Showing posts with label American Nation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Nation. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Fifty-Three, Accomplishing Great And Heroic Deeds Through Great And Heroic Thoughts; In The Time Of Coronavirus


     “Nurture your mind with great thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes.”

Benjamin Disraeli

     We have said in the past and need to restate the premise. In order to accomplish great deeds, one must first dream of accomplishing them. You must be willing to step up be heard and be counted as one who is willing to attempt heroic deeds. Why should I? You say. Do we really want to be the society that sits back and watches the fall of the American Empire? Our cornerstone of survival must be our words through books, blogs, letters and speaking. Silence can no longer be accepted. We must protest the very stealing of our Nation and our Liberties. While I believe in Civil Disobedience, I do not believe in violence as a means to the ends of social change. Social Change can be achieved through peaceful protests and Social Education of the masses. Nothing can be accomplished if we continue to hide our heads in the sands and allow others to make our important decisions in our lives.
     The Great Thoughts and Great Deeds are the Foundation of a Great Nation. Stand up and again be We The People. Hope you join us!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Forty Three, Finding Everlasting Happiness; In The Time of The Coronavirus

      Lift your eyes and concentrate within. Behold the astral star of divine wisdom and let the wise thoughts in you follow that telescopic star to behold the Christ everywhere. In the land of everlasting Christmas, of festive omnipresent Christ Consciousness, you find Jesus, Krishna, the saints of all religions, the great guru-preceptors waiting to give you a divine floral reception of everlasting happiness. Paramahansa Yogannada Metaphysical Meditations

     The narrative has shifted can you feel it? It is in the air, in the ether, in the space formally occupied by the virus. It is called Everlasting Hope and it is alive and well among us and in us. It is a time of rebirth like the Christ Child within each of us. Do not have Fear any longer. Fear is no longer productive, positive thinking and positive affirmations are what we need to help us move forward out of the great darkness that we have been entrenched in. We are not yet out of the terrible times that have descended upon us, but we are standing in the light with our outstretched hands. We are no longer beggars in blackness but effervescent beings of light, hope, and prosperity. We are celebrating our survival and fortitude during the time of extreme crisis. We cannot be held down. We refuse to be defeated and with and attitude of cooperation and brotherly and sisterly love we will move out of the time of trial into the time of good fortune and prosperity that lies within our grasp. Reach for the Golden Ring and you will attain it. Do not be disillusioned by the news of today that will soon be tomorrows sad memories. Build faith where there is despair. We cannot and will not be held down. We are a Nation of survivors and achievers and together we can attain any goal that we set for our Citizens and Country. Now is the time for the heroes and heroines that have been toiling in obscurity and silence to step forward and be given the accolades they deserve. We as a people have always persevered and triumphed. Know that we will again!