are desperate and extremely trying times. You do not need to be reminded of the sorrow and suffering surrounding you. It is evident and pervasive. Know that there are leaders and people out there doing all that they can to change the narrative. It is always the darkest in the tunnel just before you see the light at the end of it. Stay strong and stay positive there is a caring world and population that wants to see you get through this.

I am submerged in eternal light. It permeates every particle of my being. I am living in that light. The Divine Spirit fills me within and without.

~Paramahansa Yogananda 

Exercising Effort

You should increase the strength of your body and then increase the strength of your mind. The best way to increase mental power is to try to accomplish something worthwhile every day. Choose some worthy task or project that you have been told you could not do, and try to do it. Each day strive to accomplish something that you have always thought you could not accomplish.
~ Sri Paramahansa Yogananda,

Effort, supreme effort is the precursor to accomplishing great feats. Nothing in life comes without sacrifice. The sacrifice of time, energy, effort, their is no substitute for the old adage of just try. If you do not attempt to scale the heights, than the mountain top is never attainable. It can't be conquered. The premise In the Mountains Nature draws a razor thin edge of existence you either accept the challenge and conquer it or it will forever conquer you. Men for ages have accepted and attempted the challenge. Whatever your challenge is you must conquer it. Today walking out into the world is a challenge. Putting food on the table, paying your rent or your bills. The act of eating and surviving is an absolute challenge. Conquer them. You are a divine creature of your father. You must remember that I and my father are one and all things my father hath are mine. Inherently you were meant to succeed. Success is a natural state and attainable to all who desire it. You all ready have it. Your birth assured you of it. You are a child of abundance and joy. Recognize the reality and conquer the fear that is holding you back.

Explore Natural Wonders

  "Drink water from the spring where horses drink. The horse will never drink bad water.  Lay your bed where the cat sleeps. Eat the fruit that has been touched by a worm.  Boldly pick the mushroom on which the insects sit.  Plant the tree where the mole digs.  Build your house where the snake sits to warm itself.  Dig your fountain where the birds hide from heat. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time with the birds – you will reap all of the days golden grains.  Eat more green – you will have strong legs and a resistant heart, like the beings of the forest.  Swim often and you will feel on earth like the fish in the water.  Look at the sky as often as possible and your thoughts will become light and clear.  Be quiet a lot, speak little – and silence will come in your heart, and your spirit will be calm and full of peace.”

 Saint Seraphim of Sarov

Nature is talking to you, are you listening?

     Find solace in nature. In time of Coronavirus explore your nature trails in your state. Local Parks and State parks are open In Nevada. Check your local State Parks, now is a good time to find the beauty of your local surroundings. Explore your Natural Wonders, America is full of beauty.

Learn To Accept Your Divine Transformation

     I beheld a great blue valley encircled by mountains that shimmered jewel-like. Around opalescent peaks vagrant mists sparkled. A river of silence flowed by, diamonds bright.
     And there I saw, coming out of the depths of the mountains, Jesus and Krishna walking hand in hand- the Christ who prayed by the river Jordan and the Chirst-na who played a flute by the river Yuma.
     They baptized me in the radiant waters; my soul melted in the fathomless depths.
     Everything began to emit astral flames. My body and the forms of Christ and Krishna, the iridescent hills, the glowing stream, and the far empyrean became dancing lights, while atoms of fire flew. Finally nothing remained but mellow luminosity, in which creation trembled.
     O Spirit! in my heart I bowed again and again to thee- Eternal Light in whom all forms commingle.
                                                                                 Whispers From Eternity
                                                                               Paramahansa Yogananda

     To obtain the unobtainable must be the quest. What would be the answer if you could obtain that which you yearned for. If it is noble and good then why not you, a child of the divine, not be able to grasp the prize. If you see yourself succeeding and reaching your goal, then you shall. The times in life that you do not succeed are the ones that you, yourself sabotage, by not envisioning your success. The answer lies in the ability to believe in yourself and your abilities. No matter what your situation or circumstances are now, you can overcome them. By proper thought and right action you can be the person you wish to be or accomplish the goal you wish! Persevere! Believe! You Can!

The Art Of Grieving

"Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form."

  Grief, the silencer of hope. Grief crashes into life and disrupts plans, dreams, and accomplishments. Grief can be self actuated, grief can be random. It often comes at the pinnacle of success. The Yin-Yang of life. Balance at its essence, balance that keeps everything even. Positivity is not greater than negativity. All well to know that even your grief is part of your living. When life brings grief and sadness into your being it is difficult to embrace the feeling and work through it. If you believe in balance in life you then must believe that your loss or whom or what you are grieving for will eventually make its way back into your ether. It appears to be a fatalistic view at first glance but looked at in a deeper thought you will see that not only is grief and loss a motivator. It is also an equalizer. Life lived at higher vibration or level cannot always be maintained. Life should be lived on an even keel. Meditation along with energization exercises will help keep you in a balanced form. It will help you to make your way beyond loss and grief.

Accepting Self Realization

"To admit karma means to accept yourself as a mortal being. Do not admit you are a helpless mortal governed by karma. Affirm: "I am a child of God. I am His." That is the truth. Why shouldn't you proclaim the truth? As soon as you realize this truth, your status is changed. But when you admit you are a mortal, you bind yourself with the chains of the mortal being. You are the sons of God; you are gods. How could karma influence you? Refuse to be bound by karma; it is an old superstition of the ignofant to believe you cannot change your destiny.
Never say you are a sinner. How can you be a sinner? God is your Father. If He created this world with its potential for many evil ways, you would have to say that He too must be a sinner. That is the way I talk to God. It never hurts to speak truth to Him. If God can be away from the evil of His creation, so can we. As He is free, we can be free. Never again identify yourself with evil. You may have made a mistake, but it doesn't belong to you if you give it up. Destroy your karma by wisdom. Live in the consciousness of Spirit. "
-- Paramahansa Yogananda --

     Never stop believing in your ability to change your circumstances. If you think you are defeated you are. You can conquer your immediate situation by believing in your ability to do so. Once being silent was the norm, now in the time of Coronavirus you have to assert all the positivity you can summon. The quote of The more you use what God has given you, the more he or she will give to you. Now is the time of dreaming great dreams and moving forward with your goals. Do not allow the times to stop you. It is up to you and the Masters to accomplish this. Stay strong, write or speak of your desires and goals and move toward their completion. 

Align Your Will With God's Will

     When you makeup your mind to do good things, you will accomplish them if you use dynamic will power to follow through. No matter what the circumstances are, if you go on trying, God will create the means by which your will shall find its proper reward.
                                                                  In the Sanctuary of the Soul, Paramahansa Yogananda

     The key for the use of will is to align your will with God's will. Every time in life that my personal will was asserted the result seemed to turn out unpleasant. My will was flawed. It was not in tune with God's will for me. It is easier with the use of hindsight to understand where the insertion of my will cause a flaw in the design of my life. To be attuned to the will of God through meditation, healing affirmations and right thinking is far better than floundering around blind in life. There is no way that without the realization of divine guidance in your life that you can move forward.

In Times Of Political Turmoil

     When you makeup your mind to do good things, you will accomplish them if you use dynamic will power to follow through. No matter what the circumstances are, if you go on trying, God will create the means by which your will shall find its proper reward.
                                                                  In the Sanctuary of the Soul, Paramahansa Yogananda

     The key for the use of will is to align your will with God's will. Every time in life that my personal will was asserted the result seemed to turn out unpleasant. My will was flawed. It was not in tune with God's will for me. It is easier with the use of hindsight to understand where the insertion of my will cause a flaw in the design of my life. To be attuned to the will of God through meditation, healing affirmations and right thinking is far better than floundering around blind in life. There is no way that without the realization of divine guidance in your life that you can move forward.

The More You Use What God Has Given You, The More He will give You

     Finding your way through the page can often be daunting and seem difficult. The thought sometimes is can we fill the page, will it be anything of interest to anyone else but us. Do not fear the more you use what God has given you, the more God will give you. Years earlier working out to train for a ski vacation in Utah a friend who was also a handball partner would train on these wonderful pneumatic machines with me. The saying was on a very difficult abdominal machine that we would do crunches on to build our core for back country hiking and out of bounds skiing. The saying stuck in my mind. Especially after we were standing on an incredibly steep out of bounds chute with two feet of fresh powder. We would look down the untouched slope and then at one another and say The more your use what God has given you, the more God will give you, and then we would jump into the chute and have the ski run of a lifetime to remember always.

     Use the gifts that you were given, they were not given to be kept silent and quite in your hidden places. Shout your special talents from the rooftops, cliff tops, until they echo down the mountain sides. Proclaim your individuality and the deep beliefs about life, love, and happiness. Lately the words seem to flow. Ever since that the Mountain Pearls that once took up all my energy and time were put away and shelved, my mind is clear and free. The thing that has become apparent is that the enjoyment that comes from being supportive is far greater than any ski run or mountain that has ever been conquered. Through positive self thinking and wonderful meditation time, the joy of writing is rolling off the keys like giant soft snowflakes and accumulating into a wave of fresh powder down. We hope that you find your joy in life and make your way through the Coronavirus with conviction, strength, fortitude, and self awareness of your health.

In Time Of Question Consult A Spiritual Diary

 Don't concern yourself with the faults of others. Use the scouring power of wisdom to keep the rooms of your own mind bright and spotless. By your own example, other people will be inspired to do their own housecleaning. ... Paramahansa Yogannada Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda.

When the thoughts don't come, don't force them. Through diligence and right thinking you again will find your way. Let yourself have the time for self examination and deep thoughts. Let your mind be unburdened by the daily onslaught of negativity that the world appears to be today. Tomorrow is a fresh canvas upon it paint your masterpiece!

Expanding Your Horizons

   “make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty.” 
― Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild
     Change is inevitable and should be welcomed with open arms. Lose rigidity and accept the flow of life around you. Do not allow fear to determine your course of action. We are in extremely trying times and fear is palpable and real. Think of your being as a being of light (Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan) with shields polished and armed against the assault of fear and darkness. There is no crack in the armor. You are protected and free to move in the direction of your heart's desire. Move forward Today in some form or way, do not stay stuck in negative thoughts or old patterns of defeatism. Choose to confront the truth in every situation. Let go of the past whatever your transgressions are or were. Accept the responsibility for those actions and the Karma that has visited you in response to them. It is not relevant to your life today. Use every part of your personality and being to move forward into Tomorrow accepting the past and embracing the Lessons learned in the Ignorance of Youth. Walk forthright in the knowledge that expanding your horizons today will bring joy and happiness to yourself and those around you. Be Free and Open in your Life and Dealings in it!
Also See
 Luck Is What Happens When Planning Meets Opportunity
Kathy Duncan

The Healing Artist's Of Write My Fire.
Learn the Art Of Relaxation

Masters: Seek The Wisdom Of Mentors And Masters


Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

Avoidance is the lack of the ability to confront a situation, place, person or time. There is an inherent quality to individuals who are willing to pick up the yoke and carry the load. In mountaineering, there is a fixed goal. The Summit is the place or the destination. Often as you are climbing you can look at the terrain and surrounding slopes and feel that your are summiting. In reality it is often a false summit or as in life a falsehood. Who would be the wiser to the fact that you did not reach the lofty goal of the attainment of the Top. You and your creator is the only answer. One must be true to oneself, no matter what the cost. To state or fix a goal and to not be willing to expend the effort and time to obtain the goal is failure. In the Mountains Nature Draws a Razors Thin Edge of Existence, you must accept the challenge and conquer nature or it will have forever conquered you. Writing is a challenge but through exercises and constant work even it may be summited! If you knew you had an appointment one that was written not by you, but for you, would you keep it? When you make the decision the vision becomes the release!


Charles R. Swindoll   The Necessity of Accountability

Proverbs 13:10–20; Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 5:1–3
Our society of isolated, distant individuals teaches a false philosophy: “Live and let live.” To those who have escaped from an oppressive, controlling government, that sounds like a haven . . . A long-lost dream realized. But when we flesh out that motto, it often leads to peril. We need each other! Even those who don’t think so. Even those who seem totally self-sufficient, strong, and stable. Christians are unwise when they remain out of touch and live in secrecy. Being responsible includes being accountable, not just to God but also to one another. If carried out in the power and under the control of the Holy Spirit, accountability can be one of the most secure and reassuring facets of our Christian experience.
     Be Accountable not only to yourself but to others. It is an absolute necessity to be reliable and to account for your individual and group actions. In a time of trials and strife, it is easy to be secretive and to withdraw from any situation emotionally and mentally. We are being inundated with negativity, fear, and lies. The truth is being corrupted with falsehoods and deceit. You must see through them and reach out to others and share your story and state your goals. Hold yourself in high regard and speak your truth clearly and distinctly, with deep thought and fortitude. 
Summoning The Effort For Success

         "Some People Dream of Worthy Accomplishments, While Others Stay Awake and Do Them!" Unknown.

     Put forth the necessary Effort and be the Agent of Change in your Story. When Opportunity is met with  Preparation it is the Absolute Law of Success.

     Do not be afraid to follow your dream. Where would you like to be  in 2, 5, 10, years from now! Nothing worth while in your Life will come without sacrifice.  Examine your motive, desire, ability to reach your goal if you feel it is within your grasp. Reach For It!

    "The Man at the Top of the Mountain, didn't just fall there. "
                                                                                                  Vince Lombardi 
The Corona Virus Writings

    Obey God's hygienic laws. The mental hygiene of keeping the mind pure is superior hygiene to physical hygiene, but the latter is important, and should not be neglected. Do not however, live by such rigid rules that the deviation from your wonted habits upsets you.
                                                       Paramahansa Yogananda,"Scientific Healing Affirmations"

 There is a tremendous amount of fear and confusion in the world of covid today. We are inundated by bad news death and confusion everywhere we turn. It's impossible to turn off. It is hard to know the truth. You can't unplug especially in isolation. Our leaders are interested in self promotion over the common good for our humanity. It further adds to our frustration and loneliness. It is very hard to become involved in something greater than yourself existing in our own small worlds. Try and find a refuge, a place of safety for your own mind and soul in a Master. Walking into the local bookstore in Telluride, Colorado, Paramahansa Yogananda's face appeared serenely and joyfully in the form of The Autobiography of a Yogi  after reading a short story on stage that caused great fear and anxiety at a writing workshop in the theatre. The work was an inspiration in my life and a great turning point. It was passed out freely by George Harrison and was Steve Job's Secret to Greatness.
Song of the Day
Uncle Albert, Paul and Linda McCartney
Paramahansa Yogananda
Dad And His Girl Giant Pete

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