Showing posts with label Meditate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meditate. Show all posts

Monday, May 29, 2023

139- Living Life To The Fullest

This life is a master novel, written by God, and man would go crazy if he tried to understand it by reason alone. That is why I tell you to meditate more. Enlarge the magic cup of your intuition and then you will be able to hold the ocean of infinite wisdom----                                 Paramahansa Yogananda, "Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda." 

Your life is a novel with the remaining chapters and ending yet to be written by the greatest Master Author. Why would you worry about the future? Do you think your Father would allow you to not succeed in his own house? You remember the times that in darkness you raised your fists to the Heavens and proclaimed anger toward what you perceived as the perpetrator of your sorrows. You knew then that your wrong actions and thinking were the cause of your pain. You knew that proper preparedness coupled with proper thinking and proper action was the key to Ultimate Success in Life. Think of the times that you felt a short cut here or a little cheating there would not harm you. The solution has always been within you all the time. Stop getting in the way and Let Go and Let God work the Miracles in your life that you Deserve as a child of his. Always Remember;  "I And My Father Are One, All Things My Father Hath Are Mine!" What more is there to know. If you Believe it, so it will be. Live and Love Life to it's Fullest.

Baba Hanuman, Krishna Das

My girl Pete says if Life gets too Hard, "Go take a Tan."

(We have a Tan Box to sit in, I have a jump box to get on the bed, a zip box for my FUD, I don't like when my parents are on their talk boxes and watching the U-Tubes, or on their think boxes writing, especially the Big Watch Box in the Living Room that shows Mr. Strump) (See Lesson Six, or  Lesson Three, Ask Mrs. Peach,)( my arch nemesis!)