Free Nelson Mandela (Mon)

  Free Nelson Mandella



Harry Belafonte’s voice comes over

the Colorado Zephyr air waves yelling

“Is anybody out there?

Can any one hear me?

Is any one listening?

To a 1960’s movie

where he is the last black man

on earth, co-starring Inger Stevens.


“Free Nelson Mandela,” he yells,

“Nelson Mandela has been

a political prisoner for

the past twenty-five years

in a South African jail.”


Then Ziggy Marley sings an up

tempo reggae tune asking,

“Tomorrow people where is your best?

“Tomorrow people how long may you last?”

Suddenly I’m trans---ported to

The State University of New York at Albany

I’m in the library reading

the only book by the poet Lyn Lifshin

I can find written through

the eyes of Blue Seneca Indians

waiting for a Bob Marley

concert without Bob Marley

just the wailers

I’m with Touloose

as usual and I say,

“I really wish you were a girl.”

(I’m tired of being alone in a crowd.)

(I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.)


I’m suddenly jolted back to reality, back into

my own political exile.

I think of Nelson Mandela languishing

in prison all the time

I was a spoiled young man

skiing all over America.

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