Please! No Ski Boots


Please! No Ski Boots!


“Look, I’m a crazy writer!” I scream at

the sheriff of Nottingham,

“I’m being forced to live

in internal exile here

and I’m not supposed to be driving

and when they find out I was they

are going to lock me up

and throw away the key.


It’s ten thirty at night

this drunken skier just

stepped out in front of

my blue Toyota ski

bum car and you tell me

where the hell he was

skiing at this late hour?


When I hit him his

ski boots came all the way up

smashed my windshield, I

panicked and slammed on the brakes,

and he shot off the hood

his skis and poles were flying everywhere

and he hit the ground real

hard with a dull sickening thud

and a real deep moan.


Now my car is like everyone else’s

in the mountain’s of Colorado

it’s temporary tags

are expired and it’s

uninsured and now

the windshield is

cracked and broken.”

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