Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2022

119- How to Inspire Gifts of Love and Peace; In the Time of The New Renaissance


Seek to do brave and lovely things that are left undone by the majority of people. Give gifts of love and peace to those whom others pass by----Paramahansa Yogananda; SRF Lessons

Sage advice for the times in which we now find ourselves. it is not easy to have a hardened heart during the difficulties that the world finds itself in. We must look inside ourselves and then at the world and see how we can best serve humanity. We would like to work on and write about our own projects, unfortunately we feel our audience is best serves by positive reaffirming writing. It would be nice to satisfy the minds of the curious with fiction and distraction. The world is really in need of positive affirmations on the goodness of humanity. Do not become distraught at the war in Ukraine look at all the wonderful humanitarian operations that are now taking place. The activists getting involved and the countries of the world coming together. We should not allow the horror and negativity of the military conflict to darken our spirits. A recent article written about the great Russian writer Tolstoy said that his view on negativism in the world was to combat it with good and positive energy and actions. Hence the break from my White Dreams Novel (which is not on hold, only not in the blog posts) appearing here. 

This is the time for each of us to try and understand how our actions, thoughts and prayers can help our fellow citizens of America and the world to excel. It is not a Kumbaya Chant that I'm looking for here. What the real meaning is for we as individuals to help end divisiveness and disharmony at home and in the work place and politics and work toward the achievement of common goals

Saturday, March 5, 2022

98-Life is Love (A Humble Tribute To The Suffering Of The People Of Ukraine)

Beau Preparing Breakfast
Life is love, love is trust, trust is earned. These are truths that I learned from our equine massage school and equine rescue ranch. John Thompson would often have his good friend Beau in for breakfast. Beau is a buckskin stallion from the Buckskin Stallion Station. (Photos by John's Photographer, Cookie) We mutually learned about trust from one another. We both had wive's we loved and shared love for each others wife. More than once I have leaned over to kiss my wife in front of a horse and found myself standing several feet away from her with pursed lips and a big bucket head horse between us. I was literally knocked away by a jealous suitor.
The very first time that we worked on the brood mares in their stalls we were stalked by Beau. He would walk up to the stalls and create a ruckus. I quickly went out and attempted to shoo him away. I did not realize at the time that I was giving him the signal to rear up on his hind legs. I found myself looking straight up at the belly of this big Buckskin and his front legs pawing at the sky.
I fell quickly in love with Brooks. She was Beau's wife and partner. They always shared the same field and often a double stall. I came to admire the relationship of Beau and Brooks and their offspring. My favorite was Little Man. He was a Cremello, also known as an Albino. He was mesmerizing to watch in the field. I miss all the animals and the time we spent with them.

When I was a single young man and living in New York at this time of year I would enroll in ski conditioning classes. There was a particular pneumatic crunch machine. It was at the Steuben Athletic Club in Albany. It strengthened your core for skiing. There was a saying on the  machine. "The more you use what God has given you, the more God will give you." It wasn't until I surrendered my heart to love that I found happiness.

Life is Love and Memories and All We Work Our Lives to Achieve!
My heart is broken as I watch the news reports about the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin and the Russian Army. What happened to the world. The World for these people is being destroyed. Families torn apart, children dying, old people losing everything they have worked for. Democracy and the Ideals of it Destroyed. My words fail me. My mind is numb. All I can do is watch in horror. To all people of Ukraine, I can only send you what I know of Love as an American Citizen. May Your Suffering Be Eased. May the World come to it's senses and aid you in your time of need. People of the World Rise Up And Be Heard!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Seventy-Three; Discovering Your Path.

"I am going to the hills to be alone with God," a student informed Paramahansa Yogananda. "You will not advance spiritually in that way," Paramahansaji replied, "Your mind is not yet ready to concentrate deeply on Spirit. Your thoughts will dwell mostly on memories of people and worldly pastimes, even though you remain in a cave. Cheerful performance of your earthly duties, coupled with daily meditation, is the better path.'---- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda"

The Path of Life is a winding road. Many choices abound in the World. Be of Service to the World with Joy, Love, Devotion and Gratitude. You will see a marked increase in your Good Fortune and Well Being. All things come to those that offer themselves to service of Humanity. There are no greater rewards on Earth than to be of Service. It may not feel that your service is being rewarded or appreciated but do not despair. Life’s Rewards are activated by Faith, Goodwill, Loyalty and Service. Let your Spirit be Indomitable, your Will be Unbreakable, your Resolve be Unshakable.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Seventy-One; Discovering The Art Of Devotion, In the Time of the Coronavirus

 Love him, talk to him every second of your life, in activity and in silence, with deep prayer, with the unceasing desire of your heart; and you shall see the screen of delusion melt away. He who is playing hide-and-seek in the beauty of the flowers, in souls, in noble passions, in dreams, shall come forth and say: "You and I have been apart for along time; because I desired that you give Me your love willingly. You are made in My image, and I wanted to see if you would use your freedom to give Me your love." - Paramahansa Yogananda, "Man's Eternal Quest"

It seems so simple in the silence of the evening to give your love without reservation. You have love for your family, you have love for your country, you have love for your home and your possessions. Do you have love for Him who has granted all these fine things to you? A question only you, yourself, in the silence of prayer can answer. Do not hesitate any longer! What more could you possibly be waiting for? What material possession could possible offer you more? What greater love could you ever imagine is out there waiting on you! The answer is one that you already know. It has come to us in this great time of desire and need. Look around! Open your heart and open your mind to the infinite possibilities of the universe and your dreams and aspirations will be yours if you go forward with the Love of your Lord in your heart and soul! Why not surrender your resistance and lift up the Light of the World for all to see. Do not let delusion and dissatisfaction stand in the way of your Liberation. It is ours for the asking Today!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Fifty-Two, Opening The Portals Of Limitations, In The Time Of The Coronavirus;


     With the opening of the New Year, all the closed portals of limitations will be thrown open and I shall move through them to vaster fields, where my worthwhile dreams of life will be fulfilled. Behold, through the gates of the New Year, the distant variegated decorations of future achievements glimmering at you and daringly luring you to give pursuit. Simply watching them with the hope of accomplishment will not count. You must start racing calmly at top speed, performing miracles of greater speed on the way, armed with divine determination against the robbers of mental and physical idleness, lack of creative ability, doubt, fear, despondency, and bad habits.” 

--- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Self-Realization Magazine"

     Strive to be like the butterfly emerging from it's cocoon and greeting a strange new wonderful world. All life changes and grows before your eyes. Open your heart and your mind to new and fascinatingly extravagant dreams for your loved ones and yourself. We are all emerging from the darkness into a new period of light and divine cooperative being as explained by Swami Sri Yuketswar Giri in The Holy Science. It is time for all religions to set aside differences and work together for our planetary survival, well being and health. It is a goal well worth reaching for in the New Year. Be gone the old mindset and archaic beliefs. Be open to the change of The Renaissance that is before us. We are moving into a period of tremendous new awarenesses. Be vigilante of the fraudulent archetype deceivers they abound since the opening of Pandora's Box. The good will win out and we will once again move toward attitudes of sharing, caring, help, and love. The evil that has pervaded the world will once again be driven from our ether. Let us Hope the Veil of Maya will no longer cloud our leaders minds and shroud the future of us as a Society. We by enlightening ourselves shall be the beacons for the Children, to usher in a Brave New World!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Thirty-Seven: Aspire For A United America: In The Time Of Coronavirus

 Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy
O Divine Master, grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand
To be loved, as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
And it's in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it's in dying that we are born to Eternal Life

     Truer words have never been spoken by a loving mortal man. We need more light and love in our world. The darkness these days is all pervading and overwhelming. Do not be fooled by false narratives. They abound in the world today and are designed to polarize your thinking. The narrative of divide and conquer is alive and well. The more we become separated as a nation the more vulnerable as a society. We have come to far as a nation to allow ourselves to be divided in ideology. We are all Americans First and foremost for America. Do not be torn apart. Have patience with those that disagree with your political thinking or mindset. Now is the time that we are at our most vulnerable and can easily be misled by false information from foreign hackers. They are out to create chaos among us. Believe me when I tell you I find it almost impossible to understand anyone who aligns themselves with our current administration. However the thought that we are purposely being manipulated in our hatred and anger over politics does not escape me. I will acquiesce my position to understand my fellow American before I will allow us to be torn apart as a society.
     Sow the seeds of Harmony, Faith, Love and Compassion Today! Take a step back from your opinion and understand your countryman or you had better learn to speak Russian of Chinese. This is no joke. We have the ability to reset the narrative after we come out of Covid. How do you want your future and your children's children's future to look. Take the time to reach out as a Nation and to be one! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Truth And Love

Truth and Love are the guiding lights to the future.

"Release," Pearl Jam

Friday, January 23, 2015

Missing My Thunder Shirt

I was struck last evening about how nice it would be to have my own thunder shirt. Our golden Gracie gets very upset at beeping noises like trucks backing up, or the weight scale noise on the TV show, the Biggest Loser. She also falls apart at the sound of thunder. So we invested in a garment called a thunder shirt. It's principle is based on the work of Temple Grandin who was a pioneer with Autistic Children. She invented an apparatus that would gently squeeze an autistic child and give them comfort and calm their aggravated spirit. Her work is revolutionary in that field. Her principles helped us to overcome the flight instinct in horses.
Watching our twelve year old golden chilling out after a beeping episode, I thought that perhaps it would be nice have my own shirt that I could slip on when I started to obsess over anything. Over the years I have passed through phases of obsession and have come out the other side a better man. How nice would it have been if I could have just slipped on my Thunder Shirt.

Information for Temple Grandin.
Temple Grandin

A Song for Old Hippies to Relax To.
"Orange Skies" Love