Showing posts with label Creator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creator. Show all posts

Saturday, September 17, 2022

127- How to adjust your attitude to overcome Maya-Delusion

 The most destructive shaft of maya-delusion is unwillingness to meditate, for by this attitude one prevents himself from tuning in with God and Guru--- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Rajarsi Janakananda: Great Western Yogi"


Maya, cosmic delusion, is the universal substance of forms in the Infinite Formless. Avidya is the individual cosmic hypnosis or illusion imposed on the forms that makes them express, perceive, and interact with one another as though each has its own separate reality. God's omnipresent undifferentiated cosmic consciousness underlies its mayic separations into parts through which the Creator expresses His manifoldness. By the visualization of His thoughts, through the power of maya, " the magical measurer," God creates sustains, and dissolves dream worlds and beings.--- Paramahansa Yogananda

Everything in the Universe is Transient and changing. What you perceive as real is made up of individual atoms. Atoms have particles and molecules and are also constantly changing. Be grounded in the world but remain flexible. The earth is a living breathing organic organism that we are rapidly depleting and destroying. The changes in the weather and its patterns are indicative of the beginning rumblings of her death and destruction. It is imperative that the current course we are in now be halted immediately. Herein lies the difficulty. By not meditating, you are closing your being an essence to enlightenment. You are allowing Delusion and Maya to spread its darkness upon you and this world. Open up your heart and mind to cosmic consciousness and go deeply into meditation. You will find all the riches of the world exist in its peace.