Sunday, March 10, 2024

 Dear Lucy,

It’s me LuLu.

Today Uncle Al read a book to me about friends in a magical kingdom. They played word games and drew wonderful pictures. It was really fun to learn all about the Queen and the people of the kingdom. I like when Uncle Al reads me stories. They make me happy and are a lot of fun. Maybe one day he will read you some stories. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

184-Olympic Logo Use And Their Symbolism

The Olympic rings are the exclusive property of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). They are a mark protected around the world and cannot be used without the IOC's prior written consent. You can send a detailed request to which must include the below information: Who is making the request? Olympic rings and other olympic marks - FAQ N I USE THE OLYMPIC RINGS? · The Olympic rings are the exclusive property of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). They are a mark protected around the world and cannot be used without the IOC's prior written consent. You can send a detailed request to which must include the below information: o Who is making the request? Name, full address, telephone and/or fax number, e-mail address. Organisation, company, museum or individual. o Which content is concerned? (texts, images or films) o How will the content be used? Private use (no broadcasting), school work, group activities, exhibition, production/broadcasting Learn more: o Olympic Charter, Chapter 1, Rules 7-14 and its Bye-law

The Olympic Rings are the single greatest source of symbolism to the Modern World. I believe it is possible by submitting a request to distribute pamphlets and books containing short stories, poetry, art and also music to all of the participants in the 2026 XXV Milan-Cortina Ollympics and Paralympics. It will be a promotion of a trilogy of books along with an accompanying collection of songs. It would be wise to incorporate all arts in your promotion. "Sports are at the foundation of the Milano-Cortina 2026 project. Sixteen Olympic and six Paralympic disciplines spread across 18 competition centres. Some 3,500 athletes from 93 countries will compete for a spot on the podium" 

A promotion of this scale would send your material to their respective countries if you were allowed to utilize their swag. It would open the door for translating the writing and music to their native languages so they could in essence bring the pieces of Americana Home. All lands love a cowboy and Tom Dillion is just the cowboy, his poetry and prose and his working knowledge of all things American is just the right sell. The most intriguing aspect of the scenario is that the Bobsledding and track sports may well be held in Lake Placid, New York as the facilities of Italy may not be able to be completed. Several pieces of writing have already been set in and around the 1980 Winter Olympics held there. The remaining works are set in Ski Area's and National Forests of North America as well as current works set in Chamonix, France and Cortina D' Ampezzo. To add wonder or synchronicity to the mix the Winter Olympics are soon to be announced for 2030 and 2034. Utah in America will be hosting a games. It is more likely to be the 34 Olympics. ( Many of my short stories and poems are set in the ski area's and national forests of the west.) It will allow for the completion the work that will be set in Cortina to be included. How is that for astonishment. The old college cliche' of I'll run with it should be heard reverberating from literally the mountain tops. I am not sure how I will accomplish this goal every forward action is blocked where publication is concerned. The work is experimental and very narrow in its appeal. I believe that the North American National Forests and Ski Area's are desirable as topics to the people of Europe and the world. How to convince a publisher of this will be the trick. I am experiencing a false summit in my writing publication. I have been on many false summit climbs. You just need to put your head down, place one foot in front of the other and soldier on.  All is well that ends well folks!
Happy Writing Dreams. (Who would have thought a simple short story in a writing class at Union College in Schenectady, New York, titled White Dreams. in 1978, would see me poised to tackle the Olympics of 2026 and 2034 with an arsenal of writings on the America's and Europe.)
 God Bless America!