Showing posts with label Kriya Yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kriya Yoga. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2024

Divine Providence Arranges The Appointments

Uncle John's Band-The Grateful Dead

 The Pursuit Of Happiness (The Olympic Venue's Are Chosen)

Everything up to this moment has been Of Life And Liberty

Providence Arranges The Appointments

From this Day Forward It Shall Be

The Pursuit Of Happiness 

2026 Winter Olympics- Milano-Cortina (Confirmed)

       2030 Winter Olympics The French Alps (Tentative)

       2034  Winter Olympics Salt Lake City (Confirmed)

 Self-Realization Meditation Alter, Paramahansa Yogananda- Encinitas California

Swami's Star-Swami's Beach 

(Sunset Beach)

(Picture-Self-Realization Fellowship)

When Divine Providence Appointments Are Shown To You-You Accept The Divine Gift!

Photo-Krishna Das Enterprises-Krishna/Rahda
The Quest For The Mountain Pearl
Accepting The Art Of Divine Deliverance
The Lure Of The Mountain King
The Last Of The American Poets
How Kriya Yoga Imparts Soul-Realization, Paramahansa Yogananda

From Spirit Mountain -Perseverence
The Colorado Bay Club
Photo James A. Bilbray
Spirit Mountain Wilderness
Spirit Mountain is the center of creation for all Yuman speaking tribes and is considered a sacred area.[11][18] The 506,814-acre national monument (205,100 ha) is managed by the Bureau of Land ManagementNational Park Service, and Bureau of Reclamation.[19]
A Gift Of Sacred Spirit To Europe From North American Mountains

Beyond The Appletree Lane
(A Poem About It)
A Simple Man Of Dreams
In Honor And Glory
Bowed His Head To Divine Providence
Accepting The Appointment
 Of A Destiny Arranged
Love Song, Tumbleweed Connection, Elton John

SrI Joseph Elijo

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

130-Realizing the Truths Leading To Your Personal Great Awakening


Let us forget the sorrows of the past and make up our minds not to dwell on them in the New Year.  With determination and unflinching will, let us renew our lives, our good habits, and our successes. If the last year has been hopelessly bad, the New Year  must be hopelessly good.-Paramahansa  Yogananda, "Self-Realization Magazine"

The New Year is a fresh clean slate! You are the writer of your story! How do you want it to read. Try something New! Accomplish something no one else has attempted! This is your life and your time, Dream the Courageous Dream and Reach for the Heavens. It is yours for the asking. No more meek and mild Lambs of the World. You are a Conquering Lion of Truth. You are only defeated if you believe you are defeated. Your Destiny is yet to be written. Many Women and Men have led quite subdued lives only to awaken Spiritually and blossom into Revered Leaders. No longer sit idly and allow others to control your thoughts, actions and future. Once you realize you have the Love  and Guidance of Your Father working directly in your affairs you will be able to go forward in life with the certainty of the Great Conqueror that you truly are. Walk your path and speak your truth with Love and Devotion to the Scientific Principles found in Kriya Yoga and you will be assured of your Success! This New Year is the Year for Your Personal Great Awakening!

Sunday, July 24, 2022

123- Aligning Your Actions for Success with Wisdom and Meditation


You cannot be free unless you have burned the seeds of past actions in the fire of wisdom and meditation.

– Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

“Yogoda Satsanga Magazine”

Your past actions should not rule your present circumstances. To be free you must work through meditation and Kriya Yoga. You can dispel the karma of past actions. How can I do this you ask? Study the Lessons of the Self-Realization Fellowship and put them to use in your life. It works. The writing in this blog is the testament to this theory. If you are not finding satisfaction and happiness in your life than perhaps it is time for a change. Do not fear change! Change is not your enemy or an action to bring heartache. The right change can bring happiness and fulfillment beyond your wildest expectations. If it seems as if the world of Covid, Politics, Global Warming is closing in upon you than it may be the time to look for the right change in your life. Go forward in your new found freedom and attract the positive rewards that are there for you. You are a Divine creation of your father and he is working miracles every day for you in your life. Open your Heart, Spirit and Mind and accept them. Remember that when preparation meets opportunity it is the Law of Success. Go out and prepare yourself today. 

FreedomJuly 11

You cannot be free unless you have burned the seeds of past actions in the fire of wisdom and meditation. 

– Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
“Yogoda Satsanga Magazine”

FreedomJuly 11

You cannot be free unless you have burned the seeds of past actions in the fire of wisdom and meditation. 

– Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
“Yogoda Satsanga Magazine”

Sunday, March 27, 2022

113-Accepting the Reality of Miracles and How to Attract Them

'"What is a miracle? Tis a reproach,/ 'Tis an implicit satire on mankind."
------Edward Young, "Night Thoughts" "Who ever realizes himself as a son of God, even as Babaji has done, can reach any goal by the infinite powers hidden within him."
                            Babaji the timeless avatar,  
Materializing a Palace in the Himalaya's for Lahiri Mahasaya his disciple.

Miracles abound in our lives you have to be open to receive them. Water does not flow from a closed faucet or a dammed stream. Why would you think that a miracle could be manifested in your life or ether if you are not a believer although the Bible (And All Holy Books) are full of such stories. You must open your heart and mind to the possibilities that exist in the Universe that you know nothing about. Are you so sure that you know all that there is to be known? I think not. If you become a beacon of positive light and energy through Meditation and Practice the Scientific Methods of Kriya Yoga you can be assured of the Law of Your  Success. Look around at the World and the Searching and Lost Souls, you need no longer be among them. Find your Hearts Desire and you will find the True Meaning of Your Life and Why You Grace the World We Live In Today!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

94; Embracing the Everlasting

 Our dear ones promise to love us forever, yet when they sink into the Great Sleep, their earth memories forsaken, what value their vows? Who, without telling us in words, loves us everlastingly? Who remembers us when all others forget us? Who will still be with us when we must leave the friends of this world? God alone---- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Whispers from Eternity" 

The Ghosts they do come in all sizes, shapes, species and forms. They are woven deeply into the fabric of our daily lives. Yet the one true love is often over looked or ignored. Shame on delusion and her sister maya that keep us in our darkness and fearful isolation. Isn't it everyone's wish to become a part of something greater than one's self? Look for the one who hides in the ocean, air, mountain's and earth. They are ever omniscient and present. It is not that they aren't looking for you. It is you are not showing the desire for spirit's presence. Change all that today! Use your sense's and intuition to put your life on track. No matter what the World is doing, the global conflicts are increasing intensely and disillusionment seams to be on the rise. Why do we care about your Spirit or your advancement in this world? We were once of you, the trials and tribulations are not just yours alone. Through Divine Will not our own Will we have opened our hearts and minds. There is a Scientific Method through Kriya Yoga that will lead you to Peace (Samadhi). It is not the only method. If you are skeptical take the time and research your own path. There is a Strength and Truth that you can gain through Discipline. You owe it to yourself to explore it. 

We will move on to our own writing goals. Hopefully you have read the posts of the Beijing Olympics. They represent youth and the promise of hope. It is time to shift the focus to our new writings. Perhaps they will entertain you and help you to enjoy the New Dawn we all face.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Eleven: Assuming the Right Attitude

July 14                                                                                                                          Right Attitude
July 14Right Attitude
I do not expect anything from others, so their actions cannot be in opposition to wishes of mine.
- Sri Sri Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
"Autobiography of a Yogi"

One should rely upon one's own creation to move  forward in their existence. To have the confidence and strength to believe in your own dream and set of circumstance for obtaining that dream is the true meaning to personal success. It is very easy to be corrupted into thinking that someone else may best serve your wishes, be your own Master of your own Fate. Decide on the course that you wish to move forward in and do so with the knowledge and belief of assured success. Perhaps you alone are the person to move the mantle forward and accomplish the goal. State your goal simply and with great conviction!

"Forget the past. The vanished lives of all men are dark with many shames. Human conduct is ever unreliable until man is anchored in the Divine. Everything in future will improve if you are making a spiritual effort now."
Paramahansa Yogananda

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Beatle's Revelation

 Several years ago I was having a discussion with a friend of mine who is also a devotee of Paramahansa Yogananda and the Self Realization Fellowship and he startled me with a minor revelation. He pulled out a copy of the album Sgt. Pepper by the Beatles and showed me the Swami order. All the Gurus where dispersed among the faces on the album. I shouldn't have been surprised because I knew that the Beatles had sought enlightenment in India and that George Harrison had some type of an awakening there. It wasn't until recently while viewing the documentary Awake - The Life of Paramahansa Yoganada did I realize just how much of an influence the Autobiography of a Yogi had on his life. He kept many copies around his house and when he had visitors he would randomly hand them out to his guests. He credited the book for changing his life and saving him from the clutches of drugs and alcohol. A very easy thing for him to be involved in given his profession.

   For all of those unfortunate creatures out there struggling with some form of addiction albeit alcohol, drugs, sex, or some new form of mania, here is a link for your salvation. I will leave you with a quote from Guru Deva Paramahansa Yogananda. "You must do Kriya Yoga everyday! If you are suffering or if you are searching for something greater than yourself give it a shot. It just might change your Life.

Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda

A Beatles Song
"Dear Prudence" The Beatles

Sunday, January 4, 2015


 Energization exercises like Kriya Yoga have allowed me to calm my kindred spirit. The same energy that I once burned off through skiing and climbing and being outwardly physical I am now able to channel in to productive energy through scientific stretching and meditation. These days I am far more sedentary than I was in my youth. My mind returns often to the exciting exploits of younger days. Left unchecked the excess energy can build in my life and aid in disrupting my calm. By focusing my mind on meditation and exercise I am able to release the excess energy and enjoy a calm spirit.
Soothing the soul through massage aids in relaxation. It helps immensely to have a massage table set up in your living space. There are also massage chairs available. Listening to quite soothing music designed for healing during massage and meditation helps.


With tranquillity, the small goes and the great comes, with auspicious success: this means heaven and earth interact, and their wills are the same. Yang inside and yin outside symbolize inward strength with outward docility, being a cultivated person within while appearing outwardly to be an ordinary person. The ways of cultivated people go on and on, the ways of ordinary people disappear.

The Book Of Change

A Song for Tranquillity
R. Carlos Nakai, Peter Kater, "All Souls Waltz", From Honorable Sky