Showing posts with label Himalayas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Himalayas. Show all posts

Monday, August 1, 2022

125-Reconciling the Memories of Past, Present and Future

 I find my earliest memories covering the anachronistic features of a previous incarnation. Clear recollections came to me of a distant life, a yogi amidst the Himalayan snows. These glimpses of the past, by some dimensionless link, also afforded me a glimpse of the future.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Do you ever have the memories of distant or future incidents. a sense of having previously belonged or an inkling of what will be? How do child prodigies write complicated symphonies or solve complex equations? My belief is that of reincarnation as mystics have for centuries discussed. the interest in past life experiences are relevant in your life today. You are free to believe or not to believe. I choose to believe. 

All things in the world today are often stated as absolutes. The parties of all politicians believe their platforms are righteous and true, yet death, suffering, iniquity, and starvation seem to be the by product of their regimes. It is beyond comprehension that humanity is able to move forward and progress at all with the thinking and mentality that is present. We must realize that our resources and the earth that we live on are limited in the destruction and devastation that man inflicts upon it. Open your heart and your mind to change and growth today. No longer be constrained by the darkness of Maya and the deceit it brings. Look to the future! Become the Mystic on the Mountain! You are yogi of your own life, use this power wisely. Act today to make life a better tomorrow for all, not just to increase your own fortunes, but to increase the fortunes of all. Yes Yogananda! We have spent our lifetimes in the mountains of North America and are saddened at the state of our atmosphere, water, earth and the drastic change in our climate. We have watched our glaciers, rivers, streams, lakes and National Treasures disappear. The time of silence has come and gone. It is now time to shout from the highest climbs of the world to stop the madness and mayhem! The rant of Today is to take up arms (not necessarily armaments), pens, banners, podcasts, blogs, posts, and print. If you wish for your children and your children's children to have a world to live in you must speak now or forever hold your voice. Be the Voice of Reason!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

110-What is Social Climbing? In The Time of The New Renaisance


God and bad habits both take time to acquire force. Powerful bad habits can be  displaced by opposite good habits if the latter are patiently cultivated. 

Paramahansa Yogananda "Scientific Healing Affirmations"

Character Musings

Tom shuffled slowly past the rows of western buildings, his hands stuffed into his denim pockets. This was the worst day of his life. He had never wanted it to end like this. It had been the greatest winter of his life. A winter that he would cherish and carry deeply in his heart for the rest of his waking life. He kicked maliciously at the chunks of snow lining the walk to the Moose Jaw. He thought about his friend and his favorite saying, "be careful what you wish for Tom my boy."

He had been a part of something. What that something was, he didn't know. Maybe he would never know. He just felt it in his heart and he knew it was there. There are somethings a man learns that he may not like, somethings he may like to change, but doesn't know how. Somethings will never change, that's just the way it is. 

"Can I ever change?"he thought. He yanked at the big wooden door and it swung open. 

Sara glanced up and quickly turned away. She walked to the farthest end of the bar. This was not going to be easy. Sara smiled afraid that if she didn't she would cry. Tom was a lone wolf. He would never change, and would know a lot of pain and heartache and grow tired of the loneliness and uncertainty. She knew he had so much to give, but didn't know how to give it. There would always be the next higher mountain. He used to lie awake late at night and say, "I wonder what the Himalaya's are like? The Basin is only 13,009 hundred feet. What must 30,000 feet or 8,000 meters be like?" Poor Tom he would never learn that he was born two hundred years too late. Once he learned to conquer himself he would conquer  anything, or spend the rest of his life trying. He might settle down for awhile, but to him, sitting in the whiteness above it all was what he came here for. It was his idea of social climbing.

Baba Hanuman, Krishna Das, Breath of the Heart