Showing posts with label Courage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Courage. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

130-Realizing the Truths Leading To Your Personal Great Awakening


Let us forget the sorrows of the past and make up our minds not to dwell on them in the New Year.  With determination and unflinching will, let us renew our lives, our good habits, and our successes. If the last year has been hopelessly bad, the New Year  must be hopelessly good.-Paramahansa  Yogananda, "Self-Realization Magazine"

The New Year is a fresh clean slate! You are the writer of your story! How do you want it to read. Try something New! Accomplish something no one else has attempted! This is your life and your time, Dream the Courageous Dream and Reach for the Heavens. It is yours for the asking. No more meek and mild Lambs of the World. You are a Conquering Lion of Truth. You are only defeated if you believe you are defeated. Your Destiny is yet to be written. Many Women and Men have led quite subdued lives only to awaken Spiritually and blossom into Revered Leaders. No longer sit idly and allow others to control your thoughts, actions and future. Once you realize you have the Love  and Guidance of Your Father working directly in your affairs you will be able to go forward in life with the certainty of the Great Conqueror that you truly are. Walk your path and speak your truth with Love and Devotion to the Scientific Principles found in Kriya Yoga and you will be assured of your Success! This New Year is the Year for Your Personal Great Awakening!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Thirty-Two: Using the Art of Unlimited Power to Win In The Time of Coronavirus

      “No matter what your trials have been, or how discouraged you are, if you will make a continued effort to be better, you will find that, being made in the image of God, you are endowed with an unlimited power that is much stronger than your worst trials. Make up your mind that you will win, focusing all your concentration on ceaseless efforts to succeed, and you will surely be victorious.

Remember that your past difficulties did not come to crush you, but to strengthen your determination to use your limitless divine powers to succeed. God wants you to conquer the difficult tests of life and to come back to His home of wisdom."

Excerpted from “How to Have Courage, Calmness, and Confidence" by ParamahansaYogananda published by Crystal Clarity

We have it within ourselves to overcome any obstacle in our path by our will power alone if you believe that you are one with your father. You must remind yourself that you and your father are one and all things that your father hath is yours. Whatever your need is, move forward in your life, as if you already have it. The power of positive thinking is real. You must decide that you can achieve the goals you have set for yourself and you can. Nothing is accomplished with negativity. It is a detractor from success. Success comes when opportunity is met with preparation. 

Friday, October 30, 2020

Twenty Five: Courage in the Time of Coronavirus


I know now that I am a lion of cosmic power. Bleating no more, I shake the error forest with reverberations of Thine almighty voice. In divine freedom I bound through the jungle of earthly delusions, devouring the little creatures of vexing worries and timidities, and the wild hyenas of disbelief.

O Lion of Liberation, ever send through me Thy roar of all-conquering courage.

~ Sri Paramahansa Yogananda,
Whispers from Eternity

Now is the time for all men to step forward and be accountable. We can no longer be quiet sheep led to slaughter by the powers that govern our nation. Hundreds of thousands of us have perished in horribly ugly deaths when it does not have to be this way. It is time for all to speak our minds and to save our fellow citizens by following the CDC Guidelines of Social Distancing and Mask Wearing. We can no longer continue to be silent and to die. Courage is the strength to stand up and to be accountable no matter what the circumstances.