Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Forty-Two, Preparing Your Personal Divinity; In The Time Of The Coronavirus

 I will prepare for the coming of the Omnipresent Baby Christ by cleaning the cradle of any consciousness, now rusty with selfishness, indifference, and sense attachments; and by polishing it with deep , daily, divine meditation, introspection, and discrimination. I will remodel the cradle with dazzling soul-qualities of brotherly love, humbleness, faith, desire for God-realization, will power, self control, renunciation, and unselfishness, that I may fittingly celebrate the Birth of the Divine Child- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Metaphysical Meditations"

     Why not take the time to completely put your house in order to receive the gifts that will reign down upon us this coming Christmas. We all need to change our narratives and our aspirations to accommodate the shift in the Paradigm of life that we now are faced with. Is it difficult? Yes! Impossible? No! All around us there are people breaking the glass ceiling every minute of every day. The front line workers, nurses, doctors, critical care workers. They didn't sign on for the madness that has befallen their lot. They step up every second of every day to take care of the errant idiots that we are forced to call fellow citizens. We need to reevaluate what citizenship and civic responsibility really is. We are way off the mark. There are no trophies for being a super spreader or not caring if you infect your mother, father, brother, sister, or relative because your are so self serving you can't even see that a pandemic is right in front of you. Your needs are not greater than the needs of the many. Since when has the needs of the individual become greater than the needs of the multitude. What does Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness mean to you? Surely it does not mean that you get to eradicate your fellow human beings for your own pleasure. Come on people! What has happened here in America? Are we really seeing the decline and fall of the American Empire. I trust not! However my fellow Americans behavior from our Politicians to our Local Community Leaders is beginning to give me pause. How about a little help here and working together for the greater common good. We have decided that since we cannot leave our current isolation to do everything possible to improve ourselves, our surroundings and to write as inspirational as we possibly can. We have struggled with how much of our personal spirituality to share without incurring the wrath of the religious community for them. However when I see our religious community encouraging members of their religious groups to attend mass celebrations in churches, synagogues, and other venues I can't help but have pause to step back away from their teachings and give pause to the validity of their organizations if they believe religious freedom is a reason to kill other humans by group meetings. Heed the lesson of self awareness, and self enlightenment, self preservation. You are the change in the world that must take place, here and now with you. We have hope for the new changes that we see taking place with turning back the tide of the virus that we are in the midst of. Somewhere, somehow we need to change. If you don't we are going to be forced to turn America around and you are all going to be in big trouble!