Showing posts with label The Beatles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Beatles. Show all posts

Thursday, August 8, 2024

191- Beyond The Appletree Lane Collection- 1097 Van Antwerp Road, Niskayuna, New York

I Shall Be Released, The Band

2142 Appletree Lane
Prometheus Unbound
Pegasus Rising With The Light 

1097 Van Antwerp Road, Niskayuna, New York

Summer of 84.

I wrote in a Loft 

Behind Rose, colored stained glass windows

Listening to Gordon Grey

Play Peter Gabriel’s Red Rain

On his electric guitar

All hours of the night. 

Played in the yard with Abbey

An English Sheep Dog

Named for the studio

the Beatles recorded in.

I was Uncle Albert 

To every one then

On the ceiling

Laughing Gregariously

Like Ernest Hemingway 

Sure that I would 

Publish with Simon and Schuster like

Lowell Thomas'
Book of the 
High Mountains

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Beatle's Revelation

 Several years ago I was having a discussion with a friend of mine who is also a devotee of Paramahansa Yogananda and the Self Realization Fellowship and he startled me with a minor revelation. He pulled out a copy of the album Sgt. Pepper by the Beatles and showed me the Swami order. All the Gurus where dispersed among the faces on the album. I shouldn't have been surprised because I knew that the Beatles had sought enlightenment in India and that George Harrison had some type of an awakening there. It wasn't until recently while viewing the documentary Awake - The Life of Paramahansa Yoganada did I realize just how much of an influence the Autobiography of a Yogi had on his life. He kept many copies around his house and when he had visitors he would randomly hand them out to his guests. He credited the book for changing his life and saving him from the clutches of drugs and alcohol. A very easy thing for him to be involved in given his profession.

   For all of those unfortunate creatures out there struggling with some form of addiction albeit alcohol, drugs, sex, or some new form of mania, here is a link for your salvation. I will leave you with a quote from Guru Deva Paramahansa Yogananda. "You must do Kriya Yoga everyday! If you are suffering or if you are searching for something greater than yourself give it a shot. It just might change your Life.

Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda

A Beatles Song
"Dear Prudence" The Beatles