Showing posts with label Paramahansa Yogananda.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paramahansa Yogananda.. Show all posts

Friday, December 8, 2023

178-Dharma Talk

(Pete with her Good Friend Dharma)

The Lord is with me and I am with Him. That is His promise in the Bhagavad Gita: “He who perceives Me everywhere and beholds everything in Me never loses sight of Me, nor do I ever lose sight of him.” Paramahansa Yogananda 

You are not alone, isolated or without companionship in your darkest hours. When the night closes in around you and the world, your life, your work, your boss, your existence is in disharmony. Remember that your father is always with you. He may be in the company of a friend or a companion, a co worker, the barista, the attendant. He is always in the ether near you. All you have to do is open your heart and your mind to receive him. It is so easy in a world today, full of Maya to dismiss his presence and essence and to fall into despair. Resist the temptation to be a Western Setting Sun Person. You must ascribe to being an Eastern Rising Sun Warrior. Take back your life and your control! Do not be in the whim and wind of a deluded society out of touch with the true essence of being. To be a Warrior you must summon courage, conviction and fortitude. Where will I find these things you ask? Like Dorothy in the Wizard Of Oz, it is already within you. Your father bestowed your grace upon you as child of this world. When you were young you looked to the Heavens and the Stars and dreamed of the Great Deeds and Heroic Exploits you would perform. Where have your dreams and aspirations gone? Gone with the struggles of Daily Living! Do not be a Person of short vision. One again rise up and cultivate your Greatness. It has never left you. What has left you is your belief in yourself to accomplish the goals you set out to achieve. Meditate, read Great Works of Literature. Find a way to go the extra mile! A Great Quote from My Guru Parmahansa Yogananda, (Be A Smile Millionaire.) Joy is infectious!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

127- How to adjust your attitude to overcome Maya-Delusion

 The most destructive shaft of maya-delusion is unwillingness to meditate, for by this attitude one prevents himself from tuning in with God and Guru--- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Rajarsi Janakananda: Great Western Yogi"


Maya, cosmic delusion, is the universal substance of forms in the Infinite Formless. Avidya is the individual cosmic hypnosis or illusion imposed on the forms that makes them express, perceive, and interact with one another as though each has its own separate reality. God's omnipresent undifferentiated cosmic consciousness underlies its mayic separations into parts through which the Creator expresses His manifoldness. By the visualization of His thoughts, through the power of maya, " the magical measurer," God creates sustains, and dissolves dream worlds and beings.--- Paramahansa Yogananda

Everything in the Universe is Transient and changing. What you perceive as real is made up of individual atoms. Atoms have particles and molecules and are also constantly changing. Be grounded in the world but remain flexible. The earth is a living breathing organic organism that we are rapidly depleting and destroying. The changes in the weather and its patterns are indicative of the beginning rumblings of her death and destruction. It is imperative that the current course we are in now be halted immediately. Herein lies the difficulty. By not meditating, you are closing your being an essence to enlightenment. You are allowing Delusion and Maya to spread its darkness upon you and this world. Open up your heart and mind to cosmic consciousness and go deeply into meditation. You will find all the riches of the world exist in its peace.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

119- How to Inspire Gifts of Love and Peace; In the Time of The New Renaissance


Seek to do brave and lovely things that are left undone by the majority of people. Give gifts of love and peace to those whom others pass by----Paramahansa Yogananda; SRF Lessons

Sage advice for the times in which we now find ourselves. it is not easy to have a hardened heart during the difficulties that the world finds itself in. We must look inside ourselves and then at the world and see how we can best serve humanity. We would like to work on and write about our own projects, unfortunately we feel our audience is best serves by positive reaffirming writing. It would be nice to satisfy the minds of the curious with fiction and distraction. The world is really in need of positive affirmations on the goodness of humanity. Do not become distraught at the war in Ukraine look at all the wonderful humanitarian operations that are now taking place. The activists getting involved and the countries of the world coming together. We should not allow the horror and negativity of the military conflict to darken our spirits. A recent article written about the great Russian writer Tolstoy said that his view on negativism in the world was to combat it with good and positive energy and actions. Hence the break from my White Dreams Novel (which is not on hold, only not in the blog posts) appearing here. 

This is the time for each of us to try and understand how our actions, thoughts and prayers can help our fellow citizens of America and the world to excel. It is not a Kumbaya Chant that I'm looking for here. What the real meaning is for we as individuals to help end divisiveness and disharmony at home and in the work place and politics and work toward the achievement of common goals

Friday, February 18, 2022

91 - The Ghosts, They Come


The Ghosts, They Come

When the Moon is a ghostly stallion                                                                                                                   proudly prancing, hooves pounding,                                                                                                                 turf billowing                                                                                                                                                     upon the peripheral plains,                                                                                                                                 the Ghosts they,                                                                                                                                                 are free to come.

Dad and his girl Pete

Laughlin, Nevada

 Aristotle's Advice: Please get Vaccinated and Wear a Mask!

Pete's Advice: If they don't get Vaccinated and wear a Mask. Take away their talk boxes, watch boxes, and think boxes!

Is there anyone out there?
Can Anyone hear me?

Thank You for Sharing 
The Journey of My Youth
Through the Valleys, Forests and Mountains
of North America
Can you recognize the Mountain Pearl?

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Sixty-Eight; Exploring The Art Of Yoga, In The Time Of The Corona Virus Variant

 Yoga is definite and scientific. Yoga means union of soul and God, through step-by- step methods with specific and known results. It raises the practice of religion above the differences of dogma. My Guru, Sri Yukteswar, extolled Yoga; he did not, however, indicate the realization of God thereby would be immediate. "You have to work hard for it," he told me. I did, and when the promised results came, I saw that Yoga was marvelous.-Paramahansa Yogananda, "Man's Eternal Quest"

Nothing worthwhile in life is truly easy and will come to you without hard work. To gain spiritual advances in any religion or spiritual practice you must put in the time and effort and you will reap the benefits. Why not now! Don't put your journey off any longer. Move forward today. In this time of crisis and confusion in the world and among our leaders and citizens, why not align your will with God's Will. What has the pursuit of your will or man's will gotten you lately? Have you received some incredible benefit that we all aren't aware of? I think not! The rewards that are yours for the asking and taking are far greater than you can ever imagine. Don't be fooled by the promises of Today's Politician's and Leaders in their own quest to further their ambitions and career's they are allowing hundreds of thousands of your fellow American's and your Children to die needlessly of the Coronavirus and Variant! While we generally try to be non political in our writing for the sake of not polarizing or politicizing topics, there is a time in life that you must stand up an be accountable. Silence is no longer a virtue to be extolled. Use your Divine Will to help understand how you can move forward in your life and quest for spirituality and self-realization. May Your Realize Your God Given Potentials!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Sixty-Two; The Art Of Faith And Action, In The Time Of The Coronavirus.

     You can't just sit there and wait for success to fall into your lap; once your course is set and your will is firm, you have to make a practical effort. Then you will see that whatever you require for success starts coming to you. Everything will push you in the right direction. In your divinely surcharged will power is the answer to your prayer. When you use that will, you open the way through which your prayers can be answered. Paramahansa Yogananda, Man's Eternal Quest

     Success has often been described when opportunity meets preparation. You may prepare all you like but if you do not act when the timing is right then it can also be described as failure. Failure is no longer an option in the time of the coronavirus. We must strive for success with all our energy and willpower to do whatever it takes to know success. One true and good act will lead to a new and greater act. Do not be discouraged by setbacks or failures. Many stories of great success have tales of sorrow and misfortune woven deeply into the back story. We together can overcome any trial that we face. Do not despair! Find joy and divine inspiration in the challenge! I and my Father are one, all that my father hath is mine!