This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.
Dear Mrs. Peach, Seriously, are you kidding me with this new act attempting to discredit my endeavors to get my Swiftie's out to vote? I am amazed. Just when I thought I had seen everything, THIS! My question to you is. What is a girl to do in this new Anti-Woman American mindset, also What color hat are you wearing to the revolution?
Sincerely, Concerned Swiftie
Dear Concerned Swiftie,
First, let me say I am an ardent fan. You might even say I am a Swiftie also. What you have accomplished in life and how you conduct yourself is beyond reproach in my humble opinion. Of course, I am a true Champagne Toy Poodle and receive a fair amount of adulation in my own right. My advice is,"You go girl!" Don't let them bring you down, you are far greater than he ever will be. As you already have seen back in Lesson Six-The Art of Acceptance, I am no fan of Mr.Strump (My Pet Name- I won't give him the satisfaction of using his real name. After all he is the worst name caller in the Universe.) If you recall in the last election I stood up for Kamala Harris when she was being picked on and made fun of for wearing a mask during the pandemic. I won't even begin to go into the millions of Americans that were killed and the untold suffering that was wrought upon the good citizens of this great country by the one and only, Mr. Strump. My lord I am still amazed that he is even allowed to run for an office. Like I told Kamala recently when we spoke, "Girl, you can't let them put you on a shelf. You were an integral part and a primary reason Joe Biden was elected. Then they attempted to silence your voice and make you the dutiful little Vice President You are sooo much more than that. You know better. We must not allow ourselves to be marginalized by this ever increasing attack on women." If I wasn't so pleased by the performance of this administration and how hard they have worked to overcome the complete incompetency and inaction of My Strump's Administration, I would be very angry with Joe now. I guess you can tell, my Sister, that you have touched a nerve with a hot poker, Girl. But poor Joe, while I love him dearly and applaud him for the great savior he and his team is. Its time to let the young folks lead.
My Dear Swiftie! I do not condone violence, hatred, animosity (animalosity), insurrection, and just plain unkindness. One must not preach hatred of any kind, there is absolutely no room in this world for it. So forgive my violent tirade, I too am a work in progress. Stand tall and speak your truth. You are allowed as a Woman in America (at least for now) to have a voice and thoughts, although your autonomy concerning your womanhood is being questioned. When will the conscience of America wake up from the deep sleep it is presently in? I know you try to use your gifts and your platform for good and noble deeds and if they thought they could get away with it they would burn you at the stake in front of the Lincoln Memorial (the second most picked on President, hey at least History tells us they had real witches in Salem) like Joan of Arc! Stem the rising tides, of American Armaggeddon's, turn back the raging sea's of radical extremisms blasphemies, spewing from the cauldron's tended by the World's Aristocracies. Yes it is time for all of us to stand up and be counted. We are with you Taylor. We can proudly stand in our Glorious Womanhood and shout from the Highest Mountain! The Revolution is Now! When is the Revolution! The Revolution is Now! This is not a Revolution of Violence. It is the Revolution of Mind, Body and Spirit through Music, Poetry and Prose. We are here in mass and are ready to be seen and heard. For every great movement in the world there is a catalyst that ignites the flame that begins to burn until it becomes a sweeping raging storm of change. (A Cultural Revolution) That time is now, I do not fear Mr Strump. They don't call me Giant Pete for my stature. I with my sling and trusty pebble will Let Fly my words and slay the Giant! Like The Emperor's New Clothes the entire World will be laughing at his pudgy butt! (Ha, I said pudgy butt for everyone to hear!) Public sentiment will go against him and he will be defeated. To all Swiftie's and all young people who are abandoning Joe, we need to get out and Vote and we will Let our Voices be raised and our Spirits shine brighter than the torch lit for liberty.
It is like my blogs with Jill, Michelle Liz and Barack when you are truly one of God's Chosen Leaders you must step forward and let your voice be heard for all of those that are oppressed and unable to speak.
Yours in Sisterhood
Mrs. Pete Peach
My Favorite Anthem, Only The Young, Taylor Swift
Thank You for your wonderful soul and music.
You have the support and love of Write My Fire.
Which style and color hat do you like for our revolution?
My Preference is the Ariana Fascinator Hot Pink and Red Hat. It's the name of my best friend ever!
I think the Amelia Nude and Navy Blue Goes for you. Next we will have to have Jill, Kamala, Liz, and Michelle choose theirs.
Sometimes I just like to identify with the people here are several head shots. I'm so torn I'm not sure which look would go?
Happy Valentine's to you and your. I would like for you to use your Talk Boxes, Think Boxes and Smart Watch Boxes and we will accomplish what we did for Barack and elect the first Woman President. You should pick a hat and let the best woman throw it in the ring.