Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

Saturday, May 20, 2023

138- Where Do You Go, When You Have Had Too Much To Dream Last Night?

 Attachment is blinding; it lends an imaginary halo of attractiveness to the object of desire-----Swami Sri Yukteswar, in "Autobiography of a Yogi"

Photo Credit from: Of Mountains and Men, Albert Bianchine.
Attachment can be motivating, crippling and debilitating. Have you ever been attached to something or someone? It differs from Obsession which can be a compulsion, infatuation or delusion. There have been several people places and things in my life that have had this affect upon me. Nothing has been greater than my attachment to and obsession for the sale of Arapahoe Basin Ski Area to Ralston Purina Corporation in Dillon, Colorado in 1978.

I read somewhere that is was not so much about the actual event in history as it was the reaction to that event by the artist. My belief is the need of the artist to explain what they have witnessed. The most prominent examples that I can think of are All Quiet on the Western Front or Cry the Beloved Country. The authors of both witnessed something that so affected them that they had the need to explain it. My mentor once told me that most people begin writing out of anger. It was enlightening to me on many levels. I turned twenty five years old the year that A-Basin was sold. To all of us that wintered there that year it was the death of a dream. Not Just Joe Jankovsky's dream, it was the American Dream. I had watched corporations come in every where that I had lived as a young man and buy up businesses, housing, farms and start wars in foreign countries over oil. To say that we loved a mountain is to put it mildly. The motto of The Basin at the time was Nothing In Moderation and it was billed as the Highest lift serviced mountain in North America at 13,050 ft. All mountains had their claims to fame but A Basin had the real thing. (Ski Above All)

My attachment for the Mountain and my obsession to in some way write about it has possessed my soul every day since my first writing workshop at SUNY Albany in the spring of 1979. I have written poems, short stories, and now am working on my novel (co-authored with my musician friend in the 1980's, Gordon Grey) The book along with the music score for the film ( yes film! thanks to my film and screen writing mentor Ira Wood and his Aspen Film and Screen Writing Intensive, that I now am pulling out my first Act complet to the plot point.) Finally ever so slowly over the years has come together. Never in my wildest imagination or dreams would I have considered to find myself at the age of Seventy Years Old pulling out pieces of manually typed pages and stacks of manilla folders with reams of notes and drafts. But I am and the feeling is like nothing I have ever known. Sometimes I feel as if I am being guided and coaxed not only by all of the wonderful teachers, writers, poets, musicians and mentors I have been blessed to have been associated with, but by a Divine Will or Source that has kept me motivated all the minutes, hours and years to pursue my dream through all the trials and tribulations that life is.

The very final song on the Music Score now that the Ballad of Tom Dillon is written is to be a rousing remake of the Song, I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night, The Electric Prunes.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

2-Ask Mrs.Peach? How Does A Woman Respond To False Accusations Of Character? Liz Cheney Wilson, Wyoming


Ask Mrs. Peach?
This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Dear Mrs. Peach, 
I am a representative in an exclusive group of elected officials and am of good moral standing. Here is my question.?I was recently appointed second chair of a very important select commission. Unfortunately the topic of the investigation was responsible for the greatest attempt at a Coup and Insurrection against our Freedom and Liberty that America has ever seen. To further complicate the situation his associates have declared an all out war on Women and Women’s Rights to choose concerning the Sovereignty of their Own Bodies and Reproductive Systems. They are attempting to deny women the access to Birth Control to further complicate the situation. I felt so strongly about the Insurrection that I assumed the lead. However it has come at a great personal expense to me. I have been removed from any positions of importance and am denied the ability of seeking re-election. How does a woman respond to false accusations to their character?


Dear Liz
Stay Strong and Stand Tall! Haters are going to hate! All is going to Work Out Well! Trust in yourself!
When I was Identifying as Giant , I wrote Lesson 6, The Art of Acceptance in the Time of the Coronavirus, I set forth a challenge to produce a work of Art for the Winter Olympics in Beijing, China. explaining what Life, Liberty and the The Pursuit of Happiness means to me.The Mountain Pearl,a collection of short stories and poetry, set in the Mountains of North America was published by Write My Fire and enjoyed by thousands over the course of theOlympic Games.(Lessons 75-91, A Children’s Crusade, A Book of Redemption.)
Trust in the Miracle of Love! Like you, I still love America from “Sea to Shining Sea!!” You will see the advice that I gave to Kamala Harris (She is one of my heroes for her accomplishments in a male dominated world. Along with You and Cassidy Hutchinson.) She was being bullied by the very same bully that is the subject of your investigation. My advice to her was to stand strong. Wear her mask because she is a beautiful shining light of a Woman and Sisterhood and if she had any doubts about life to read a soon to be “Banned Book Classic, The Emperor's New Clothes"  to completely understand the actor she was involved with. Kamala persevered and became Vice President, as you well know. She should not allow the men who she aided in being elected to Silence her brave strong voice.
She rose above her setback to become a role model for millions of young women. Sometimes our greatest obstacles in life become our greatest opportunities for advancement and success. Perhaps this is the time to toss your Cowgirl Hat in the Presidential Arena? You are articulate, intelligent, and extremely brave as you have demonstrated. The 2020’s will be known as the decade of the Woman. 

I would like to Identify as Giant again and make a Modest Proposal. If you will continue to persevere against the onslaught of Injustices that are being directed at you by your party and constituents and consider your calling to a higher office....
I will attempt to publish,The Coronavirus Writings - A Journey into Self- Realization. I propose to complete my novels, Dancing With Rhada (A Teacher's Crusade), and White Dreams (A Man's Crusade), in time for the Winter Olympics set in Cortina D’ Ampezzo for the 2026 Games.

I learned from my time on our Equine Rescue Ranch that in a herd when (usually the males) are acting up the Mares will just turn their backs and ignore them. If they persist watch out because then they will let fly both hind hooves. Of course, you being a wonderful horse woman, already know this and your back is turned. Turn away and don't ever look back.

My Mom proposed a Unification next for All Women for a Great Abstinence. She proposes it be a day. (Me-Or Several days, possibly weeks). She said get their attention, shut down the  fun factory. Time to stop this nonsense. We control our bodily autonomy.

Mrs. Peach Say's, 
"No more side saddle."

Mrs. Pete’s Prediction:
From July 2, 2020 
A Big Bully will pick on a Small Champagne Poodle. 
He will just have to do it. 
My Mom schooled me on Narcissism.

Monday, August 1, 2022

125-Reconciling the Memories of Past, Present and Future

 I find my earliest memories covering the anachronistic features of a previous incarnation. Clear recollections came to me of a distant life, a yogi amidst the Himalayan snows. These glimpses of the past, by some dimensionless link, also afforded me a glimpse of the future.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Do you ever have the memories of distant or future incidents. a sense of having previously belonged or an inkling of what will be? How do child prodigies write complicated symphonies or solve complex equations? My belief is that of reincarnation as mystics have for centuries discussed. the interest in past life experiences are relevant in your life today. You are free to believe or not to believe. I choose to believe. 

All things in the world today are often stated as absolutes. The parties of all politicians believe their platforms are righteous and true, yet death, suffering, iniquity, and starvation seem to be the by product of their regimes. It is beyond comprehension that humanity is able to move forward and progress at all with the thinking and mentality that is present. We must realize that our resources and the earth that we live on are limited in the destruction and devastation that man inflicts upon it. Open your heart and your mind to change and growth today. No longer be constrained by the darkness of Maya and the deceit it brings. Look to the future! Become the Mystic on the Mountain! You are yogi of your own life, use this power wisely. Act today to make life a better tomorrow for all, not just to increase your own fortunes, but to increase the fortunes of all. Yes Yogananda! We have spent our lifetimes in the mountains of North America and are saddened at the state of our atmosphere, water, earth and the drastic change in our climate. We have watched our glaciers, rivers, streams, lakes and National Treasures disappear. The time of silence has come and gone. It is now time to shout from the highest climbs of the world to stop the madness and mayhem! The rant of Today is to take up arms (not necessarily armaments), pens, banners, podcasts, blogs, posts, and print. If you wish for your children and your children's children to have a world to live in you must speak now or forever hold your voice. Be the Voice of Reason!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

102-From the Belly of the Beast

"As one changes himself, others around him are also changed. The salutary effects of their law can be seen in the transformed and transforming lives of all great Masters."

"One who gives sincerity that is not appreciated or is abused is casting away "Pearls" uselessly: the wise reserve their spiritual treasure to benefit those who are receptive."   

The Second Coming of Christ

The Resurrection of the Christ Within You
A regulatory commentary on the original Teachings of Jesus
Paramahansa Yogananda
Volume 1
Discourse 30

                                  “From the Belly of the Beast,

 Once, I stood strong and tall atop America’s highest mountain peak. Turning I faced Mecca toward the East, to my eyes came this vision of a holocaust that brought me to my knees, touching the very depths of my soul. I saw the American Armada’s storming the seven seas. Hear my voice ring, for truth and freedom for the children! To every nation’s mountain peaks, from the depths of the belly of the beast!”

Sunday, March 6, 2022

99- What Are The Dreams Of An Odd Beat Poet?

      I remember a line to a song that said, "such are the dreams of the every day housewife you see anywhere any time of the day." What are exactly the Dreams of an Odd Beat Poet. I always thought my dreams were of the white. Snow, skiing, mountain sides covered in white snow, being above timberline. A climber friend of mine in Vail once told me, "I get very quite above 20,000 feet in elevation." Do you think? The silence of mountaineering and the white and the solitude and the quite is deafening to me. It touches me deep in my soul. My back pages are filled with mountain scenes. I have consciously chosen places to live where mountaineering and skiing were a by product. Dreaming of my golden years and acclimating to being around people and society in Oregon, preferably Eugene, I still have mountains on my mind. How about the Three Sisters in the Cascades, Mount Hood and Mount Bachelor? What is it about not letting it go. Do you ever really give up your first love? In Vail I had Vail Mountain, Beaver Creek, and the Beaver Creek Children's Theatre. I'm sensing a theme here. Is old age spent in trying to recapture your youth? Ah to be twenty five again. I was in the best shape of my life for skiing in Aspen at forty after taking my wife's skiing conditioning class at the Aspen Athletic Club. I would like to think that I move on. However my obsessions are still my obsessions. I am a schemer, a dreamer. Dreaming about the ocean and walking on the beach and writing short stories and conquering the writing challenges that I envisioned for myself in my youth. I still find myself googling Mount Ranier and wondering how hard it would be to climb. I find myself taking long walks with Kathy these days under the pretense of staying in shape. I secretly think the Odd Beat Poet is plotting advanced workouts to get in shape for a major climb, somewhat similar to a Walter Mitty adventure. He googles late at night, "The oldest man to climb Mount Everest."

What are you doing? Those days are gone, not forgotten but gone.
Why is it that men attach feminine characteristics to inanimate objects. I know that almost every mountain that I have climbed or skied, I have at some point looked back at it and said, "isn't she beautiful." My most favorite ski run has to be the Pallavicini at Arapahoe Basin. Even tho it is next to impossible to rule out Utah and British Columbia, run for run my heart belongs to the Pali. I think that because in the early days you would have to start at the top of Montezuma Bowl traverse the cornice run to access the Pali. It was a long traverse with a giant tuck and a herring bone climb, if you didn't hit it hard enough to reach the top of the Pali.
All good things eventually come to and end. In bounds skiing gave way to out of bounds, open snow fields and steeper runs with deeper snows. Long climbs and incredibly steep unforgiving chutes, couloirs. Places where you came to the bottom rested on your ski poles your knees knocking together and your heart racing in your chest and couldn't wait to climb back up and do it again. Even those came to and end with age, fear, and disability. The body and mind betrays you. A ski patrolman friend of mine always said, "there are old ski patrolman and bold ski patrolman, but there aren't any old bold ski patrolman."
There is a new youth and they are more daring than my friends and I ever thought of being. I secretly envy them and wish I had thought of skiing off cliffs with parachutes or gliding suits. There are amazing young men and women accomplishing feats of daring that are astounding.
The Walter Mitty Odd Beat Poet flashes back to reality and he is walking along the Colorado River, with his champagne toy poodle and wife of twenty-six years, in Laughlin Nevada in the desert and avoiding other people so we don't get. Covid. We still talk about Oregon and will go there this summer. The Russians have invaded Ukraine and I am letting life flow with the Beautiful River. Since the beginning of the Pandemic Kathy and I have watched the news and said is it time to stand up hug each other and wail? We came very close watching the invasion lately. A full scale assault on Innocence, Freedom, Sovereignty and Democracy. If I was younger I would go and fight. I had a high draft lottery for the Vietnam war and did not have to go. I went to ski! It is out of my control,  at least I will write today. My writing is getting good. Hopefully, I'll write about my Love of Mountains.

Take the time to watch this young skier.
Skier Takes An Insane Run Down A Tiny Gap Between 2 Mountains

A Song of and Odd Beat Poets Love.
Judy Collins and Leonard Cohen "Suzanne"

Saturday, March 5, 2022

98-Life is Love (A Humble Tribute To The Suffering Of The People Of Ukraine)

Beau Preparing Breakfast
Life is love, love is trust, trust is earned. These are truths that I learned from our equine massage school and equine rescue ranch. John Thompson would often have his good friend Beau in for breakfast. Beau is a buckskin stallion from the Buckskin Stallion Station. (Photos by John's Photographer, Cookie) We mutually learned about trust from one another. We both had wive's we loved and shared love for each others wife. More than once I have leaned over to kiss my wife in front of a horse and found myself standing several feet away from her with pursed lips and a big bucket head horse between us. I was literally knocked away by a jealous suitor.
The very first time that we worked on the brood mares in their stalls we were stalked by Beau. He would walk up to the stalls and create a ruckus. I quickly went out and attempted to shoo him away. I did not realize at the time that I was giving him the signal to rear up on his hind legs. I found myself looking straight up at the belly of this big Buckskin and his front legs pawing at the sky.
I fell quickly in love with Brooks. She was Beau's wife and partner. They always shared the same field and often a double stall. I came to admire the relationship of Beau and Brooks and their offspring. My favorite was Little Man. He was a Cremello, also known as an Albino. He was mesmerizing to watch in the field. I miss all the animals and the time we spent with them.

When I was a single young man and living in New York at this time of year I would enroll in ski conditioning classes. There was a particular pneumatic crunch machine. It was at the Steuben Athletic Club in Albany. It strengthened your core for skiing. There was a saying on the  machine. "The more you use what God has given you, the more God will give you." It wasn't until I surrendered my heart to love that I found happiness.

Life is Love and Memories and All We Work Our Lives to Achieve!
My heart is broken as I watch the news reports about the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin and the Russian Army. What happened to the world. The World for these people is being destroyed. Families torn apart, children dying, old people losing everything they have worked for. Democracy and the Ideals of it Destroyed. My words fail me. My mind is numb. All I can do is watch in horror. To all people of Ukraine, I can only send you what I know of Love as an American Citizen. May Your Suffering Be Eased. May the World come to it's senses and aid you in your time of need. People of the World Rise Up And Be Heard!

Monday, February 28, 2022

95: Mastering The Art Of Inaction, In The Time Of the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia

Sri Yoganandaji described as follows the state of "inaction" mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita.

 "When a true yogi performs an action, karmically it is like writing on water. No mark remains."*

*ie., no karmic record is kept. Only a master is a free man- one unbound by karma (the inexorable cosmic law that holds unenlightened persons accountable for their thoughts and actions). In urging Arjuna to fight on the battlefield, Lord Krishna assured him that he would incur no karma if he acted as God's agent, without egoistic consciousness. Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda

     You can move forward with lightening fast speed in your life by ascribing to God's will for you. Do not assert your will but rather perform what God's will for you is. How do you know? Listen in the quietest moments of your life to your inner voice. The voice that tells you in your silence which way to proceed. Ours has enlightened us to continue our teaching and rescuing. Instead of the Equine souls we once saved our mission is to raise and support humankind. We wish to use our limited platforms to the fullest extent of their possibilities in the hopes that they will grow exponentially in magnitude. Having been listeners since the beginning of Covid-19 and captives as well, we are finally at the point like Howard Beale in the movie Network, where this is the start of my rant and we are not going to take it. Silence is no longer a snowflake falling in one of my poems. We are writing on the water our displeasure and disillusionment and sitting back to watch the Karma of the world snap back with its own response in the Americas. Beginning with these new blogs our mission is now set in motion. We are willing to watch the course it now takes.

The outrage of the invasion of Ukraine by Putin is beyond belief in these times. It is past time to stand up and to be heard and to speak your truth. Truth is our only weapon against such atrocities. Through all our collective wills coupled with Divine Will it is time to no longer be part of a silent majority. Be heard and speak your Discourse with great firmness and authority. Be one of those who will not have your will be bent or swayed by Tyrannical Rhetoric. See and Say what your Heart and Soul speaks to you.

Perhaps it is our time to lead our people out of bondage! Beware you who lead through Autocracy and Aristocratical Arrogance.!

Friday, May 28, 2021

Sixty-Three; Building Anew Upon The Rock, After The Time Of Coronavirus

Therefore whoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them. I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon the house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock- Jesus Christ, in the New Testament

We all have had our foundations and beliefs tested. How we move forward from this will determine the future of ourselves and America. It is time to rebuild stronger than ever on the rock solid foundation that the founders of our nation provided for us. We have weathered the the storms of the centuries and come out the other side. Now is the moment that true leaders and citizens must step forward and leave politics and divisiveness in the past. Not unlike the Greatest Generation that stepped forward and pulled together to bring America out of the threat of World War, we need to set aside our differences and concentrate on a common goal to build a better and safer and cleaner world for all of our children. We no longer have the time to not address the issues that we face. Think of this as the war that it really is. Do not be lulled in to complacency. The Politicians and Government Officials Do Not Have Our Best Interests In Mind. Believe it because if you think that they do, you should look at the statistics of how many of us died during the Pandemic. How many deaths could have been prevented if it had been treated as the threat to human life and existence that it really was. Raise your voice and let yourself be heard. The time for cowering in your homes and allowing the lunacy to continue is over. Let us all work toward a common goal.

Be Strong, Stand Tall, Speak Loud, And Make The Difference!

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Fifty-Three, Accomplishing Great And Heroic Deeds Through Great And Heroic Thoughts; In The Time Of Coronavirus


     “Nurture your mind with great thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes.”

Benjamin Disraeli

     We have said in the past and need to restate the premise. In order to accomplish great deeds, one must first dream of accomplishing them. You must be willing to step up be heard and be counted as one who is willing to attempt heroic deeds. Why should I? You say. Do we really want to be the society that sits back and watches the fall of the American Empire? Our cornerstone of survival must be our words through books, blogs, letters and speaking. Silence can no longer be accepted. We must protest the very stealing of our Nation and our Liberties. While I believe in Civil Disobedience, I do not believe in violence as a means to the ends of social change. Social Change can be achieved through peaceful protests and Social Education of the masses. Nothing can be accomplished if we continue to hide our heads in the sands and allow others to make our important decisions in our lives.
     The Great Thoughts and Great Deeds are the Foundation of a Great Nation. Stand up and again be We The People. Hope you join us!

Friday, December 25, 2020

Forty-Nine, Overcoming Despair; In The Time Of Coronaviris.

      The feeling of despair is real and overwhelming. It invades your being and your home and your family. It is all pervasive and earth shattering. We have nowhere to go an no place to hide. We are prisoners of our own country and the inaction of our leaders. Do other Nations talk and say we feel so bad for the suffering and dying in America. It is outrageous and unbelievable. We are beyond the pale of reason and understanding. We write out of anger, compassion, and belief in humankind to overcome any obstacle or suffering in its path. This is a life long commitment. Where we once were silent, we speak. We shall continue to speak and blog and post and publish and see and say and speak of freedom, Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness for the real American Dream until the dirt is dropped upon our graves. Despair needs to be turned into action. Despair can be overcome, let it be a motivating factor for all of us. We can no longer be cowering in our homes. Now is the time to come out After The Time Of The Coronavirus and stand tall and be heard. Time to completely change the narrative to flights of fantasy, joy, happiness and health for the coming New Year.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Forty-Six, Sing the Song of Self-Realization; In The Time Of The Coronavirus

      Coax Christ today with songs and the devotion of your heart, and then coax him with your deepening Self-Realization. With all the intensity of your zeal and inner perception, merge your consciousness in the happiness within. Forget Time. When you feel joy spreading within you, realize that Christ is hearing your song. You are not identified with Christ if your concentration is merely on the words. But if your joy is singing within, Christ is listening to you. Paramahansa Yogannada, "Self-Realization Magazine"

     This is going to be a long and difficult journey into self-realization. Nothing worth while in life ever comes easily. More often than not the road is unlit and filled with obstacles, creating impossible circumstances on yur path to enlightenment. Do not Fear. Put your faith in your God, and the ability of mankind to survive and once again thrive. It is easy to say the words but much harder to walk the walk and talk the talk in the face of the adversities that are our reality. Concentrate on yourself right now, right here, where you are today and make the supreme effort to self-realization. You and your father are one and whatever that your father has is yours. It can be yours today if you strive to be the best of your best now. Tomorrow is the dream and can be fulfilled by a well lived and introspective day today. We all remember hard times of the past and our triumphant efforts to overcome them. We can and we will get to the other side. You can be a self-actualized and self-realized master of your own destiny if you make the effort right now!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Forty-Two, Preparing Your Personal Divinity; In The Time Of The Coronavirus

 I will prepare for the coming of the Omnipresent Baby Christ by cleaning the cradle of any consciousness, now rusty with selfishness, indifference, and sense attachments; and by polishing it with deep , daily, divine meditation, introspection, and discrimination. I will remodel the cradle with dazzling soul-qualities of brotherly love, humbleness, faith, desire for God-realization, will power, self control, renunciation, and unselfishness, that I may fittingly celebrate the Birth of the Divine Child- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Metaphysical Meditations"

     Why not take the time to completely put your house in order to receive the gifts that will reign down upon us this coming Christmas. We all need to change our narratives and our aspirations to accommodate the shift in the Paradigm of life that we now are faced with. Is it difficult? Yes! Impossible? No! All around us there are people breaking the glass ceiling every minute of every day. The front line workers, nurses, doctors, critical care workers. They didn't sign on for the madness that has befallen their lot. They step up every second of every day to take care of the errant idiots that we are forced to call fellow citizens. We need to reevaluate what citizenship and civic responsibility really is. We are way off the mark. There are no trophies for being a super spreader or not caring if you infect your mother, father, brother, sister, or relative because your are so self serving you can't even see that a pandemic is right in front of you. Your needs are not greater than the needs of the many. Since when has the needs of the individual become greater than the needs of the multitude. What does Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness mean to you? Surely it does not mean that you get to eradicate your fellow human beings for your own pleasure. Come on people! What has happened here in America? Are we really seeing the decline and fall of the American Empire. I trust not! However my fellow Americans behavior from our Politicians to our Local Community Leaders is beginning to give me pause. How about a little help here and working together for the greater common good. We have decided that since we cannot leave our current isolation to do everything possible to improve ourselves, our surroundings and to write as inspirational as we possibly can. We have struggled with how much of our personal spirituality to share without incurring the wrath of the religious community for them. However when I see our religious community encouraging members of their religious groups to attend mass celebrations in churches, synagogues, and other venues I can't help but have pause to step back away from their teachings and give pause to the validity of their organizations if they believe religious freedom is a reason to kill other humans by group meetings. Heed the lesson of self awareness, and self enlightenment, self preservation. You are the change in the world that must take place, here and now with you. We have hope for the new changes that we see taking place with turning back the tide of the virus that we are in the midst of. Somewhere, somehow we need to change. If you don't we are going to be forced to turn America around and you are all going to be in big trouble!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Thirty-Four: Moving Out Of Darkness In The Time Of Coronavirus

"The best way to remove your weaknesses is not to think about them; otherwise you will be overwhelmed. Bring the light in and you will feel that darkness never was. In that thought is one of the greatest inspirations in my life. If light is admitted into a cave where darkness has existed for thousands of years, darkness will vanish instantly. So will our faults and weaknesses vanish when we bring in the light of God. The darkness of ignorance can enter nevermore."

-Paramhansa Yogananda 

     In a world that seems to be filled with darkness, we must remove the vail of Maya and shine the light of the world on us. We do not need to live and cower like scared creatures from the bullies of the world. Do not accept the litany of lies that are pervading our ether. We are children of the light, as a child of the light I am willed to stand up speak out and be accountable for my brothers and sisters who are unable. We no longer live in the age of darkness. We live in an age of information and truth. It may be hard to understand the difference between the two but we must use all of faculties to do this. Stay aware, Stay safe, Stay Positive. We will again be able to walk free in the world. This is still America we live in we will prevail!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Thirty: Exercising Positive Mindfulness In The Time Of Coronavirus


     "It is pride that makes self-righteous persons so ready to judge those about them who are weak. True morality includes compassion for others in their ignorant wrongdoings.
Those who like to dwell on the faults of others are human vultures. There is already too much evil in the world. Don't talk of evil, don't think of evil, and don't do evil. Be like a rose, wafting to all the sweet fragrance of soul goodness. Make everyone feel that you are a friend; that you are a helper, not a destroyer. If you want to be good, analyze yourself and develop the virtues in you. Banish the thought that evil has any part in your nature, and it will drop off. Make everyone else feel that you are an image of God, not by your words but by your behavior. Emphasize the light, and darkness will be no more."

--  "Man's Eternal Quest".....pag - 77 , 79  -- 

     Self-Righteousness is rampant in America today. Each group has their own narrative and there is no longer a middle or common ground. Do not allow your mindset to be hijacked. Have your belief system but be willing to compromise. The old adage, It is going to take a lot of Love to change the way things are, is the singularly greatest truth in the world today. Stop! Reset the narrative to a discourse of harmony. Live harmoniously in your daily life, strive for positive reinforcement of your own morals and maintain the moral high ground in all your dealings in life. It serves absolutely no purpose to have your thoughts corrupted by and outside force. Now more than ever you must guard your psychic aurora from outside influences that the negativity of the Pandemic is raining down upon us. You must with every fiber of your soul move forward in your life with joy, happiness, and positivity. What good does fear and anxiousness accomplish.

     Pride cometh before the fall! How many prideful bullies do you have to see rise and fall in flames before you understand that aspiring to be good, well rounded and a good citizen to your country, is the goal for the majority. It may seem in the times today that your country has betrayed you. Ask the greatest generation if during the depths of despair in their darkest hours if they felt betrayed. Perhaps, but their sense of duty and right drove them on. We can overcome our hardships. Even if you don't believe that our greatest threat has been eliminated from our most powerful office you must reach out and help your fellow human being and they you. Sense of non community and polarized politics rein supreme. Do we not still live in the freest and greatest country in the world. Remember that! Your situation will change, situations always do. Every day well lived is a day closer to achieving your goal. Believe your job or change in career will come through. Believe that we will persevere as a society and overcome whatever obstacles covid or politics or environment puts before us. Be very careful America you don't want me to have to come to your cities and steal your children to get your attention. Move forward to a brighter future today!


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Twenty Three; Explore Natural Wonders

    " Drink water from the spring where horses drink. The horse will never drink bad water.  Lay your bed where the cat sleeps. Eat the fruit that has been touched by a worm.  Boldly pick the mushroom on which the insects sit.  Plant the tree where the mole digs.  Build your house where the snake sits to warm itself.  Dig your fountain where the birds hide from heat. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time with the birds – you will reap all of the days golden grains.  Eat more green – you will have strong legs and a resistant heart, like the beings of the forest.  Swim often and you will feel on earth like the fish in the water.  Look at the sky as often as possible and your thoughts will become light and clear.  Be quiet a lot, speak little – and silence will come in your heart, and your spirit will be calm and full of peace.”

 Saint Seraphim of Sarov

Nature is talking to you, are you listening?

     Find solace in nature. In time of Coronavirus explore your nature trails in your state. Local Parks and State parks are open In Nevada. Check your local State Parks, now is a good time to find the beauty of your local surroundings. Explore your Natural Wonders, America is full of beauty.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Upon The Mountains


Go upon the mountains 
my beautiful innocent children.

Leave the cities far behind.

For they in their ingratitude.

Condemn themselves to their solitude.
Today's Song
                                                                      It's A Beautiful Day

Monday, February 19, 2018

God Is The Boss, Francis


God Is The Boss, Francis


I was visited by an old friend the other day walking along the Rio Grande Trail through downtown Aspen. I had just passed the Aspen Art Museum on my way to the John Denver River Sanctuary, passing a stainless steel 30ft artist’s rendering of the “Last Tree.” The Rio Grande Trail is a beautiful scenic trail that skirts along the river and opens upon a small meadow by the river. There are large boulders with many John Denver song lyrics carved into them. It was there among the yellowing aspens that I sensed it, that very faint trace of the dampness of winter in the air. My good childhood friend came to me. I looked up and saw him hiding in the scrub oak turning red along the base of Red Mountain and the multi million dollar mansions that exist there. The Aspens’ turning gold along Smuggler Mountain, one of the last working silver mine, that made Aspen the Silver City.  How I used to wait on his arrival with great anticipation in Albany, New York. The fall season is different in the East because of all the hardwoods to be found.  In the Adirondacks, the Berkshires, the Green Mountains, and White Mountains, you will find an array of reds, yellows and golds. It signaled to me the coming of winter and my sport of choice, skiing. I imagined all of the hats that I have worn over the years to pursue my great love of the sport. How it has been my refuge through my trials and tribulations and how whenever life of the world got to me, I would simply choose another mountain to learn and ski.

It had begun simply for me in the early days. My grandfather filled my head with dreams of the Adirondacks and the beauty of them. I quickly made friends with the other skiers in my class. One of those friends was my good friend, Frank Thompson who has become “Captain Zooms” in my stories. I, a shy retiring bookworm, who found great solace in learned knowledge versus outdoor activity, was immediately attracted to him. He was already a ski technician and worked with skis and understood ski hardware. He turned me on to my first pair of jet foamed form fitting ski boots, called Strohlz, and my Rossignol Strato 105’s, they were 215 cm’s long. “My steel beams to hell,” I called them. My boots were purchased for me by my high school girlfriend Sandy. Frank’s room was a classic of ski posters and equipment leaned up in every available corner. One particular poster of a buxom woman in a tight fitting yellow Bogner ski outfit, unzipped to her navel exposing her abundantly large breasts, she was exploding through this incredibly awesome mogul field, and the caption read, “Keep those tips up.” It was a K2 ski poster. I thought he was the coolest kid in school. He was a real rebel where I was the nerd.  Other  posters, like the infamous Solomon Ski Binding Poster that said, “Solomon, Deliver Us From Premature Release.” These have all become great collector items. Frank became my ski mentor, and mountain teacher. Every available evening, weekend or cut day from school was spent chasing snow flakes and sunsets, until at a very young age, I took a year off from college, to pursue my dream of being a true ski bum, (I wish to write, Every Ski Bum’s Bible, a commentary of all the things you need to give up in life to pursue that dream.)
The culmination of that dream was skiing at Arapahoe Basin, which at the time was the highest lift operated mountain in North America. I had arrived. The steep, the deep, anti everything that corporate society stood for. No material hang ups or needs with a true disdain for the Corporate Whores who would sell their soul for the almighty dollars. I considered myself the self appointed King of the Mountains. I knew every inch and every skiable trail in America. Many places in America that I had skied were not accessible by lifts and had to be climbed. I was young, “no problem.” I conquered and truly loved every one of them.
Every year my friend that first trace of the wet dampness of winter would arrive and I would gear up for winter. In the early years we would leave Albany on Sunday to ski the mountains of Vermont, a state that I came to love dearly.

Francis’s mom, Bea Thompson, was a devout Christian and practicing Catholic. Her greatest concern was for our almighty souls and redemption from sins, she was sure that we were committing. Her concern included where we would attend church on Sunday if we were skiing. We were quick to allay her fears by informing Bea, that we attended Mass on the Chapel on the Mountains, every Sunday. We  justified our lie by rationalizing that God invented Mountains and they were places of awe and inspiration since the days of Moses and we were somewhat of Biblical Characters ourselves with long hair and beards. Modern day Prophets if you will, we attended the almighty church of the high mountains. Our justification was dashed one particular Sunday Morning when Frank and I dressed in our White Stag ski sweaters tight fitting ski pants with our brightly colored ski jackets were confronted by Bea Thompson in her large blue terry cloth robe on her snow covered concrete steps in suburban Colonie, New York as were fastening our skis and poles to the roof rack of Frank’s Tan Dodge Dart. (Algernon, named after the Book Flowers for Algernon, yes it had push buttons on the dash to shift instead of a typical stick or automatic shift lever.) We had to face down the wrath of Bea who had found out about our lie, that ski areas did not have chapels on them. Like Moses, delivering her edict to the infidels who were worshipping the false gods of gold they had wrought, she stood with her outstretched blue terry cloth arm raised in accusatory fashion delivering a divine message straight from the mouth of our Lord himself.  The cold chilly air crackles and rings in my ears to this day as she yelled, “God is the Boss, Francis!”
I have been more fortunate than most and have had the ability to build a tremendously successful Plumbing, Heating, and Electrical Service Business in perhaps the richest Ski Town in the world, where the occupants ask questions like, “Is it the biggest, is it the best?” How wonderful that I who took a year off from my pursuit of an Industrial Engineering Degree to go skiing in 1973, could be designing and installing mechanical systems in multi-million dollar commercial and residential building in Aspen, Colorado, owned now by exclusive Billionaire Industrialists.

During my early tenure as a property manager, before opening my business, my job was to decorate 8 of the most prestigious Commercial Buildings in the downtown core of Aspen with Christmas lights and decorations. My then Supervisor, (now turned Wife) and I decided to change the drab white lights on all the trees and buildings to brightly colored Salsa Lights, The red, blue, green, orange, amber lights, tightly woven from all the trees in front of the buildings, and hung along all the rooftops, literally set the up tight establishment of the Aspen Town fathers on their ears. I was summarily crowned the “The King of Lights,” in Aspen Colorado in 1994, in a ceremony presided over by our entire Property Management Team, which has since become the most prestigious Property Management and Real Estate Company in Aspen and the Entire Roaring Fork Valley. I was presented with a tin foil crown and in a mock ceremony became the King of Lights of Aspen, Colorado, by my boss and future wife.

So as I stand among the Words of “Annie’s Song,” and “Rocky Mountain High,” and listen to the gentle waters of the Roaring Fork River cascading out of the pristine mountains of Independence Pass. I can't help but hear the refrain of Frank's Mom, "God is the Boss, Francis."
Today's Song
Cat Stevens, "Where do the Children Play"