Friday, August 9, 2024

192-A Brief Lesson In Showing And Not Telling

    Scene 1

     “Honey I’m Home,” Bill said.

     “How was your day Dear? His wife Joan asked.

     “It was O.K. I met Charlie for lunch and we discussed the possibility of a new account. Sally called and we ended lunch early. How was your day?”

Joan hesitated before answering. How could she tell Bill her mother was coming for a week long visit. How would he react?

     “Fine Bill, I have a Hungry Man T.V. dinner in the microwave.”

     “Sounds, Great, Joan! Just let me get my slippers on.”


Scene 2


Bill turned his Infiniti into the driveway of his sprawling Ranch Estate. He turned the key off of his new electric E series and was taken by the silence. He still had a difficult time with the silence of electric vehicles. He was old school and remembered the throaty rumbling groan of the big V-8 combustion engines of his youth. Although he did enjoy not watching the gas gauge drop every time he accelerated quickly. He was enjoying the smell of new, the newness of his car and the newness of this sprawling five-acre estate in a new development. Bill stepped out of the vehicle and was surprised to see his lovely wife Joan in her tight riding Jodhpurs holding the horses already saddled and waiting. He wasn’t sure what excited him more, the fact he would soon be riding the wonderful Equestrian Trails along the river, or that he would be beside this amazingly attractive middle-aged woman, he completely adored.


     “Hi Bill! I thought you might like to take a short ride before dinner. I baked a lovely Lasagna Dinner and its on the counter waiting,” Joan smiled brightly.

     “I’ll change in the barn quickly,” Bill replied.

     “Oh, Bill,” Joan grinned,” I filled the hot tub with some essential oils and thought we might get cozy before dinner,” Joan smiled devilishly.


Bill hesitated before answering. He might look too obvious if he pinched himself, but was this really his life. To have such a gorgeous loving wife, beautiful estate, with horses and amazing life, he wasn’t sure what life he had stepped into, but it surely suited him.

     “Sounds, Great, Joanie! Just let me get my riding clothes on,” Bill said with a twinkle in his eye and a spring to his step.

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