Showing posts with label Clarence Thomas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clarence Thomas. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

121-Obeying the Law of Freedom


 Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of the action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma. You are a free agent, but when you perform a certain act, you will reap the results of that act.------ Paramahansa Yogananda. 

SRF Lessons

It seems like the Freedoms that we all took for granted are disappearing from us at alarming rates. There is an all out War on Women's Rights Today! Where is the lunacy coming from? Is it in the water? Tap, Mineral, Spring or Glacier, Sparkling, Distilled, Purified, Flavored or Infused, Alkaline, Well, my personal thoughts are they are secretly drinking the Kool-Aid that was mixed by Jim Jones in Guyana. It is the only logical explanation for the absolute onslaught against freedoms and (Oh God Yes!), rights. Don't say those words, I know because I already have incurred the wrath for collecting my (entitlements of which I worked 50 years of my life for.) But hey, lets not rule out that sneaky little law of Karma. Cosmic karma for your actions has yet to come into to play. So I say to all the Supreme Court Judges, the lying Judges of our Supreme Court. When you make your rulings, don't rule out karma because it can really be a bitch! (My rant for Today!)