Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Twenty Six: Developing Spiritual Magnetism in the Time of Coronavirus

Developing Spiritual Magnetism

 Yogananda's Healing Techniques

Cultivate within yourself spiritual magnetism like that of Krishna and great Masters. In order to do this, you must express selfless love for all. Try always to be helpful. Develop your usefulness to your family, to your community and friends. Be willing wherever you are. That makes you a magnetic person. If you love people without any motive then you can have divine magnetism.

Keep this unselfish love, compassion, pity for others, grow it in your heart and thus let's pray for healing.   Paramahansa Yogannada

     Don't become closed off to life. Life can overwhelm you and make you withdraw and harden your heart. It isn't easy to soften your heart and to be open and loving in your life. Don't be afraid to express your feelings. This world is too full of automatons mindlessly performing life by rote. Stop! Open your mind and your heart. Adopt and attitude to help your fellow man. We are all one in the community and should not feel isolated. Be reasonable in your service to others not all of humanity is kind. Kindness has disappeared in the world today. We could almost be classified as Human Unkind.
     Learn to meditate, if you are quarantined then you have time to learn. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I"m on Fire

Did you ever have periods of time where you could feel yourself glowing? You were resonating so well with the universe that you almost thought that you were on fire! What were you doing? What were you thinking? Where were you living? No matter where you are now remember back to that time, clear your mind and allow yourself to rekindle that flame. It is hard to look past your daily sorrows or suffering to find that place where you are free and alive. Allow yourself time in the mornings to clear your mind and give praise to all the good things you have. Learn to meditate and to calm you inner dialogue and negative self talk. Read positive literature and listen to uplifting music and songs.

   Once you were a child and laid on the ground and looked at the clouds and dreamed of all the great things you were going to accomplish in your life. Rekindle that friendship with your inner child and again dream great dreams. The key is not to stay where you are. Move forward, become a part of something greater than yourself. Write a love poem. Start a short story! Finally begin that great American Novel you were always going to write. Make the pieces of April into a Tapestry for May!


Seven Chakras Activation & Healing Meditation Music

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Healing Sessions

  I listen to the sound of the train whistle in the distance and my heart is full of joy. There was a time in my youth when I was an errant vagabond, when at that sound I would shiver in loneliness. I was young vibrant tall strong and empty lonely in my soul and in my heart. The world was at my command and my oyster and I was empty.
   These days, perhaps because of my age, to use a worn out analogy, my cup runneth over. I listen to the sound of the trains off in the distance pulling the cars full of coal through the yards of the Grand Junction Terminal and I find happiness. Happiness in home, my life, my writing, my place in it and my direction. It is funny how the years have changed my perception in the same sound. I quietly close the door to our massage room and look forward to the healing session about to occur.

"Lavender," Marillion

Monday, October 26, 2015

An Appointment with Knowledge


 "Knowledge is a most peculiar affair,"he said, especially for a warrior. Knowledge for a warrior is something that comes at once, engulfs him, and passes on."

Don  Juan to Carlos Castaneda, "Tales of Power."

                                                    Wild Horses
Wyoming, early morning prairie dews
seep deep enough, pooling reflecting
a wild chestnut stallion's eyes.

His hooves kicking pebbles rippling
little waves, flowing trickling into
small streams of mirages,
dissipating into noon day vapors
and pastured greens of rattle snake plains.

                                                Appaloosa Sky
Now I listen to horses
in fields of green grasses
that reflect from blue mountains
in waves of grey moonlight
that dawn is an Appaloosa
with and eye of forgiveness.

                                               Just Ask A Horse
Now you see,
I've got this light
It's from these mountains
That I Bring.

Happy Hunter's Moon, and Harvest Moon.

Listen and Open Your Chakras
Seven Chakras Activation & Healing Meditation Music

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Writing, The Art Of Healing

It was said by Ernest Hemingway that, “All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn … it’s the best book we’ve had. All American writing comes from that.” In Ernest Hemingway, A Reconsideration, Philip Young qualifies Hemingway’s quote. “This rather loose overstatement is generally taken to mean that Huckleberry Finn is the source for the natural, colloquial, and nonliterary prose style in which most modern American Literature, and particularly Hemingway’s is written.

Mark Twain who was disillusioned by the disappearance of the American Frontier, found life closing in on him all around found Huck Finn. Huckleberry found the big muddy and his raft. Every time his world closed in on him, a push of the raft found he and Jim in a fast moving river with trouble far behind them. Our hero never grows past young adulthood and at the crucial growth time he introduces Tom Sawyer.

Hemingway embellishes upon the Huckleberry character by creating his early Nick Adams and his difficulties at The Big Two Hearted River. Nick’s struggle to cross the river is generally attributed to Hemingway’s attempt to heal from his wounds received July 8, 1918 at Fossalta di Piave. Hemingway was wounded badly and for a time assumed to be beyond hope. It is said 277 pieces of shrapnel were removed from him. Psychologically, Nick almost doesn’t make it across the river. Through Nick and The Big Two Hearted River, Hemingway confronts his demon and seemingly keeps it at bay.

Writing is a form of healing, and history is full artists desperately trying. Living is hard, you have to try and survive. In your struggle, if it becomes too difficult, you can Just Open A Vein,like a quote by Red Smith in a book edited by William Brohaugh. Albert Bianchine