Inspirational Healing Verses Based On SRF Daily Meditations (The Covid Writings) Volume I

 Learn To Accept Your Divine Transformation

     I beheld a great blue valley encircled by mountains that shimmered jewel-like. Around opalescent peaks vagrant mists sparkled. A river of silence flowed by, diamonds bright.
     And there I saw, coming out of the depths of the mountains, Jesus and Krishna walking hand in hand- the Christ who prayed by the river Jordan and the Chirst-na who played a flute by the river Yuma.
     They baptized me in the radiant waters; my soul melted in the fathomless depths.
     Everything began to emit astral flames. My body and the forms of Christ and Krishna, the iridescent hills, the glowing stream, and the far empyrean became dancing lights, while atoms of fire flew. Finally nothing remained but mellow luminosity, in which creation trembled.
     O Spirit! in my heart I bowed again and again to thee- Eternal Light in whom all forms commingle.
                                                                                 Whispers From Eternity
                                                                               Paramahansa Yogananda

     To obtain the unobtainable must be the quest. What would be the answer if you could obtain that which you yearned for. If it is noble and good then why not you, a child of the divine, not be able to grasp the prize. If you see yourself succeeding and reaching your goal, then you shall. The times in life that you do not succeed are the ones that you, yourself sabotage, by not envisioning your success. The answer lies in the ability to believe in yourself and your abilities. No matter what your situation or circumstances are now, you can overcome them. By proper thought and right action you can be the person you wish to be or accomplish the goal you wish! Persevere! Believe! You Can!


I know now that I am a lion of cosmic power. Bleating no more, I shake the error forest with reverberations of Thine almighty voice. In divine freedom I bound through the jungle of earthly delusions, devouring the little creatures of vexing worries and timidities, and the wild hyenas of disbelief.

O Lion of Liberation, ever send through me Thy roar of all-conquering courage.

~ Sri Paramahansa Yogananda,
Whispers from Eternity

Now is the time for all men to step forward and be accountable. We can no longer be quiet sheep led to slaughter by the powers that govern our nation. Hundreds of thousands of us have perished in horribly ugly deaths when it does not have to be this way. It is time for all to speak our minds and to save our fellow citizens by following the CDC Guidelines of Social Distancing and Mask Wearing. We can no longer continue to be silent and to die. Courage is the strength to stand up and to be accountable no matter what the circumstances. 

Seeking Positivity And Light

  "The last portion of life is more important than the first, because what you are at the end of this life is what you will be at the beginning of the next."

- Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda 
(Man's Eternal Quest)

     Strive to be the best that you can be. It isn't always easy being your best in the face of adversity. Adversity makes the man or woman. To accomplish great deeds in this world, one must first aspire to accomplish them. Never has a person of achievement accepted the mundane of life. It is difficult in the Time of Coronavirus to see beyond the fray that is our world today. There is the beginnings of a great shift in the light of the world. It may not seem to you that there is the light at the end of the tunnel. It is there and it is getting brighter. Find small ways to improve your mental acuity. Find ways to find ways to just live. However small your accomplishment today is celebrate Today. Tomorrow is just that, it is in your plus column not in your debit. How can I be my very best today. What is it that I can do to move forward. If your sending out resumes and finding nothing but rejection find it in your positive soul to send out more. Amidst a sea of no's it will only take one yes. These are desperate and extremely trying times. You do not need to be reminded of the sorrow and suffering surrounding you. It is evident and pervasive. Know that there are leaders and people out there doing all that they can to change the narrative. It is always the darkest in the tunnel just before you see the light at the end of it. Stay strong and stay positive there is a caring world and population that wants to see you get through this.

I am submerged in eternal light. It permeates every particle of my being. I am living in that light. The Divine Spirit fills me within and without.

~Paramahansa Yogananda 

Developing Spiritual Magnetism

 Yogananda's Healing Techniques

Cultivate within yourself spiritual magnetism like that of Krishna and great Masters. In order to do this, you must express selfless love for all. Try always to be helpful. Develop your usefulness to your family, to your community and friends. Be willing wherever you are. That makes you a magnetic person. If you love people without any motive then you can have divine magnetism.

Keep this unselfish love, compassion, pity for others, grow it in your heart and thus let's pray for healing.   Paramahansa Yogannada

     Don't become closed off to life. Life can overwhelm you and make you withdraw and harden your heart. It isn't easy to soften your heart and to be open and loving in your life. Don't be afraid to express your feelings. This world is too full of automatons mindlessly performing life by rote. Stop! Open your mind and your heart. Adopt and attitude to help your fellow man. We are all one in the community and should not feel isolated. Be reasonable in your service to others not all of humanity is kind. Kindness has disappeared in the world today. We could almost be classified as Human Unkind.
     Learn to meditate, if you are quarantined then you have time to learn. 

  "The last portion of life is more important than the first, because what you are at the end of this life is what you will be at the beginning of the next."

- Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda 
(Man's Eternal Quest)

     Strive to be the best that you can be. It isn't always easy being your best in the face of adversity. Adversity makes the man or woman. To accomplish great deeds in this world, one must first aspire to accomplish them. Never has a person of achievement accepted the mundane of life. It is difficult in the Time of Coronavirus to see beyond the fray that is our world today. There is the beginnings of a great shift in the light of the world. It may not seem to you that there is the light at the end of the tunnel. It is there and it is getting brighter. Find small ways to improve your mental acuity. Find ways to find ways to just live. However small your accomplishment today is celebrate Today. Tomorrow is just that, it is in your plus column not in your debit. How can I be my very best today. What is it that I can do to move forward. If your sending out resumes and finding nothing but rejection find it in your positive soul to send out more. Amidst a sea of no's it will only take one yes. These are desperate and extremely trying times. You do not need to be reminded of the sorrow and suffering surrounding you. It is evident and pervasive. Know that there are leaders and people out there doing all that they can to change the narrative. It is always the darkest in the tunnel just before you see the light at the end of it. Stay strong and stay positive there is a caring world and population that wants to see you get through this.

I am submerged in eternal light. It permeates every particle of my being. I am living in that light. The Divine Spirit fills me within and without.

~Paramahansa Yogananda 

Mastering The Art Of Inaction

Sri Yoganandaji described as follows the state of "inaction" mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita.

 "When a true yogi performs an action, karmically it is like writing on water. No mark remains."*

*ie., no karmic record is kept. Only a master is a free man- one unbound by karma (the inexorable cosmic law that holds unenlightened persons accountable for their thoughts and actions). In urging Arjuna to fight on the battlefield, Lord Krishna assured him that he would incur no karma if he acted as God's agent, without egoistic consciousness. Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda

     You can move forward with lightening fast speed in your life by ascribing to God's will for you. Do not assert your will but rather perform what God's will for you is. How do you know? Listen in the quietest moments of your life to your inner voice. The voice that tells you in your silence which way to proceed. Ours has enlightened us to continue our teaching and rescuing. Instead of the Equine souls we once saved our mission is to raise and support humankind. We wish to use our limited platforms to the fullest extent of their possibilities in the hopes that they will grow exponentially in magnitude. Having been listeners since the beginning of Covid-19 and captives as well, we are finally at the point like Howard Beale in the movie Network, where this is the start of my rant and we are not going to take it. Silence is no longer a snowflake falling in one of my poems. We are writing on the water our displeasure and disillusionment and sitting back to watch the Karma of the world snap back with its own response in the Americas. Beginning with these new blogs our mission is now set in motion. We are willing to watch the course it now takes.

The outrage of the invasion of Ukraine by Putin is beyond belief in these times. It is past time to stand up and to be heard and to speak your truth. Truth is our only weapon against such atrocities. Through all our collective wills coupled with Divine Will it is time to no longer be part of a silent majority. Be heard and speak your Discourse with great firmness and authority. Be one of those who will not have your will be bent or swayed by Tyrannical Rhetoric. See and Say what your Heart and Soul speaks to you.

Perhaps it is our time to lead our people out of bondage! Beware you who lead through Autocracy and Aristocratical Arrogance.!

Awaken Thoughts Of Immortality

 How to Use Thoughts of Immortality to Awaken Your True Self", Wisdom of Paramahansa Yogananda

Constantly Impress the Mind With Divine Truth
Avoid any suggestion to the mind of human limitation: sickness, old age, death. Instead, constantly impress the mind with this truth:
“I am the Infinite that has become the body. The body as a manifestation of Spirit is the ever-perfect, ever-youthful Spirit.”

Refuse to be limited by thoughts of weakness or age. Who told you that you are old? You are not old. You, the soul, are eternally young. Impress that thought on your consciousness:
“I am the soul, a reflection of ever-youthful Spirit. I am vibrant with youth, with ambition, with power to succeed.”

Attune yourself to Cosmic Power, and whether you are working in a factory, or mixing with people in the business world, always affirm:
“Within me is the Infinite Creative Power. I shall not go to the grave without some accomplishments. I am a God-man, a rational creature. I am the power of Spirit, the dynamic Source of my soul. I shall create revelations in the world of business, in the world of thought, in the world of wisdom. I and my Father are One. I can create anything I desire, even as my creative Father.”

    Let Today be the day that you turn your negative thinking pattern to a positive one. It is possible to overcome any trial and tribulation in your life. Do not be afraid to perform any task that was previously left unfinished. Pick up that short story, poem, work of art, song, love letter and complete your calling. We all have destinies that are left unfulfilled now is the time to start fresh. Be brave, be reckless with caution and accept your success. The saddest thing in life is to have never tried. How many dreams are left hidden in the dark of the closet dull and unpolished? Bring them out into the light of the world and let your spirit shine and soar. You are not alone. We are all in this together. Be supportive of your friends, family and neighbors, as long as it is at a distance.
     There are many guiding lights in the world today choose a positive influencer and follow the path that has been chosen for you.

Embracing The Everlasting

 Our dear ones promise to love us forever, yet when they sink into the Great Sleep, their earth memories forsaken, what value their vows? Who, without telling us in words, loves us everlastingly? Who remembers us when all others forget us? Who will still be with us when we must leave the friends of this world? God alone---- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Whispers from Eternity" 

The Ghosts they do come in all sizes, shapes, species and forms. They are woven deeply into the fabric of our daily lives. Yet the one true love is often over looked or ignored. Shame on delusion and her sister maya that keep us in our darkness and fearful isolation. Isn't it everyone's wish to become a part of something greater than one's self? Look for the one who hides in the ocean, air, mountain's and earth. They are ever omniscient and present. It is not that they aren't looking for you. It is you are not showing the desire for spirit's presence. Change all that today! Use your sense's and intuition to put your life on track. No matter what the World is doing, the global conflicts are increasing intensely and disillusionment seams to be on the rise. Why do we care about your Spirit or your advancement in this world? We were once of you, the trials and tribulations are not just yours alone. Through Divine Will not our own Will we have opened our hearts and minds. There is a Scientific Method through Kriya Yoga that will lead you to Peace (Samadhi). It is not the only method. If you are skeptical take the time and research your own path. There is a Strength and Truth that you can gain through Discipline. You owe it to yourself to explore it. 

We will move on to our own writing goals. Hopefully you have read the posts of the Beijing Olympics. They represent youth and the promise of hope. It is time to shift the focus to our new writings. Perhaps they will entertain you and help you to enjoy the New Dawn we all face.

How Can I Meditate?

 The more you meditate the more helpful you can be to others, and the more deeply you will be in tune with God. Selfish people remain spiritually hide-bound, but the unselfish expand their consciousness. When you find your omnipresence in meditation, you will find God. If he is pleased with you, all nature will work in harmony with you. Learn to talk to Him with all your soul---Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons.  

You must do Kriya Yoga everyday is the edict that Gurudev has given us. Meditate deeply to find your truth. It will become clearer to you the deeper into Spirit that you journey. If you do not know how to meditate the SRF Lessons are a wonderful place to begin. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Simply put you must make the effort to begin. The journey is filled with joy and freedoms that you have no idea exists. Why not take the journey today, right now. What are the alternatives, suffering and desperation that is the world we live in today. Do you wish for a change. Then be it!

The Autobiography of a Yogi

Allowing Intelligent Cosmic Energy To Work In Your Life

 The more you meditate the more helpful you can be to others, and the more deeply you will be in tune with God. Selfish people remain spiritually hide-bound, but the unselfish expand their consciousness. When you find your omnipresence in meditation, you will find God. If he is pleased with you, all nature will work in harmony with you. Learn to talk to Him with all your soul---Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons.  

You must do Kriya Yoga everyday is the edict that Gurudev has given us. Meditate deeply to find your truth. It will become clearer to you the deeper into Spirit that you journey. If you do not know how to meditate the SRF Lessons are a wonderful place to begin. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Simply put you must make the effort to begin. The journey is filled with joy and freedoms that you have no idea exists. Why not take the journey today, right now. What are the alternatives, suffering and desperation that is the world we live in today. Do you wish for a change. Then be it!

The Autobiography of a Yogi

Accepting the Aid Of Divine Power

I am death the destroyer of all, the source of what will be, the feminine powers; fame, fortune, speech, memory, intelligence, resolve, patience.


Fragments of Divine Power

Divine Power is and always will be just that, Divine. It must be accepted and not expected. It cannot be summoned, beckoned, requested. It is given Divinely to the Deserving. It must be earned by Divine Action of Divine Will. It is the ear mark of the Great that seek the power. Only through right intention and right action can Divine Power be Activated. It shall be provided to the Deserving. It is the absolute Divine Truth and Law of Success and Nature. Once this is understood all things are obtainable through God. Rest assured that if you follow the right path with the proper preparation that when you need Divine Intervention it will be at your disposal. It is a Scientific Fact and the proof will be in the Accomplishment of your Goal. Believe with all your mind, heart, soul and being and the Miracle will Appear.

Discovering Your Path

"I am going to the hills to be alone with God," a student informed Paramahansa Yogananda. "You will not advance spiritually in that way," Paramahansaji replied, "Your mind is not yet ready to concentrate deeply on Spirit. Your thoughts will dwell mostly on memories of people and worldly pastimes, even though you remain in a cave. Cheerful performance of your earthly duties, coupled with daily meditation, is the better path.'---- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda"

The Path of Life is a winding road. Many choices abound in the World. Be of Service to the World with Joy, Love, Devotion and Gratitude. You will see a marked increase in your Good Fortune and Well Being. All things come to those that offer themselves to service of Humanity. There are no greater rewards on Earth than to be of Service. It may not feel that your service is being rewarded or appreciated but do not despair. Life’s Rewards are activated by Faith, Goodwill, Loyalty and Service. Let your Spirit be Indomitable, your Will be Unbreakable, your Resolve be Unshakable.

Attracting Success 

      Do not take life's experiences too seriously. Above all, do not let them hurt you, for in reality they are nothing but dream experiences.... If circumstances are bad and you have to bear them, do not make them a part of yourself. Play your part in life, but never forget it is only a role. What you lose in the world will not be a loss to your soul. Trust in God and destroy fear, which paralyzes all efforts to succeed and attracts the very thing you fear.- Paramahansa Yogananda, in a "Para-gram

What use have you for fear in this time of fearfulness? It is of no use to you at all. Open your heart and especially your mind during this great time of world dis-ease. Do not be of the times. Rather use your fortitude and energy to concentrate on your success. You alone are the Master of your destiny and fate. If you use your dynamic willpower to move your mind, thoughts and being toward achieving your goals through trusting in your higher power. You must believe with every fiber of your soul that you already possess the success that you seek. Nothing in Life is attainable if you don't first believe you can attain it. All your past failures and defeats are just that, Your Past. What was yesterdays sorrows should not vex todays triumphs. Break the bonds of defeat and replace them with the Joy of Accomplishments!

Discovering The Art Of Devotion

 Love him, talk to him every second of your life, in activity and in silence, with deep prayer, with the unceasing desire of your heart; and you shall see the screen of delusion melt away. He who is playing hide-and-seek in the beauty of the flowers, in souls, in noble passions, in dreams, shall come forth and say: "You and I have been apart for along time; because I desired that you give Me your love willingly. You are made in My image, and I wanted to see if you would use your freedom to give Me your love." - Paramahansa Yogananda, "Man's Eternal Quest"

It seems so simple in the silence of the evening to give your love without reservation. You have love for your family, you have love for your country, you have love for your home and your possessions. Do you have love for Him who has granted all these fine things to you? A question only you, yourself, in the silence of prayer can answer. Do not hesitate any longer! What more could you possibly be waiting for? What material possession could possible offer you more? What greater love could you ever imagine is out there waiting on you! The answer is one that you already know. It has come to us in this great time of desire and need. Look around! Open your heart and open your mind to the infinite possibilities of the universe and your dreams and aspirations will be yours if you go forward with the Love of your Lord in your heart and soul! Why not surrender your resistance and lift up the Light of the World for all to see. Do not let delusion and dissatisfaction stand in the way of your Liberation. It is ours for the asking Today!

Developing A Proper Attitude Through Proper Thinking!

 "You have to give your best every day, under any circumstances – and then you can succeed." But most people don't commit, or they're always thinking that everything goes wrong with them - that they're always unlucky. And why should things work out?

These people don't take time to cultivate the seeds of success in their brains; they get too busy with useless things. Maybe you don't think you have any seed of success in your intimate life, but you do. You can make it, you can make it. However, if you think "I'm finished", you certainly are, for you have already declared yourself a failure.

But if you stay positive and think "alright, I've got this" and keep trying, you can. "


"How can I do this," you say. "Nothing ever works out for me." Stop Now! 

Through proper thinking, meditation, devotion, persistence you can change your outcomes in Life. Nothing comes of nothing. Do not have a defeatist attitude no matter what your circumstances. Realize that you are a Child of God and that your are here to fulfill your own destiny. Make a Promise to yourself and to your Father that you will do everything in your power to change your circumstances as of right now. Do not accept defeat or failure. It is not in the stars for you. Remember as a Child when all the World was a wonderment to you. Perhaps you laid on the ground stared at the sky and dreamed of all the great things you would achieve. Today is the day to achieve them.

The World is a place of wonder again. Do not allow the closed mind and thinking of others to cloud your horizons. Determine what it is that you want from this world and then go out and do it. No more Tomorrows, there is only today. Grab this day and shake the most from it. When you exercise your Father's will for you all things are possible. All the Miracles of the World are at your beckon call. Go forward in the knowledge and assurance that you are the Great Conquer you have always dreamed of being.

I would never have imagined that after 34 years of living in the State of Colorado, I would move to the Desert of Nevada to live in the Colorado Bay Club. God does work in mysterious ways. I will begin again working on The Lure of the Mountain King, as much as I enjoyed Mrs. Peach not everyone else seems to, besides the 2026 Winter Olympics are like Goliath and he is calling out my name.

I Have Mountains To Conquer Before I Sleep!

-How to Find Your Heart's Desire by Attuning Yourself to God's Will.

 Endeavor to make yourself what you should be and what you want to be. As you keep your mind on God and attune yourself to His will, you progress more and more surely on your path.----- Paramahansa Yogananda. "The Law of Success"

Do not waiver on your path. Remain steadfast in your desire for and your belief of your ultimate success in this life. Attune your heart, spirit, mind, and soul on God's will for you and you cannot fail. Your Father wishes for you to be successful in your life and to attain your Heart's Desire. He above all others knows your longings and desires. You are his child. Remember that " I and my Father are One, All things that my Father Hath are Mine." Stop defeating yourself with doubts and fears. They serve no purpose. If you were to truly believe than you truly can. Through right action, purposeful living, deep meditation and self honesty you can overcome any personal obstacle to your success. Why be a slave to negativity and failure. No longer compare yourself to others around you. You can become the very change that you wish for in this world. Start Today!

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