Showing posts with label Karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karma. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2023

155;Uncle Albert's Mountain,( The Lure;) Chapter XXII; The Olympic Training



Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you whether you like it or not. That is the law of Karma. You are a free agent, but once you perform a certain act, you will reap the results of that act.

Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons



      Tom had spent the last three weeks on the mountain with Toby. He was helping him set up a training program. Giving him confidence and motivation to train harder, ever harder as the trials grew nearer. Toby’s heart was in the right place, he was lacking the timing and style. Running the courses had to be routine, repetition would lead to speed. Tom realized this and tried to motivate him to face his toughest challenges. The Olympics were not just another NASTAR Race. They were a series of steps, any of which, if you stumble, you’ve lost. No second chances, no excuses. After running the courses, they would run  trails on the Basin, a daunting challenge. Finishing up on the East Wall of Lenawee Mountain where there were no trails, only wide open endless powder turns.


     "The highest lift operated mountain in North America, a gold medal at the Olympics,” he’d yell over and over. He was trying to fill his heart and soul with the spirit of the mountain itself. He spoke of Joe and the years of hard work and toil he had put in to own the mountain, trying to make him see the results of dreams, grandiose dreams, dreams that can be if you have the desire to reach and grab for the rings.

     “They’re not going to just give you that medal, you have to earn it! Simply wanting it is not good enough. You have to desire it with every fiber of your being. It’s all you can focus on, nothing else can matter or exist. GOLDEN DREAMS! GOLDEN DREAMS! OLYMPIC GOLD!”

     Tom was relentless with Toby, but he knew Toby needed him. Now more than ever, the sheer spectacle of the rock spires looming high above the rest of the world, left them both in awe Toby needed the push, his skiing was getting really good. Tom knew he had a definite place and shot at the Olympics. All the effort and hard work was for him. Tom would talk of himself and his own reservations about life.

     “At least you know what you want,” he’d say. “You have a single vision, you can see it. TO BE THE BEST OF THE BEST! THE CRÈME De La CRÈME! No one can ever take that away from you. Don’t take it away from yourself! Hold on to your dreams, Tobe. It’s always just your dreams, hold on to them as if they were your child, your only child”


     The days were hard and long, the nights short and sleepless. Every waking hour he spent either skiing or discussing the various conditions. They spent days on the courses of Keystone, Copper and Breckenridge, covering all aspects of the different pitched slopes. The angle and texture of the snow the sun made on the downside of the moguls was extremely important. Where the shadows fell on the courses determined where the hidden ice would lay. A single slip would cost precious seconds. Vertical drop, base elevation, they all came into play. They found some hard pack groomed ice at Keystone down the road. Luckily the weather stayed dry and cold, Toby could spend more time running drilling on the hard pack cover.


       Tom enjoyed these days spent with Toby. They gave him a chance to get away from all the questions that had been stirring through his mind. The mountains themselves were the only stability left in Tom’s shifting world. No longer did Tom see things as “Black and White.” There were feelings in his heart, thoughts in his mind he had never had before. He was beginning to let other people in his heart and life. They were helping to shape his destiny. They were letting him into their worlds. He was finally beginning to grow up.


     The sharp white peaks thrusting up boldly around him were like old friends to him. He had spent countless days and years with nothing on his mind but their beauty and honesty. They were a timeless vision, always changing, yet always remaining the same. The mountains have always been and always will be. Tom felt lucky to be able to share a small part of their history.

    Toby was becoming increasingly irritable. He rarely said a word as Tom tried to push him harder to make every second count. Timing every run as if it was life or death. Tom yelled at each mistake, telling him if he wanted to claim gold, he would have to work harder. Toby reacted but was beginning to falter. He was angry and fed up with skiing, stopwatches and Tom.

     “Forget it!” Toby yelled, “I’m through for the day. I can’t take you riding me anymore.”

     “I simply said…”

     “I know what you said. You said it yesterday and you said it the day before. I’m sick of it Tom. I’m sick of it all.”

     “You can’t expect to…”

     “I don’t expect anything. I don’t even know why I’m doing this anymore. You do nothing but criticize my every move. You’re a royal pain in the ass.”

     “I’m only doing it for you.”

     “You’re doing this because you love it. You love being in control. You’ve never had anything, and think you can take my dreams and make them your own.”

     “Bull crap! You’re pissed off because you can’t take the pressure. You’re a lazy whining, God damned baby.”

     “Piss Off Tom!”

     Toby whirled around and took off down the mountain, leaving Tom wondering what had just happened.

     “I can’t believe this, every time I turn around, I get kicked in the ass. Well no more.”


     He turned and started tucking down the headwall toward the Pallivacini, his speed increasing as he sped along the hanging cornice that had formed above the bowl. Not knowing what he was going to do next, first David, Then Sara and now Toby. Why couldn’t they take him for what he was, without asking for everything? He never took any more than he could give. Everyone had to have it their own way. All or nothing at all, wasn’t that the motto. No one is ever satisfied with what they have. He was disillusioned with it all.

     “I’ve got to get out of here,’ he said, feeling there was nothing left to fight for. At the last second he turned, and flew off the top of the cornice catching incredible air. Tom landed with his tips slightly crossed at break- neck speed. It caused him to go head over skis and begin tumbling down the steep slope. Every time he came up he feared he would break his neck on the next roll as he drove his head deep into the endless powder. On one of the upright rolls, Tom threw his weight to his left and landed on his shoulder. It drove it in to the snow and arrested his fall. His skis had not come off, and he stood shakily his knees weak his breath coming in spurts and gasps. He was utterly exhausted and weak, Tom thought of Joe’s struggle to keep the Basin and his friends and the confusion in his life. In utter exasperation, he cried out, ”Is their no justice in this world?” Almost immediately he heard an answer a voice that said, “Be a Teacher!” Confused, he looked around to see where the voice had come from. There was nothing but silence in the vast natural mountainous bowl. He dusted himself off and turned his skis downhill and pushed hard with his poles. Determined to see what his destiny was, now that he had cheated death. A half a century would pass before Tom would fully comprehend what the edict in the wilderness truly meant.

Gayatri Mantra, Deva Premal and Miten

Friday, March 11, 2022

104-How to Attain Complete Liberation, Through The Law Of Success: In The Time of The Renaissance

 Man as an image of God, possesses within him the all-accomplishing power of will. To discover through right meditation how to be in harmony with Divine Will is man's highest obligation.-

Paramahansa Yogananda,  "The Law of Success"      

"The knower of Spirit, abiding in the Supreme Being, with unswerving discrimination, free from delusion is thus neither jubilant at pleasant experiences nor downcast by unpleasant experiences,

"Unattracted to the sensory world, the yogi experiences the ever new joy inherent in Self. Engaged in divine union of the soul with Spirit, he attains bliss indestructible.....

Only that yogi who possesses the inner Light, becomes one with Spirit (after attaining freedom from karma connected with the physical, astral, and ideational bodies). He attains complete liberation in Spirit (even while living in the body)."

(God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita v:19--21,24).

Aligning your will with Divine Will through proper prayer, meditation, and action will free your sensory attachment to delusion (Maya). Once free you will be able to fulfill your potential on this earthly plain unencumbered by the failures of your own making. You must realizes that the Law of Success is absolute, that by following right living, right knowledge and right thoughts you will find your Liberation.

Monday, February 28, 2022

95: Mastering The Art Of Inaction, In The Time Of the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia

Sri Yoganandaji described as follows the state of "inaction" mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita.

 "When a true yogi performs an action, karmically it is like writing on water. No mark remains."*

*ie., no karmic record is kept. Only a master is a free man- one unbound by karma (the inexorable cosmic law that holds unenlightened persons accountable for their thoughts and actions). In urging Arjuna to fight on the battlefield, Lord Krishna assured him that he would incur no karma if he acted as God's agent, without egoistic consciousness. Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda

     You can move forward with lightening fast speed in your life by ascribing to God's will for you. Do not assert your will but rather perform what God's will for you is. How do you know? Listen in the quietest moments of your life to your inner voice. The voice that tells you in your silence which way to proceed. Ours has enlightened us to continue our teaching and rescuing. Instead of the Equine souls we once saved our mission is to raise and support humankind. We wish to use our limited platforms to the fullest extent of their possibilities in the hopes that they will grow exponentially in magnitude. Having been listeners since the beginning of Covid-19 and captives as well, we are finally at the point like Howard Beale in the movie Network, where this is the start of my rant and we are not going to take it. Silence is no longer a snowflake falling in one of my poems. We are writing on the water our displeasure and disillusionment and sitting back to watch the Karma of the world snap back with its own response in the Americas. Beginning with these new blogs our mission is now set in motion. We are willing to watch the course it now takes.

The outrage of the invasion of Ukraine by Putin is beyond belief in these times. It is past time to stand up and to be heard and to speak your truth. Truth is our only weapon against such atrocities. Through all our collective wills coupled with Divine Will it is time to no longer be part of a silent majority. Be heard and speak your Discourse with great firmness and authority. Be one of those who will not have your will be bent or swayed by Tyrannical Rhetoric. See and Say what your Heart and Soul speaks to you.

Perhaps it is our time to lead our people out of bondage! Beware you who lead through Autocracy and Aristocratical Arrogance.!

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Sixty-Six; History Is Of An Age, In The Time Of The Coronavirus

 "History " T.S. Eliot observed is but a contrived corridor- If you are writing a historical screenplay, you do not have to be accurate about the people involved, only to the historical event and result of that event. Add a sequence of events that will personalize the story while leading it to an accurate Historical Result.

     It isn't so much the event in History as it is the artist's or writer's reaction to the event. Your effort to get at the greater truth is the goal. One cannot shy from the responsibility to get to and to expose the underlying motivations of those involved in the Historical Event. You may be the proverbial Canary in the Coal Mine. Not everyone understands the ramifications of actions and that there are equal an opposite reactions for every action. If you believe in the Law of Karma which we have previously discussed, you will understand this. To live in denial of it is to live in the world of Delusion or Maya. (Hinduism: Buddhism: the power by which the universe becomes manifest; the illusion or appearance of the phenomenal world.) (Hinduism: the supernatural power wielded by gods and demons to produce illusions.) Not everyone sees or understands things in the same context. What is alarming to you may not even register to another. Hence the times we are living in today should be frighteningly disturbing to you. This just means it is up to you as the writer to write about it, or to write to relieve society of the burden of coping with it or to entertain the masses.

     It may be your responsibility to record the event for posterity. In youth you may know the courage and find the strength to "Tempt a God Of Fate," it then is your duty to record what it is that you witnessed. The Golden Rules of the World are absolute. Go seek your Fortune and your Fame but be prepared to accept the responsibility that is yours for your actions.

Hurdy Gurdy Man, Donovan

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Sixty-five; Applying The Principles Of Kriya Yoga

 Kriya Yoga is the real "fire rite" oft extolled in the Gita. The yogi casts his human longings into a monotheistic bonfire consecrated to the unparalleled God. 

  ...All past and present desires are fuel consumed by love divine. The Ultimate Flame receives the sacrifice of all human madness, and man is pure of dross. His metaphorical bones stripped of all desirous flesh, his karmic skeleton bleached by antiseptic suns of wisdom, inoffensive before man and Maker, he is clean at last.---- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Autobiography of Yogi"

What an incredible promise of Divine Love. Free of Karmic constraints to be able to soar in mind and spirit. Free at last. One can only move forward in your journey of Realization on a daily basis. Just know that the rewards for your efforts are there. They are promised and delivered to you by the Great Masters. Don't wait another day! Make the effort, your goal and your dreams can be yours!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Thirty-Nine: Touched ByThe Pearl, In The Time Of The Coronavirus

For more than three decades I have waited for you to return to me. … You slipped away and disappeared into the tumultuous waves of the life beyond death. The magic wand of your karma touched you, and you were gone! Though you lost sight of me, never did I lose sight of you! I pursued you over the luminescent astral sea where the glorious angels sail. Through gloom, storm, upheaval, and light I followed you, like a mother bird guarding her young. As you lived out your human term of womb life, and emerged a babe, my eye was ever on you. -- Read more: Paramahansa Yogananda 

     Have you ever had that feeling that right over your shoulder there is someone watching? Something intangible but yet real and moving you forward with lightening fast speed to the unreachable unattainable heights that you have aways dreamed of aspiring to but where afraid to put into words. Say the words this time. Write the story that will move the multitudes. Sing the song that will start the whole word celebrating in joy. Paint the scene that everyone dreams of. If not now when. When will you ever be fresher, more gathered than being quarantined and bursting at your seams to excel. We are there and are among you and with you in your growth. Don't ask why? It is to be. This is the way we come out of what we have never known before. You can and will be stronger, healthier, happier and more productive than you have ever thought possible. Your father is with you and guiding you to a new and brighter future. Hey come on please follow me I'm the Pied Piper and I'll show you the way to go!

The Pied Piper, Crispian St Peters

Friday, August 21, 2020

Twenty: Accepting Self-Realization

"To admit karma means to accept yourself as a mortal being. Do not admit you are a helpless mortal governed by karma. Affirm: "I am a child of God. I am His." That is the truth. Why shouldn't you proclaim the truth? As soon as you realize this truth, your status is changed. But when you admit you are a mortal, you bind yourself with the chains of the mortal being. You are the sons of God; you are gods. How could karma influence you? Refuse to be bound by karma; it is an old superstition of the ignofant to believe you cannot change your destiny.
Never say you are a sinner. How can you be a sinner? God is your Father. If He created this world with its potential for many evil ways, you would have to say that He too must be a sinner. That is the way I talk to God. It never hurts to speak truth to Him. If God can be away from the evil of His creation, so can we. As He is free, we can be free. Never again identify yourself with evil. You may have made a mistake, but it doesn't belong to you if you give it up. Destroy your karma by wisdom. Live in the consciousness of Spirit. "
-- Paramahansa Yogananda --

     Never stop believing in your ability to change your circumstances. If you think you are defeated you are. You can conquer your immediate situation by believing in your ability to do so. Once being silent was the norm, now in the time of Coronavirus you have to assert all the positivity you can summon. The quote of The more you use what God has given you, the more he or she will give to you. Now is the time of dreaming great dreams and moving forward with your goals. Do not allow the times to stop you. It is up to you and the Masters to accomplish this. Stay strong, write or speak of your desires and goals and move toward their completion. 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Ten: Expanding your Horizons in The Time of The Coronavirus

   “make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty.” 
― Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild
     Change is inevitable and should be welcomed with open arms. Lose rigidity and accept the flow of life around you. Do not allow fear to determine your course of action. We are in extremely trying times and fear is palpable and real. Think of your being as a being of light (Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan) with shields polished and armed against the assault of fear and darkness. There is no crack in the armor. You are protected and free to move in the direction of your heart's desire. Move forward Today in some form or way, do not stay stuck in negative thoughts or old patterns of defeatism. Choose to confront the truth in every situation. Let go of the past whatever your transgressions are or were. Accept the responsibility for those actions and the Karma that has visited you in response to them. It is not relevant to your life today. Use every part of your personality and being to move forward into Tomorrow accepting the past and embracing the Lessons learned in the Ignorance of Youth. Walk forthright in the knowledge that expanding your horizons today will bring joy and happiness to yourself and those around you. Be Free and Open in your Life and Dealings in it!
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 Luck Is What Happens When Planning Meets Opportunity
Kathy Duncan

The Healing Artist's Of Write My Fire.
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Masters: Seek The Wisdom Of Mentors And Masters