Showing posts with label United States of America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United States of America. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2024

187-Ask Mrs.Peach- How Do We Combat The Assault On Women's Autonomy?

Dear Mrs. Peach  

Mrs. Pete Peach

I am at my wits end concerning the all out war against women and their rights. What began as inequality in pay, has now morphed into a far greater assault on our general autonomy. It is not simply concerning everyday rights, it is now including our bodies and freedoms of choice. Truly, they want to take away my right of choice but they are also attempting not to allow IVF. This is now beyond believable. I fear greatly the change in leadership that would bring a new regime to America. The zealots that are in the wings are poised to gain control and power and further eliminate any choices we as Americans still have. They are organizations of thugs, anti woman hating miscreants and power tripping zealots. What are we as women of Intelligence, Compassion and Patriotism to do. Please, we desperately need your advice.

A Sister In Arms,

Dear, Sister

Heard! I understand and feel your pain. All the rights and progress you have fought so bravely for are now systematically being dismantled and revoked. It is now an all out war on women and women's autonomy. The reason for the shift is almost beyond my comprehension. These are issues that we thought had been decided and were ancient history. Since the beginning of my blog I have been at odds with the person whom I believe is behind the new war on women. We have had our disagreements and I have stated my immense dissatisfaction that he is even allowed to represent humanity in any way shape or form. Yes, I'm sure you have guessed it Mr. Strump. Let's just be clear the balding, ballooning, bigoted orange man himself who has come out and said he alone is responsible for overturning Roe v Wade is the culprit behind almost all of our woes and heartaches in America today. I can call him the Orange man because I am an adorable champagne toy poodle and adored by my minions and followers myself. They have encouraged me to step forward and to exercise my freedom of speech to prevent him from ever holding office in America again. It will take a serious effort on all our parts to prevent him from ever holding office again. We truly must become Brothers and Sisters in Arms or we will become refugees in search of a land of Freedom of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Let us not fall pray to the .Emperor in Search of his New Clothes. I am asking (No Pleading) All Gen Z, Gen Alpha, Millennials along with the Boomers to Unite against the Common Enemy of the People and stop Mr.. Strump now and forever or loose the American Dream as we know and love it today. When someone tells you that they are chosen by God to represent you, YOU SHOULD BE WARY AND ALARMED. We are seriously being railroaded to Armageddon. Please take a moment to understand the absolute seriousness of this moment in History. I ask all of America to set aside their differences and to work together in Spirit. Mind, and Body to Defeat Mr. Strump!

The answer is simple while you may not like the alternative you are voting for it is imperative that you realize in order to win the war you must pick and choose your battles. This is one battle that is essential to win. I realize that Biden, Harris may not be the ticket of your choice but it is paramount that you understand they are compassionate loving creatures and they have your best interest and well being at heart. 

If you have been following my blog you will know that I have advised Kamala in the past and recommended that she step out of the box that her administration had tried to put her in. Where women's rights are concerned, I would trust Kamala to have my back before the back stabbing Mr. Strump. She does not talk about retribution and and imprisoning her political rivals or taking away their rights to IVF or preventing them from traveling to neighboring states to save the lives of mother's and daughters who for reasons of life saving abortions.

Finally, I have advised several other Political Parties to step forward and represent for women. I believe truly if you are one of God's Chosen Ones it is Imperative to Stand and Allow your Voice to be Heard. We can no longer afford to be Silent Sheep. We must become the Leaders that the World is looking (N0 Desperately Seeking) for. I cannot express my fear and absolute horror in the fact that Mr. Strump would possibly be elected. I will Write, Speak, Publish, and Shout from the Mountain Tops that we must not allow this to happen. I am asking for the support of All Americans of Voting Age to make sure all your family and friends band together and vote. We need the Largest Grass Roots Movement ever seen in the United States Of America to Mobilize and Defeat the Tyrant Strump.

May God Be with All of Us and Bless Us in Our Divine Mission.

Mrs. Peach