Saturday, March 5, 2022

98-Life is Love (A Humble Tribute To The Suffering Of The People Of Ukraine)

Beau Preparing Breakfast
Life is love, love is trust, trust is earned. These are truths that I learned from our equine massage school and equine rescue ranch. John Thompson would often have his good friend Beau in for breakfast. Beau is a buckskin stallion from the Buckskin Stallion Station. (Photos by John's Photographer, Cookie) We mutually learned about trust from one another. We both had wive's we loved and shared love for each others wife. More than once I have leaned over to kiss my wife in front of a horse and found myself standing several feet away from her with pursed lips and a big bucket head horse between us. I was literally knocked away by a jealous suitor.
The very first time that we worked on the brood mares in their stalls we were stalked by Beau. He would walk up to the stalls and create a ruckus. I quickly went out and attempted to shoo him away. I did not realize at the time that I was giving him the signal to rear up on his hind legs. I found myself looking straight up at the belly of this big Buckskin and his front legs pawing at the sky.
I fell quickly in love with Brooks. She was Beau's wife and partner. They always shared the same field and often a double stall. I came to admire the relationship of Beau and Brooks and their offspring. My favorite was Little Man. He was a Cremello, also known as an Albino. He was mesmerizing to watch in the field. I miss all the animals and the time we spent with them.

When I was a single young man and living in New York at this time of year I would enroll in ski conditioning classes. There was a particular pneumatic crunch machine. It was at the Steuben Athletic Club in Albany. It strengthened your core for skiing. There was a saying on the  machine. "The more you use what God has given you, the more God will give you." It wasn't until I surrendered my heart to love that I found happiness.

Life is Love and Memories and All We Work Our Lives to Achieve!
My heart is broken as I watch the news reports about the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin and the Russian Army. What happened to the world. The World for these people is being destroyed. Families torn apart, children dying, old people losing everything they have worked for. Democracy and the Ideals of it Destroyed. My words fail me. My mind is numb. All I can do is watch in horror. To all people of Ukraine, I can only send you what I know of Love as an American Citizen. May Your Suffering Be Eased. May the World come to it's senses and aid you in your time of need. People of the World Rise Up And Be Heard!

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