How To Become Your Own Avatar Of Change

I Ching, The Book Of Changes 

Conforming, the small succeed; it is beneficial to have somewhere to go, and it is beneficial to see great people.


Double conformity is used to express reposition of directions. Strength conforms to balance and correctness, so what is willed is carried out in action. The weak all go along with the strong, so this is why the small succeed, profiting from seeing great people.


Following wind represents conformity. Cultured people repeat directions to get things done.


1 yin. When going forward and backward, it is helpful to be as steadfast as a soldier.  IMAGE  Going forward and backward means one's purpose is wavering. It is helpful to be as stead fast as a soldier, meaning that one's purpose is settled.

2 yang When conformity is more lowly than normal, it bodes well to use  intermediaries a lot, so there will be no blame. IMAGE  A lot bodes well, that is provided you attain balance. 

3 yang Repetitious conformity is embarrassing. IMAGE The embarrassment of repetitious conformity is frustration.

4 yin When regret disappears, you catch three kinds of game on a hunt. IMAGE Catching three kinds of game on a hunt means something is successfully accomplished.

5 yang It bodes well to be steadfast and true; regret vanishes, and it is advantageous all around. Though there is no beginning, there is a conclusion. It bodes well to be careful before a change and reflective after a change. IMAGE What bodes well for the strong in this position is to be correctly balanced.

6 yang When conformity is more lowly than normal, you lose your resources and tools, so it is unlucky even if you are steadfast. IMAGE  If conformity is more lowly than normal, one is helpless in a position of leadership, the loss of ones's resources and tools is indeed a bad setback.


Conformity of and in itself is not the answer. Is it better to conform and make change from within or to stand without and affect change from a distance? One must decide their own path regarding change. In the times that we are presented with, any such normalcy is a thing of the distant path. My intuition tells me that change from within no matter how obscure is far superior to being labeled as (Woke) enlightened or awake and ridiculed. Your platform is then lessened and given no substance of thought or purpose other than dismissal. To be a heretic on the outside is of no purpose to affecting change. Your message will be far more readily received to be of the mass or the whole and to move the mass slowly to your goal. The real issue is the apparent lack of time. Does the heretic affect any movement in thought by direct confrontation? Do you make any movement of pervading thought by suggestion? Are great movements of thought and dynamic change of will and direction wrought without challenging present thought? By labeling opponents and generalizing and dismissing your platform you are selectively being disarmed by your opponent and rendered inconsequential as a movement. The very audacity of banning works of thought and mind and art are of great consequence in the battle of good vs. evil. These practices cannot be allowed to continue. The enlightenment of thought must be protected. It is no longer up to the next great Avatar to awaken humanity. We must all strive to be our own Avatar and bring our own enlightenment to as many as are willing to listen and affect necessary change to awaken a sleeping humanity. However the change or movement must be rooted in a desire to enhance or strengthen a society and wrought out of love and compassion. Hatred and violence has no place in change. It serves only to lose one's soul. Align your will with Divine Will and Destiny, your own personal Destiny is waiting for you to step forward and claim your Victory!

If You Could Read My Mind, Gordon Lightfoot, Gord's Gold 

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