Sunday, August 18, 2024

196-Prometheus And The Reversal of Fortune

The Universe will turn in the direction of the majority no matter how we individually feel. Our Cultural Enlightenment will progress at it's own pace. Speaking of that topic this blog will cease being a Form of Political Activism. It will also keep my Personal Revelations and Religious beliefs out of the forum. They are what they are and they are not a source of good reading to a general audience. The purpose of my work from this blog will be to Celebrate the path forward and to give thanks to the Great Masters that have gone before including my mentor, who recently passed. There is more to someone's existence on Earth than just a Plaque on an Empty Dwelling. There are those of us that are left to raise the awareness of all who remain. The Inspiration of this work stems from Evenings in the State University of New York at Albany and Union College in Schenectady New York and a part time mentorship for 8 years through poetry, memoir and autobiography writing. Being a disposed Mountaineer that could no longer pursue my first love, the ski mountains of North America, I needed a new view on Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness. It was to be given to me by my writing mentor. The Poet and Writer Lyn Lifshin. I did not know, then, at that time, how very great of a gift was to be bestowed upon me, until the event of her death. Seeing the fires dormant and the the dwelling empty except for a metal remnant tacked to a wooden wall is unacceptable. We all are temporary visitors of this world, this I know from my former life. However, those of us that remain are given a task and that task often is not realized or goes unused and collecting dust in a basement or a closet. My closets are now swept clean and my doors and windows are now wide open and my flag is being unfurled and the banner of Heaven will again wave. It is a righteous reckoning and one that is long over do. It is with the determination of any work of any substance that we move forward today to what I know is a destined conclusion. The work will be my Thorn Bird song to right an injustice that is far greater than any I could have previously imagined. It is my mantle to accept and to wear proudly, visible for all the world to see. The coming months weeks and years for however long I am dwelling, shall be with with every stoke of the key toward that end. May this journey be as fruitful as my foray into the mountains of North America. They were a gift given to me among many others and now they shall be returned with Great Reverence to the ones who gave me this craft. The ending will be what is shall be. The Path forward has never been clearer to me than any Summit I have sought. I now carry the Light and the Life deep in my heart and I will hold it brightly and raise it high to illuminate for all the world to see.

May 17, 2024

Joseph Elijo

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