Many Rivers To Cross

      Seeing the future through the trees is a very difficult proposition right now. One could very easily be discouraged or absolutely paralyzed with fear. If you have half of a mind in the world today, you could certainly be distraught. Every thing changes, times will change and we will get past the pandemic. We are absolutely avoiding political posting. There are way too many crazies in the world today. The other side truly believes in its views.

     The thing that we hold deep in our heart these days is that more change has been wrought by a quill, pen, typewriter and paper then any sword, gun, artillery, jet or bomb. We cling dearly to the premise that change will come and that we hope to be a spearhead in the wave. Never before in our existence have we been more confident in the fact that now is the time to move forward and to pursue publishing. One should assess their place, their orientation to their life and to move forward in the way that is best suited for them. Gone is the anger, fear and lack of self confidence. It is now replaced with certainty and absolute belief in the abilities of moving forward. It is as if the awakening has happened and the desire and motivation to move forward and pursue what has been dormant for all these years. The statement about someone spontaneously catching on fire and accomplishing things that normally they would not have attempted has attracted my attention and that the need to pursue the things that would never have been of interest in my world. The world to us has opened the door and asked that we step into it. For what it is worth, never before do we think we have been ready willing and able to move forward on the journey. Time truly is the great healer of wounds and the desire to heal and to cross the rivers of doubt have never seemed so conquerable.

     May all your thoughts be of great accomplishments!

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