Showing posts with label Sri Gyanamata. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sri Gyanamata. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2022

124-Adopting the Right Attitude

 Right Attitude

See nothing, look at nothing but your goal, ever shining before you. The things that happen to us do not matter; what we become through them does. Each day, accept everything as coming to you from God. At night, give everything back into His hands.

– Sri Gyanamata

"God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint"

It is not easy to shift your focus from self to a higher power. Everything that happens, happens within the framework of your life and existence. In simpler terms it happens to you, this makes it easy to internalize the happening. A method used in meditation is to perceive the thought (happening) see it and to release it. Give the thought (happening) to your higher power and release it from your life. Do not become attached to these thoughts or experiences. Allow yourself to distance from them and concentrate your thoughts upon your higher power. You will gain a freedom that you have never known. Do not become attached to people, places and things. It is all transitory. Change with the times and be ever vigilant in your truth. It is all that you have. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Fifty, Adopting The Truth Of The Masters: In The Time Of The Coranavirus.

      The truth is, that which you want is with you all the time, closer than hands or feet. Any moment it may lift you above the world and personal depression. Wait patiently for Him.-Sri Gyanamata, "God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint"

     What we need is already in our midst. Use all of your senses and abilities to move forward with whatever your needs are. You can and will get that job. You will find a way to pay the mortgage. Do not despair it is a useless emotion that will serve you no purpose. It is easy for one to sit and say you must double your efforts, you must go the extra mile. The truth is what is the alternative of not trying harder raising your head higher, asking for more time to pull things together. Honesty and effort go hand and hand! We will see our way through this Pandemic. The darkest hours are now and we will overcome them.