Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ask Mrs. Peach? Champagne Toy Poodles For Kamala Harris

People Get Ready, Jeff Beck, Rod Stewart

 This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Dear Mrs.Peach?

We Turn Our Backs On Him And We Will Erase Him From History

What is currently happening in America? The Political narrative is rapidly shifting and the stale obnoxious rhetoric of the far right is being replaced by sanity, common sense and factual clarity. I fear the shift will swing back to the Old Blue Haired Blocker -Man Guy Mentality of the Mitch McConnell's. What can we do to continue this trend?

A Very Concerned Undecided Voter

My Dear Undecided Voter,

What an excellent and topical question. Your question alone and it's wording lead me to believe your are closer to being a vote that has made a decision than you think. Yes! Thank Heavens the narrative has shifted to reason. We must not become complacent. Now is the time to Literally Raise the Swords and Wave The Banners for the Great American Cultural Revolution Has Begun. I like to use my favorite Gen Z term. The Great American Glow Up! All the majorities, The Undecided, The Silent, and all the Unnamed as of yet, are finally beginning to Awaken. Yes, It appears as Sanity once again is beginning to rein supreme. The Great Poet Dylan Thomas wrote Rage, rage against the dying of the light. We must not be silent every man, woman, young person, grandmother, grandfather of voting age must register to vote and actually go and vote to restore our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness once again in American Freedom. I have had life and liberty, my pursuit of happiness has been somewhat tread upon by the Maga Movement. Actually so have my Life And Liberty. There is another Great Poem by Pastor Martin Niemoller First They Came. Do not be fooled and Listen when you are told you will never have to vote again after this election. When people tell you who they are, Believe Them! I have decided to never mention that other Fat Fellow again by name. We must erase him from our thoughts, minds, and our ether. He cannot have America, my Dear Undecided, it is time to decide and Vote for Kamala Harris and the Democratic Ticket down the Line and take over the House, Senate and that Big White House in Washington. When Is the Revolution my Dear Undecided. The Revolution is Now! There is no other decision to be made. I am an Independent Champagne Toy Poodle who is here to Champion The Democratic Ticket. Vote, vote against the dying of the light or They Will Come. Believe Me! I have been a Champion Of Kamala Harris for many years, if you read my previous posts you will see that I fought against Mr. Caligula when he was bullying Kamala (A Beautiful Name, Girl) over her mask during Covid, where the (Most People Ever!) died on his watch. Kamala Harris is and will be a Great (No Distinction Here!) American Woman Hero. I am reminded of Great Women In History,  Michele Obama, Coretta Scott King, Oprah Winfrey, Shirley Chisholm, Bessie Coleman, Elizabeth Freeman, Harriet Tubman, Ida B Wells to name a few (Forgive me if I missed all of them) who have all started movements. My Dear Undecided, there is no other decision to be made. Do you really think that after the performance at The National Association Of Black Women Journalists that he or his party is someone you would want representing you and your country. I think not, Now is the time for all Good Men and Women to represent for America and Vote The Democratic Ticket Down The Line. We will not be denied Our Place And Time In History!


Mrs. Pete Peach

How To Cultivate Divine Love, Paramahansa Yogananda

My Father, My Friend Boney And Me
A White Dude, A Green Best Friend Ever and Champagne Toy Poodle For Kamala Harris

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