Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Saturday, December 30, 2023

180-Is a Trilogy a Precursor for a Trinity?

 What is the relationship of a trilogy to a trinity? The obvious grouping of three is too simple of an explanation. If you examine the trilogy(noun a group of three related novels, plays, films, operas, or albums."J.R.R. Tolkien's epic fantasy trilogy, The Lord of the Rings") you would wonder as a group of writing what the time line is for the origin of the material. If you were to say write a novel at a young age, followed by a later work and then by a significantly later work you could make an argument that would support it as being a trinity in origin. trin·i·ty/ˈtrinədē/, noun, the Christian Godhead as one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now it may seem sacrilegious to compare your youth, middle age and wisdom of old age to that of a religious trinity but you can see the truth in the analogy of the learned wisdom. What you would have written in the naivety of youth, and the greater wisdom of old age would be vastly different. Hence the analogy to a religious trinity.

Monday, May 29, 2023

139- Living Life To The Fullest

This life is a master novel, written by God, and man would go crazy if he tried to understand it by reason alone. That is why I tell you to meditate more. Enlarge the magic cup of your intuition and then you will be able to hold the ocean of infinite wisdom----                                 Paramahansa Yogananda, "Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda." 

Your life is a novel with the remaining chapters and ending yet to be written by the greatest Master Author. Why would you worry about the future? Do you think your Father would allow you to not succeed in his own house? You remember the times that in darkness you raised your fists to the Heavens and proclaimed anger toward what you perceived as the perpetrator of your sorrows. You knew then that your wrong actions and thinking were the cause of your pain. You knew that proper preparedness coupled with proper thinking and proper action was the key to Ultimate Success in Life. Think of the times that you felt a short cut here or a little cheating there would not harm you. The solution has always been within you all the time. Stop getting in the way and Let Go and Let God work the Miracles in your life that you Deserve as a child of his. Always Remember;  "I And My Father Are One, All Things My Father Hath Are Mine!" What more is there to know. If you Believe it, so it will be. Live and Love Life to it's Fullest.

Baba Hanuman, Krishna Das

My girl Pete says if Life gets too Hard, "Go take a Tan."

(We have a Tan Box to sit in, I have a jump box to get on the bed, a zip box for my FUD, I don't like when my parents are on their talk boxes and watching the U-Tubes, or on their think boxes writing, especially the Big Watch Box in the Living Room that shows Mr. Strump) (See Lesson Six, or  Lesson Three, Ask Mrs. Peach,)( my arch nemesis!)

Monday, September 19, 2022

129-Finding Your Path To Peace And Harmony Through Meditation.

 Do not lament if you see no lights or images in meditation. Go deep into the perception of Bliss; there you will find the actual presence of God. Seek not a part but the Whole.------Paramahansa Yogananda, "Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda"

It is easy to be discouraged in your attempt at Meditating. Nothing worthwhile in the World comes to you without Perseverance. You must know that many Great Masters before you have walked the Path that you now walk. Keep your Life as simple as you are able. Lessen the noise of the world and listen to the voice within you. Dive deeper into the quiet of the silence in your mind. You will slowly become more attuned to your spirituality and be willing to become one with your new found sense of purpose. It is and ever growing peace and harmony that will fill your heart and mind. You owe it to your self to find your way free of the  bondages that Western Civilization has placed upon you. You will learn to be at one with yourself, your possessions, your career and your spiritual path in this world. This is the Promise that awaits you on your path.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

127- How to adjust your attitude to overcome Maya-Delusion

 The most destructive shaft of maya-delusion is unwillingness to meditate, for by this attitude one prevents himself from tuning in with God and Guru--- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Rajarsi Janakananda: Great Western Yogi"


Maya, cosmic delusion, is the universal substance of forms in the Infinite Formless. Avidya is the individual cosmic hypnosis or illusion imposed on the forms that makes them express, perceive, and interact with one another as though each has its own separate reality. God's omnipresent undifferentiated cosmic consciousness underlies its mayic separations into parts through which the Creator expresses His manifoldness. By the visualization of His thoughts, through the power of maya, " the magical measurer," God creates sustains, and dissolves dream worlds and beings.--- Paramahansa Yogananda

Everything in the Universe is Transient and changing. What you perceive as real is made up of individual atoms. Atoms have particles and molecules and are also constantly changing. Be grounded in the world but remain flexible. The earth is a living breathing organic organism that we are rapidly depleting and destroying. The changes in the weather and its patterns are indicative of the beginning rumblings of her death and destruction. It is imperative that the current course we are in now be halted immediately. Herein lies the difficulty. By not meditating, you are closing your being an essence to enlightenment. You are allowing Delusion and Maya to spread its darkness upon you and this world. Open up your heart and mind to cosmic consciousness and go deeply into meditation. You will find all the riches of the world exist in its peace.

Monday, February 28, 2022

95: Mastering The Art Of Inaction, In The Time Of the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia

Sri Yoganandaji described as follows the state of "inaction" mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita.

 "When a true yogi performs an action, karmically it is like writing on water. No mark remains."*

*ie., no karmic record is kept. Only a master is a free man- one unbound by karma (the inexorable cosmic law that holds unenlightened persons accountable for their thoughts and actions). In urging Arjuna to fight on the battlefield, Lord Krishna assured him that he would incur no karma if he acted as God's agent, without egoistic consciousness. Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda

     You can move forward with lightening fast speed in your life by ascribing to God's will for you. Do not assert your will but rather perform what God's will for you is. How do you know? Listen in the quietest moments of your life to your inner voice. The voice that tells you in your silence which way to proceed. Ours has enlightened us to continue our teaching and rescuing. Instead of the Equine souls we once saved our mission is to raise and support humankind. We wish to use our limited platforms to the fullest extent of their possibilities in the hopes that they will grow exponentially in magnitude. Having been listeners since the beginning of Covid-19 and captives as well, we are finally at the point like Howard Beale in the movie Network, where this is the start of my rant and we are not going to take it. Silence is no longer a snowflake falling in one of my poems. We are writing on the water our displeasure and disillusionment and sitting back to watch the Karma of the world snap back with its own response in the Americas. Beginning with these new blogs our mission is now set in motion. We are willing to watch the course it now takes.

The outrage of the invasion of Ukraine by Putin is beyond belief in these times. It is past time to stand up and to be heard and to speak your truth. Truth is our only weapon against such atrocities. Through all our collective wills coupled with Divine Will it is time to no longer be part of a silent majority. Be heard and speak your Discourse with great firmness and authority. Be one of those who will not have your will be bent or swayed by Tyrannical Rhetoric. See and Say what your Heart and Soul speaks to you.

Perhaps it is our time to lead our people out of bondage! Beware you who lead through Autocracy and Aristocratical Arrogance.!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

75 -The Quest For The Mountain Pearl


Faster, Higher, Stronger-Together

Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Matthew 22:21

                      The Children's Crusade

            A Quest for the Blade of Olympus

           From The Hallowed Halls Of Shambhala

In a Golden Warrior's Pose

I let fly my Poetry and Prose. 

May it's flight be swift and true

And find the mark and breach the fortress 

Of the Great Wall of China

And pierce the mind, hearts, spirits and souls

Of all of those too weak or frail

To Rise up against the fear of Imprisonment and Retribution.

May you Find the Strength, Courage and Fierceness

To Grasp the Golden Rings.

I Can Feel Him In The Morning, Grand Funk Railroad


Read each tale of Life, 

Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

From North American Forests and Mountain Peaks

Here in Lies My Quest For The Mountain Pearl.

There is no Brighter nor Elusive Gem in the World.

My Obsession to Caress and Possess the Pearl,

Consumed my Youth to the Point of Madness.

"This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental."

                     The Mountain Pearl

For Kathleen Marie,

Happy Anniversary and a Loving Valentines Day.

                                              The Rainbow Warrior

                                                 Albert Bianchine


     The Aspen’s of Gold Peak were blossoming green and shimmering in the breeze. The snow glittered as it melted. It trickled down the Gore Range to form a cascading stream joining Gore Creek from the top of the Grand Traverse. It echoed loudly off the walls of the Vail Transportation Center as it rumbled through the Upper Eagle Valley. The young man and the girl with him sat on a bench under the eaves of the building. The Express Greyhound from Los Angeles would arrive in fifteen minutes. It stopped briefly in Vail before going on to Denver.

     “Isn’t that a snow cat pulling a trailer?” the girl asked, pointing toward the mountain.

     “Yeah, I guess they’re going to ski the back bowls,” the boy said.

     “You mean there’s still enough snow to ski?”

     “The bowls hold it pretty well. The corn snow must be great.”

     “It’s funny but there aren’t many trees in the bowls.”

     “It wasn’t always that way.” The boy turned to face her.

     “They must have had a hard time clearing all those trees to develop the back of the mountain,” she said

     “They weren’t cleared for development. The Legend is that when Lord Gore came through with his hunting party in the late 1800’s, the local Native Americans started great forest fires to drive them out. They were incensed by the sheer desecration of all the animals killed just for sport.”

     The girl looked at the snow cat as the sun glistened off a window as it disappeared over a rise in the mountainside. She turned and faced the boy.

     “It must have been awful-the fires I mean, all that destruction. The Natives destroyed the trees as well as animals.”

     “The hunters had driven off most of the game or already killed them.”

     “Violence never solved anything! They still lost their land. What are you going to do next Tom, join Earth First?”

     “I have to go, I have to go do this Susan.”

     “I don’t see why! You don’t care about me or you wouldn’t go.”

     “That’s not fair. You know I care.”

     “You could stay and spend the summer with me, here in Vail. You could get a job landscaping or something, instead you have to run off to Boulder. Why do you have to help Greenpeace protest against the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Facility? God knows where you’ll go after that.”

     The boy rose and walked to the cement retaining wall of the transportation center. He listened to the rushing water of Gore Creek. The leading edge of a spring storm moved rapidly down the valley. A brilliant rainbow formed in the mist of the advancing snow squall. The girl joined him and slid her hand into his.

     “This creek full of fresh mountain water flows into the Eagle River at Dowd Junction,” he chose his words carefully. “The river is now rust colored and mineral laden. It is contaminated from the tailings pond of the Eagle Mine. It’s a Superfund cleanup in the middle of a pristine wilderness. Don’t you see now why I have to go?”

     The Greyhound pulled alongside the terminal. The girl reached inside of her backpack and pulled out a book. She handed it to the boy.

     “The Monkey Wrench Gang, by Edward Abbey, something for the Rainbow Warrior who has everything,” she smiled.


Brother's In Arms, Dire Straits

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Fifty-Nine; Overcoming Trials, InThe Time Of The Coronavirus

      “Your trials did not come to punish you, but to awaken you – to make you realize that you are a part of Spirit and that just behind the sparks of your life is the Flame of Infinity.” Paramahansa Yogananda

     Trials abound all around us at this time. They are ever pervasive and daunting. They cannot be allowed to become part of your ether. You must use everything at your disposal to block negative energy from yourself and your environment. Cleansing and clearing negative energy and brining positive and healing energy can be accomplished by smudging your space and self. It is an ancient art and will help you to clear your environment.

    Meditate deeply on positive thoughts and read literature by enlightened masters. Remember that this is a new reset. Preconceived ideas about how things are now are archaic. No longer live under the veil of maya. Step out into the light and join those that are working for the greater good of the world and society as a whole. These are new times and will some day be referred to as the Pandemic Reformation or the Great Renaissance after the Coronavirus. Be a leader of the movement and not a follower. The times make the Leader. The opportunity to have a Lead Walk On Part In The Greatest Show the world has ever seen is yours for the taking. Do not be a shrinking violet. Step up grab the brass ring and command your future. We are and we will not falter. I hope you will join us. May God Bless You and Keep You Well through these times.


Friday, February 5, 2021

Fifty-Six, Actions And It's Unifying Priciples; In The Time Of Coronavirus

  “No action is ever an isolated event. Always, it invites from the universe a reaction that corresponds exactly to the type and the force of energy behind the deed.” Paramahansa Yogananda

     Actions have consequences, it might be actions that you have initiated or actions that have been initiated against you. There is an accounting. It can be suddenly and swift or timely and drawn out. Believe that it does occur. This is a certainty in the universe. Everything in this world is organized and accounted for. We may believe or be told that it is a random collage of events but it is a false hood to believe this. You have a higher power and all things are accounted for. It is a great gift and solace once that you realize that this is and absolute truth of existence. You can live assured that you are being cradled in the hands of a loving father or mother, which ever you would like to believe. Believe it. It is real and it is everlasting. All things in this world change. No matter what your situation is Today it is only today's. Tomorrow is a new day unto itself with a world of opportunity before you. Today well lived to it's fullest will make the new dawn of hope a reality for you. Do not despair in these desperate days and times. All things are possible for those that believe. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Fifty, Adopting The Truth Of The Masters: In The Time Of The Coranavirus.

      The truth is, that which you want is with you all the time, closer than hands or feet. Any moment it may lift you above the world and personal depression. Wait patiently for Him.-Sri Gyanamata, "God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint"

     What we need is already in our midst. Use all of your senses and abilities to move forward with whatever your needs are. You can and will get that job. You will find a way to pay the mortgage. Do not despair it is a useless emotion that will serve you no purpose. It is easy for one to sit and say you must double your efforts, you must go the extra mile. The truth is what is the alternative of not trying harder raising your head higher, asking for more time to pull things together. Honesty and effort go hand and hand! We will see our way through this Pandemic. The darkest hours are now and we will overcome them.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Forty-Seven, Clearing The Veil Of Maya: In The Time Of Coronavirus



    the supernatural power wielded by gods and demons to produce illusions.
      the power by which the universe becomes manifest; the illusion or appearance of the phenomenal world.

  2. The art of deception appears to be rampant in the world today. There is virtually no way to disseminate truth from lies or deceit. The goal of the powers that be are illusion and confusion. We are gullible lambs living and reacting day by day like puppets dancing to the masters of the bait and switch. It is up to each of us as individuals to listen to the voice deep inside of us to determine what is and is not the truth. Do not be lead by false prophets and fake leaders. We are being bamboozled in mass at the time of our greatest fears and insecurity. We are each responsible for our own truths and not to be just parrots of deception and untruths. When you were young did you ever play the game of whispering a truth or saying in the ear of a friend and have them in turn whisper to another and another, by the time you arrive at the end of the chain the final statement is nothing like the original. We must have truth as the cornerstone to live bye.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Forty-Six, Sing the Song of Self-Realization; In The Time Of The Coronavirus

      Coax Christ today with songs and the devotion of your heart, and then coax him with your deepening Self-Realization. With all the intensity of your zeal and inner perception, merge your consciousness in the happiness within. Forget Time. When you feel joy spreading within you, realize that Christ is hearing your song. You are not identified with Christ if your concentration is merely on the words. But if your joy is singing within, Christ is listening to you. Paramahansa Yogannada, "Self-Realization Magazine"

     This is going to be a long and difficult journey into self-realization. Nothing worth while in life ever comes easily. More often than not the road is unlit and filled with obstacles, creating impossible circumstances on yur path to enlightenment. Do not Fear. Put your faith in your God, and the ability of mankind to survive and once again thrive. It is easy to say the words but much harder to walk the walk and talk the talk in the face of the adversities that are our reality. Concentrate on yourself right now, right here, where you are today and make the supreme effort to self-realization. You and your father are one and whatever that your father has is yours. It can be yours today if you strive to be the best of your best now. Tomorrow is the dream and can be fulfilled by a well lived and introspective day today. We all remember hard times of the past and our triumphant efforts to overcome them. We can and we will get to the other side. You can be a self-actualized and self-realized master of your own destiny if you make the effort right now!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Forty-Two, Preparing Your Personal Divinity; In The Time Of The Coronavirus

 I will prepare for the coming of the Omnipresent Baby Christ by cleaning the cradle of any consciousness, now rusty with selfishness, indifference, and sense attachments; and by polishing it with deep , daily, divine meditation, introspection, and discrimination. I will remodel the cradle with dazzling soul-qualities of brotherly love, humbleness, faith, desire for God-realization, will power, self control, renunciation, and unselfishness, that I may fittingly celebrate the Birth of the Divine Child- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Metaphysical Meditations"

     Why not take the time to completely put your house in order to receive the gifts that will reign down upon us this coming Christmas. We all need to change our narratives and our aspirations to accommodate the shift in the Paradigm of life that we now are faced with. Is it difficult? Yes! Impossible? No! All around us there are people breaking the glass ceiling every minute of every day. The front line workers, nurses, doctors, critical care workers. They didn't sign on for the madness that has befallen their lot. They step up every second of every day to take care of the errant idiots that we are forced to call fellow citizens. We need to reevaluate what citizenship and civic responsibility really is. We are way off the mark. There are no trophies for being a super spreader or not caring if you infect your mother, father, brother, sister, or relative because your are so self serving you can't even see that a pandemic is right in front of you. Your needs are not greater than the needs of the many. Since when has the needs of the individual become greater than the needs of the multitude. What does Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness mean to you? Surely it does not mean that you get to eradicate your fellow human beings for your own pleasure. Come on people! What has happened here in America? Are we really seeing the decline and fall of the American Empire. I trust not! However my fellow Americans behavior from our Politicians to our Local Community Leaders is beginning to give me pause. How about a little help here and working together for the greater common good. We have decided that since we cannot leave our current isolation to do everything possible to improve ourselves, our surroundings and to write as inspirational as we possibly can. We have struggled with how much of our personal spirituality to share without incurring the wrath of the religious community for them. However when I see our religious community encouraging members of their religious groups to attend mass celebrations in churches, synagogues, and other venues I can't help but have pause to step back away from their teachings and give pause to the validity of their organizations if they believe religious freedom is a reason to kill other humans by group meetings. Heed the lesson of self awareness, and self enlightenment, self preservation. You are the change in the world that must take place, here and now with you. We have hope for the new changes that we see taking place with turning back the tide of the virus that we are in the midst of. Somewhere, somehow we need to change. If you don't we are going to be forced to turn America around and you are all going to be in big trouble!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Twenty: Accepting Self-Realization

"To admit karma means to accept yourself as a mortal being. Do not admit you are a helpless mortal governed by karma. Affirm: "I am a child of God. I am His." That is the truth. Why shouldn't you proclaim the truth? As soon as you realize this truth, your status is changed. But when you admit you are a mortal, you bind yourself with the chains of the mortal being. You are the sons of God; you are gods. How could karma influence you? Refuse to be bound by karma; it is an old superstition of the ignofant to believe you cannot change your destiny.
Never say you are a sinner. How can you be a sinner? God is your Father. If He created this world with its potential for many evil ways, you would have to say that He too must be a sinner. That is the way I talk to God. It never hurts to speak truth to Him. If God can be away from the evil of His creation, so can we. As He is free, we can be free. Never again identify yourself with evil. You may have made a mistake, but it doesn't belong to you if you give it up. Destroy your karma by wisdom. Live in the consciousness of Spirit. "
-- Paramahansa Yogananda --

     Never stop believing in your ability to change your circumstances. If you think you are defeated you are. You can conquer your immediate situation by believing in your ability to do so. Once being silent was the norm, now in the time of Coronavirus you have to assert all the positivity you can summon. The quote of The more you use what God has given you, the more he or she will give to you. Now is the time of dreaming great dreams and moving forward with your goals. Do not allow the times to stop you. It is up to you and the Masters to accomplish this. Stay strong, write or speak of your desires and goals and move toward their completion. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Eighteen: Align your will with God's Will for Success

     When you makeup your mind to do good things, you will accomplish them if you use dynamic will power to follow through. No matter what the circumstances are, if you go on trying, God will create the means by which your will shall find its proper reward.
                                                                  In the Sanctuary of the Soul, Paramahansa Yogananda

     The key for the use of will is to align your will with God's will. Every time in life that my personal will was asserted the result seemed to turn out unpleasant. My will was flawed. It was not in tune with God's will for me. It is easier with the use of hindsight to understand where the insertion of my will cause a flaw in the design of my life. To be attuned to the will of God through meditation, healing affirmations and right thinking is far better than floundering around blind in life. There is no way that without the realization of divine guidance in your life that you can move forward.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sixteen: The More You Use What God Has Given You, The More God Will Give You

     Finding your way through the page can often be daunting and seem difficult. The thought sometimes is can we fill the page, will it be anything of interest to anyone else but us. Do not fear the more you use what God has given you, the more God will give you. Years earlier working out to train for a ski vacation in Utah a friend who was also a handball partner would train on these wonderful pneumatic machines with me. The saying was on a very difficult abdominal machine that we would do crunches on to build our core for back country hiking and out of bounds skiing. The saying stuck in my mind. Especially after we were standing on an incredibly steep out of bounds chute with two feet of fresh powder. We would look down the untouched slope and then at one another and say The more your use what God has given you, the more God will give you, and then we would jump into the chute and have the ski run of a lifetime to remember always.

     Use the gifts that you were given, they were not given to be kept silent and quite in your hidden places. Shout your special talents from the rooftops, cliff tops, until they echo down the mountain sides. Proclaim your individuality and the deep beliefs about life, love, and happiness. Lately the words seem to flow. Ever since that the Mountain Pearls that once took up all my energy and time were put away and shelved, my mind is clear and free. The thing that has become apparent is that the enjoyment that comes from being supportive is far greater than any ski run or mountain that has ever been conquered. Through positive self thinking and wonderful meditation time, the joy of writing is rolling off the keys like giant soft snowflakes and accumulating into a wave of fresh powder down. We hope that you find your joy in life and make your way through the Coronavirus with conviction, strength, fortitude, and self awareness of your health.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Power of Prayer

   There is a discourse between theologies regarding praying for material blessings. My thoughts tend to side with Joel Osteen and I believe that in life asking through positive prayer for an increase in your station in life is natural and O.K. Promises are meant to be kept so if you make a promise keep it. God promises to take care of his children and he keeps his promise. Fill your heart with love for in it lies the answers to the world. A prayer that I find particularly helpful is the prayer of Jabez.
  Dr. Bruce Wilkinson has and excellent discourse on this prayer.

1 Chronicles 4:9-10New King James Version (NKJV)

Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez,[a] saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” 10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.

   Our home appears to be closing earlier than expected and we will hopefully be heading to the Emerald City in just two weeks. Look for blogs of Aristotle along the yellow brick road. Nothing is ever certain to theT'S have been crossed an the I'S  dotted. Patience has never been my strong suit but I have learned great patience over the years. Charles R Swindoll writes at great length about Moses and his adherence to God's will for him. If you stop asserting your own will and allow God to work in your life, things just become much easier.

...when you trust the Lord God to give you the next step, when you wait in humility upon Him, *He* will open the doors or close them, and you'll get to rest and relax until He says, 'Go.
A particularly moving Song for Today given the world climate presently.
"Brothers In Arms" Dire Straits