Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Thirty-One: How to Build A New Life, Career, and World During The Time Of Coronavirus


Great Lives are not Built in One day.
But in Many Great days.
One can't achieve Great results without Consistency, Resolve and Dedication.🌻
You will have bridges and twisted roads to Cross,where you are still unsure.
Here Faith is the Light.And Guru is the Guide.🌻
Trust your Inner voice.You won't Falter.
Trust your Path.And Keep moving Forward.
Inches of progress Matters,only if you are clear of the Inner Direction.🌻
May Gurudevs Grace Guide you towards your Truest Destiny.OmBabajiMatajiOm🙏🏻

Move forward today. Don't let the paralysis of uncertainty or fear get in your way. You can and you must accomplish the things that are truly blocking your success. Often we become our own enemies in the drive to exist, our attitudes, our friendships, our discouragement fraternities, our circumstances may not allow us to soar. Be like the Phoenix Rising From the Ashes! If you do not try you will never know the innate power within your self to conquer you greatest challenges!

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

lCharles R. Swindoll

Thirty: Exercising Positive Mindfulness In The Time Of Coronavirus


     "It is pride that makes self-righteous persons so ready to judge those about them who are weak. True morality includes compassion for others in their ignorant wrongdoings.
Those who like to dwell on the faults of others are human vultures. There is already too much evil in the world. Don't talk of evil, don't think of evil, and don't do evil. Be like a rose, wafting to all the sweet fragrance of soul goodness. Make everyone feel that you are a friend; that you are a helper, not a destroyer. If you want to be good, analyze yourself and develop the virtues in you. Banish the thought that evil has any part in your nature, and it will drop off. Make everyone else feel that you are an image of God, not by your words but by your behavior. Emphasize the light, and darkness will be no more."

--  "Man's Eternal Quest".....pag - 77 , 79  -- 

     Self-Righteousness is rampant in America today. Each group has their own narrative and there is no longer a middle or common ground. Do not allow your mindset to be hijacked. Have your belief system but be willing to compromise. The old adage, It is going to take a lot of Love to change the way things are, is the singularly greatest truth in the world today. Stop! Reset the narrative to a discourse of harmony. Live harmoniously in your daily life, strive for positive reinforcement of your own morals and maintain the moral high ground in all your dealings in life. It serves absolutely no purpose to have your thoughts corrupted by and outside force. Now more than ever you must guard your psychic aurora from outside influences that the negativity of the Pandemic is raining down upon us. You must with every fiber of your soul move forward in your life with joy, happiness, and positivity. What good does fear and anxiousness accomplish.

     Pride cometh before the fall! How many prideful bullies do you have to see rise and fall in flames before you understand that aspiring to be good, well rounded and a good citizen to your country, is the goal for the majority. It may seem in the times today that your country has betrayed you. Ask the greatest generation if during the depths of despair in their darkest hours if they felt betrayed. Perhaps, but their sense of duty and right drove them on. We can overcome our hardships. Even if you don't believe that our greatest threat has been eliminated from our most powerful office you must reach out and help your fellow human being and they you. Sense of non community and polarized politics rein supreme. Do we not still live in the freest and greatest country in the world. Remember that! Your situation will change, situations always do. Every day well lived is a day closer to achieving your goal. Believe your job or change in career will come through. Believe that we will persevere as a society and overcome whatever obstacles covid or politics or environment puts before us. Be very careful America you don't want me to have to come to your cities and steal your children to get your attention. Move forward to a brighter future today!


Monday, November 16, 2020

Twenty Nine: The Art of Being Fearless In The Time Of Coronavirus

"Be fearless. Whatever it is that you fear, take your mind away from it and leave it to Me. Have faith in Me and you will be free at once."
--- Mahavatar Sri Babaji Maharaj
"Be fearless, Gurus are always protecting you."

--- Beloved Gurudev Premavatar Sri Swarupananda Brahmachari 

     How to overcome fear. Fear is a paralyzing force. It is a palpable entity that once entering the mind like the Coronavirus itself can be pervasive. Immediately displace the thought of fear with whatever method is at your disposal. Enlightened Masters like those of the Lineage of Self Realization Fellowship accept the burden of your fear so that you do not have to shoulder it. It is a comfort and a blessing to remove the yoke of suffering and mantle it. Give up the ghost, no matter what the ghost is that you are hosting. There is no productive solution to suffering. You are the only one that can host it. Fear is counter productive it takes away from serenity. Serenity in daily life is the goal. Listen to calming music. Youtube had an incredible amount of binaural beats music to lift your spirits and calm your soul. Make every effort to exercise the strength of your mind and quell the thoughts of fear from your being.



Sunday, November 15, 2020

Twenty Eight: Awaken Thoughts Of Immortality In The Time of Coronavirus

 How to Use Thoughts of Immortality to Awaken Your True Self", Wisdom of Paramahansa Yogananda

Constantly Impress the Mind With Divine Truth
Avoid any suggestion to the mind of human limitation: sickness, old age, death. Instead, constantly impress the mind with this truth:
“I am the Infinite that has become the body. The body as a manifestation of Spirit is the ever-perfect, ever-youthful Spirit.”

Refuse to be limited by thoughts of weakness or age. Who told you that you are old? You are not old. You, the soul, are eternally young. Impress that thought on your consciousness:
“I am the soul, a reflection of ever-youthful Spirit. I am vibrant with youth, with ambition, with power to succeed.”

Attune yourself to Cosmic Power, and whether you are working in a factory, or mixing with people in the business world, always affirm:
“Within me is the Infinite Creative Power. I shall not go to the grave without some accomplishments. I am a God-man, a rational creature. I am the power of Spirit, the dynamic Source of my soul. I shall create revelations in the world of business, in the world of thought, in the world of wisdom. I and my Father are One. I can create anything I desire, even as my creative Father.”

    Let Today be the day that you turn your negative thinking pattern to a positive one. It is possible to overcome any trial and tribulation in your life. Do not be afraid to perform any task that was previously left unfinished. Pick up that short story, poem, work of art, song, love letter and complete your calling. We all have destinies that are left unfulfilled now is the time to start fresh. Be brave, be reckless with caution and accept your success. The saddest thing in life is to have never tried. How many dreams are left hidden in the dark of the closet dull and unpolished? Bring them out into the light of the world and let your spirit shine and soar. You are not alone. We are all in this together. Be supportive of your friends, family and neighbors, as long as it is at a distance.
     There are many guiding lights in the world today choose a positive influencer and follow the path that has been chosen for you.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Twenty Seven: Seeking Positivity and the Light In the Time of Coronavirus

 "The last portion of life is more important than the first, because what you are at the end of this life is what you will be at the beginning of the next."

- Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda 
(Man's Eternal Quest)

     Strive to be the best that you can be. It isn't always easy being your best in the face of adversity. Adversity makes the man or woman. To accomplish great deeds in this world, one must first aspire to accomplish them. Never has a person of achievement accepted the mundane of life. It is difficult in the Time of Coronavirus to see beyond the fray that is our world today. There is the beginnings of a great shift in the light of the world. It may not seem to you that there is the light at the end of the tunnel. It is there and it is getting brighter. Find small ways to improve your mental acuity. Find ways to find ways to just live. However small your accomplishment today is celebrate Today. Tomorrow is just that, it is in your plus column not in your debit. How can I be my very best today. What is it that I can do to move forward. If your sending out resumes and finding nothing but rejection find it in your positive soul to send out more. Amidst a sea of no's it will only take one yes. These are desperate and extremely trying times. You do not need to be reminded of the sorrow and suffering surrounding you. It is evident and pervasive. Know that there are leaders and people out there doing all that they can to change the narrative. It is always the darkest in the tunnel just before you see the light at the end of it. Stay strong and stay positive there is a caring world and population that wants to see you get through this.

I am submerged in eternal light. It permeates every particle of my being. I am living in that light. The Divine Spirit fills me within and without.

~Paramahansa Yogananda 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Twenty Six: Developing Spiritual Magnetism in the Time of Coronavirus

Developing Spiritual Magnetism

 Yogananda's Healing Techniques

Cultivate within yourself spiritual magnetism like that of Krishna and great Masters. In order to do this, you must express selfless love for all. Try always to be helpful. Develop your usefulness to your family, to your community and friends. Be willing wherever you are. That makes you a magnetic person. If you love people without any motive then you can have divine magnetism.

Keep this unselfish love, compassion, pity for others, grow it in your heart and thus let's pray for healing.   Paramahansa Yogannada

     Don't become closed off to life. Life can overwhelm you and make you withdraw and harden your heart. It isn't easy to soften your heart and to be open and loving in your life. Don't be afraid to express your feelings. This world is too full of automatons mindlessly performing life by rote. Stop! Open your mind and your heart. Adopt and attitude to help your fellow man. We are all one in the community and should not feel isolated. Be reasonable in your service to others not all of humanity is kind. Kindness has disappeared in the world today. We could almost be classified as Human Unkind.
     Learn to meditate, if you are quarantined then you have time to learn. 

Friday, October 30, 2020

Twenty Five: Courage in the Time of Coronavirus


I know now that I am a lion of cosmic power. Bleating no more, I shake the error forest with reverberations of Thine almighty voice. In divine freedom I bound through the jungle of earthly delusions, devouring the little creatures of vexing worries and timidities, and the wild hyenas of disbelief.

O Lion of Liberation, ever send through me Thy roar of all-conquering courage.

~ Sri Paramahansa Yogananda,
Whispers from Eternity

Now is the time for all men to step forward and be accountable. We can no longer be quiet sheep led to slaughter by the powers that govern our nation. Hundreds of thousands of us have perished in horribly ugly deaths when it does not have to be this way. It is time for all to speak our minds and to save our fellow citizens by following the CDC Guidelines of Social Distancing and Mask Wearing. We can no longer continue to be silent and to die. Courage is the strength to stand up and to be accountable no matter what the circumstances.