Preparing Your Personal Destiny
I will prepare for the coming of the Omnipresent Baby Christ by cleaning the cradle of any consciousness, now rusty with selfishness, indifference, and sense attachments; and by polishing it with deep , daily, divine meditation, introspection, and discrimination. I will remodel the cradle with dazzling soul-qualities of brotherly love, humbleness, faith, desire for God-realization, will power, self control, renunciation, and unselfishness, that I may fittingly celebrate the Birth of the Divine Child- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Metaphysical Meditations"
Why not take the time to completely put your house in order to receive the gifts that will reign down upon us this coming Christmas. We all need to change our narratives and our aspirations to accommodate the shift in the Paradigm of life that we now are faced with. Is it difficult? Yes! Impossible? No! All around us there are people breaking the glass ceiling every minute of every day. The front line workers, nurses, doctors, critical care workers. They didn't sign on for the madness that has befallen their lot. They step up every second of every day to take care of the errant idiots that we are forced to call fellow citizens. We need to reevaluate what citizenship and civic responsibility really is. We are way off the mark. There are no trophies for being a super spreader or not caring if you infect your mother, father, brother, sister, or relative because your are so self serving you can't even see that a pandemic is right in front of you. Your needs are not greater than the needs of the many. Since when has the needs of the individual become greater than the needs of the multitude. What does Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness mean to you? Surely it does not mean that you get to eradicate your fellow human beings for your own pleasure. Come on people! What has happened here in America? Are we really seeing the decline and fall of the American Empire. I trust not! However my fellow Americans behavior from our Politicians to our Local Community Leaders is beginning to give me pause. How about a little help here and working together for the greater common good. We have decided that since we cannot leave our current isolation to do everything possible to improve ourselves, our surroundings and to write as inspirational as we possibly can. We have struggled with how much of our personal spirituality to share without incurring the wrath of the religious community for them. However when I see our religious community encouraging members of their religious groups to attend mass celebrations in churches, synagogues, and other venues I can't help but have pause to step back away from their teachings and give pause to the validity of their organizations if they believe religious freedom is a reason to kill other humans by group meetings. Heed the lesson of self awareness, and self enlightenment, self preservation. You are the change in the world that must take place, here and now with you. We have hope for the new changes that we see taking place with turning back the tide of the virus that we are in the midst of. Somewhere, somehow we need to change. If you don't we are going to be forced to turn America around and you are all going to be in big trouble!
Dharma Talk
(Pete with her Good Friend Dharma)
The Lord is with me and I am with Him. That is His promise in the Bhagavad Gita: “He who perceives Me everywhere and beholds everything in Me never loses sight of Me, nor do I ever lose sight of him.” Paramahansa Yogananda
Finding Discipline
What is Discipline..
It is attuning ones Mind,Thought,Energies and complete Focus single mindedly towards your Goal..
Disciplining your mind is the Hardest task as it Never stays in a place.It flickers somewhere when you want to Hold the attention.
Here is where Surrender plays the role.You are not trying to control.. But you are surrendering to its way, just by Holding Guru Mantra in every breath..
Practice this.You will attain great discipline in controlling your thoughts.
Discipline is difficult. It is the precursor to successful living and advancement. One must focus ones attention on the minutia of life in order for the larger picture to come in to view. The time now is for us to stay with in the confines of our capabilities. However do not limit your horizons. Now is the time to attempt to accomplish the things that you have always dreamed of. If you have dreamed of attaining a lofty goal than try to accomplish it. The journey of one thousand miles begins with the very first step followed by a succession of successful ones. We are not prisoners here in our homes. We are well intentioned disciplined human and can win our dreams.
Touched By The Pearl
For more than three decades I have waited for you to return to me. … You slipped away and disappeared into the tumultuous waves of the life beyond death. The magic wand of your karma touched you, and you were gone! Though you lost sight of me, never did I lose sight of you! I pursued you over the luminescent astral sea where the glorious angels sail. Through gloom, storm, upheaval, and light I followed you, like a mother bird guarding her young. As you lived out your human term of womb life, and emerged a babe, my eye was ever on you. -- Read more: Paramahansa Yogananda
Have you ever had that feeling that right over your shoulder there is someone watching? Something intangible but yet real and moving you forward with lightening fast speed to the unreachable unattainable heights that you have aways dreamed of aspiring to but where afraid to put into words. Say the words this time. Write the story that will move the multitudes. Sing the song that will start the whole word celebrating in joy. Paint the scene that everyone dreams of. If not now when. When will you ever be fresher, more gathered than being quarantined and bursting at your seams to excel. We are there and are among you and with you in your growth. Don't ask why? It is to be. This is the way we come out of what we have never known before. You can and will be stronger, healthier, happier and more productive than you have ever thought possible. Your father is with you and guiding you to a new and brighter future. Hey come on please follow me I'm the Pied Piper and I'll show you the way to go!
The Pied Piper, Crispian St Peters
Listen To The Wisdom Of The World
Listen to the voices in the Wilderness calling us into to Eternity. Do not settle for the insignificant false promises of the political present that is sewing seeds of discontent and disharmony. Listen for the sound of truth and follow the truth!
Krishna Das, By Your Grace/Jai Gurudev, Heart As Wise As The World
Aspire For A United America
Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy
O Divine Master, grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand
To be loved, as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
And it's in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it's in dying that we are born to Eternal Life
Forget The Past.
Reflection on negative things is not the purpose of man's God-- given memory."""""""""""""""""""""""""'""""
Avoid dwelling on all the wrong things you have done. They do not belong to you now. Let them be forgotten. It is attention that creates habit and memory. As soon as you put the needle on a phonograph record,it begins to play. Attention is the needle that plays the record of past actions. So you should not put your attention on bad ones. Why go on suffering over the unwise actions of your past ? Cast their memory from your mind,and take care not to repeat those actions again.
Reflection on negative things is not the purpose of man's God- given memory. Some people go on remembering all the suffering they passed through, and how terrible the pain was, from an operation that took place twenty years ago ! Over and over again they relive the consciousness of that sickness. Why repeat such experience ? To deliberately recall painful and evil experience is a misuse of memory and a sin against your soul.
Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
The Divine Romance. P.156
"Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men and weak men create hard times"
It is easy in the time of plenty and abundance to loose sight of the struggles that you have overcome to get to your pinnacle. Your pinnacle can be taken away at any time. Providence rears it ugly head and removes the things that are dear to you. We must not despair in these times. These times are trying beyond all belief! Do not forget the times we have come through. It is the cause of your electorate that you are suffering through these times. These times were avoidable. They did not have to take place. They are an aberration perpetrated on you by a deviant democracy of bureaucratic incompetence. This is not the way things are supposed to be. We must speak up louder, stronger with great fortitude to overcome the oppression of the class struggle. Every opportunity should be seized upon to bring about change from this moment forward. This should be the goal that we work towards as a society. We do not have to accept the status quo. Be the change in every day that you are looking for.
Moving Out Of Darkness
"The best way to remove your weaknesses is not to think about them; otherwise you will be overwhelmed. Bring the light in and you will feel that darkness never was. In that thought is one of the greatest inspirations in my life. If light is admitted into a cave where darkness has existed for thousands of years, darkness will vanish instantly. So will our faults and weaknesses vanish when we bring in the light of God. The darkness of ignorance can enter nevermore."
-Paramhansa Yogananda
In a world that seems to be filled with darkness, we must remove the vail of Maya and shine the light of the world on us. We do not need to live and cower like scared creatures from the bullies of the world. Do not accept the litany of lies that are pervading our ether. We are children of the light, as a child of the light I am willed to stand up speak out and be accountable for my brothers and sisters who are unable. We no longer live in the age of darkness. We live in an age of information and truth. It may be hard to understand the difference between the two but we must use all of faculties to do this. Stay aware, Stay safe, Stay Positive. We will again be able to walk free in the world. This is still America we live in we will prevail!
Channeling Ernest Hemingway
“In going where you have to go, and doing what you have to do, and seeing what you have to see, you'll dull and blunt the instrument you write with. But I would rather have it bent and dull and know I had to put it to the grindstone again and hammer it into shape and put a whetstone to it, and know that I had something to write about, than to have it bright and shining and nothing to say, or smooth and well-oiled in the closet, but unused.
Ernest Hemingway
“No matter what your trials have been, or how discouraged you are, if you will make a continued effort to be better, you will find that, being made in the image of God, you are endowed with an unlimited power that is much stronger than your worst trials. Make up your mind that you will win, focusing all your concentration on ceaseless efforts to succeed, and you will surely be victorious.
Remember that your past difficulties did not come to crush you, but to strengthen your determination to use your limitless divine powers to succeed. God wants you to conquer the difficult tests of life and to come back to His home of wisdom."
Excerpted from “How to Have Courage, Calmness, and Confidence" by ParamahansaYogananda published by Crystal Clarity

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
-- "Man's Eternal Quest".....pag - 77 , 79 --
Self-Righteousness is rampant in America today. Each group has their own narrative and there is no longer a middle or common ground. Do not allow your mindset to be hijacked. Have your belief system but be willing to compromise. The old adage, It is going to take a lot of Love to change the way things are, is the singularly greatest truth in the world today. Stop! Reset the narrative to a discourse of harmony. Live harmoniously in your daily life, strive for positive reinforcement of your own morals and maintain the moral high ground in all your dealings in life. It serves absolutely no purpose to have your thoughts corrupted by and outside force. Now more than ever you must guard your psychic aurora from outside influences that the negativity of the Pandemic is raining down upon us. You must with every fiber of your soul move forward in your life with joy, happiness, and positivity. What good does fear and anxiousness accomplish.
Pride cometh before the fall! How many prideful bullies do you have to see rise and fall in flames before you understand that aspiring to be good, well rounded and a good citizen to your country, is the goal for the majority. It may seem in the times today that your country has betrayed you. Ask the greatest generation if during the depths of despair in their darkest hours if they felt betrayed. Perhaps, but their sense of duty and right drove them on. We can overcome our hardships. Even if you don't believe that our greatest threat has been eliminated from our most powerful office you must reach out and help your fellow human being and they you. Sense of non community and polarized politics rein supreme. Do we not still live in the freest and greatest country in the world. Remember that! Your situation will change, situations always do. Every day well lived is a day closer to achieving your goal. Believe your job or change in career will come through. Believe that we will persevere as a society and overcome whatever obstacles covid or politics or environment puts before us. Be very careful America you don't want me to have to come to your cities and steal your children to get your attention. Move forward to a brighter future today!
The Art Of Being Fearless
"Be fearless. Whatever it is that you fear, take your mind away from it and leave it to Me. Have faith in Me and you will be free at once."
--- Mahavatar Sri Babaji Maharaj
"Be fearless, Gurus are always protecting you."
--- Beloved Gurudev Premavatar Sri Swarupananda Brahmachari
How to overcome fear. Fear is a paralyzing force. It is a palpable entity that once entering the mind like the Coronavirus itself can be pervasive. Immediately displace the thought of fear with whatever method is at your disposal. Enlightened Masters like those of the Lineage of Self Realization Fellowship accept the burden of your fear so that you do not have to shoulder it. It is a comfort and a blessing to remove the yoke of suffering and mantle it. Give up the ghost, no matter what the ghost is that you are hosting. There is no productive solution to suffering. You are the only one that can host it. Fear is counter productive it takes away from serenity. Serenity in daily life is the goal. Listen to calming music. Youtube had an incredible amount of binaural beats music to lift your spirits and calm your soul. Make every effort to exercise the strength of your mind and quell the thoughts of fear from your being.
Awaken Thoughts Of Immortality
How to Use Thoughts of Immortality to Awaken Your True Self", Wisdom of Paramahansa Yogananda
Constantly Impress the Mind With Divine Truth
Avoid any suggestion to the mind of human limitation: sickness, old age, death. Instead, constantly impress the mind with this truth:
“I am the Infinite that has become the body. The body as a manifestation of Spirit is the ever-perfect, ever-youthful Spirit.”
Refuse to be limited by thoughts of weakness or age. Who told you that you are old? You are not old. You, the soul, are eternally young. Impress that thought on your consciousness:
“I am the soul, a reflection of ever-youthful Spirit. I am vibrant with youth, with ambition, with power to succeed.”
Attune yourself to Cosmic Power, and whether you are working in a factory, or mixing with people in the business world, always affirm:
“Within me is the Infinite Creative Power. I shall not go to the grave without some accomplishments. I am a God-man, a rational creature. I am the power of Spirit, the dynamic Source of my soul. I shall create revelations in the world of business, in the world of thought, in the world of wisdom. I and my Father are One. I can create anything I desire, even as my creative Father.”
Developing Spiritual Magnetism
Yogananda's Healing Techniques
Cultivate within yourself spiritual magnetism like that of Krishna and great Masters. In order to do this, you must express selfless love for all. Try always to be helpful. Develop your usefulness to your family, to your community and friends. Be willing wherever you are. That makes you a magnetic person. If you love people without any motive then you can have divine magnetism.
Keep this unselfish love, compassion, pity for others, grow it in your heart and thus let's pray for healing. Paramahansa Yogannada
I soar in the plane of consciousness above, beneath, on the left, on the right, within and without, everywhere, to find that in every nook of my space-home I have always been in the sacred presence of my father, Paramahansa Yogananda, "Metaphysical Meditations"
You do not walk alone in this world. Your father is ever with you and watching over you. You are free to make your own decisions and control your own destiny. Grounded in the faith that your path is clear and open and your success is guaranteed by the love of your maker. You cannot fail all that you need will be provided for you on your journey. Do not falter in the knowledge that you are a child of your father. Trust and you shall be delivered.
Psalm 23:4-6
King James Version
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
Sri Krishna Govinda/Gopala, Krishna Das, Live on Earth (For a Limited Time)
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