Loosing My Religion-R.E.M.
Sri Joseph Elijo came about almost as organically as Pete Peach did. Her name was Piper when we rescued her and had her baby teeth removed because her adult teeth had grown in and her baby teeth never fell out. She was like a little shark with all these teeth. We felt sorry for this little creature after her surgery and said things like, "How's my little Pi, Pi, my Piper, Peter Piper, my little Peach, Pete Peach." So she became Pete. Since i carry her around in a lovely hand made carry bag, older people would admire this darling creature and I like an Organ Grinder would present my friend. When asked her name I would say, "Her name is Pete." generally the woman of the group who does not grasp the Pronoun thing would say," Pete, that's a girls name, I'm going to call her Peach." So of course I who always embellishes on the ideas my wife talks to me about (always to her dismay) started calling her, "Mrs. Pete Peach. It is how the origin of Ask Mrs. Peach? evolved. How does all this tie into to Sri Joseph Elijo? Here we are.
While reading the Edgar Cayce Handbook For Creating Your Life Principle # 23 There is Power in a Person's Name My wife came across this passage. At other times, however, Cayce recommended that people may benefit from such a change. Once as he was beginning a reading for a man in a distant city, he repeated the recipient's name and address (as was customary), then he inserted curiously, "you should leave off the name Albert." He then proceeded with the reading as usual. The implication was that a shift in how the man referred to himself would have a significant impact. Now that was interesting, as a young man I was fat child, right at the time Bill Cosby came out with Fat Albert. You remember," Hey, Hey, Hey." How I hated Bill Cosby and my name. It was grade to middle school and it was relentless. I suppose it is why I am trim and exercise Today. To further put this into context we were watching The Chosen on television and Kathy had paused it. We discussed what name I might like. Growing up I admired my Uncle Joe. I mowed his lawn and worked in his garage on my cars. My father and I rebuilt a 1946 Dodge Power Wagon in his garage and it is a wonderful memory. My Father was of course Big Albert and I Little Albert (Ugh!) So Joseph was a great hit for the first name. Elijo was bantered about because when Kathy first took me to visit Paramahansa's Ashram in Encinitas we stayed in the State Camp Ground, San Ellij State Park. It is a very short walk from Swami's and we would spend the morning in Swami's Garden after buying our morning coffee's at Miracle's Cafe on the way. There was a meditation Bench at Swami's Star in the early days and we would sit and Dharma Talk for hours gazing out over Sunset Beach and the Pacific Ocean. Elijo it was. It was decided my pen name was to be Joseph Elijo. Was I really going to change my name? We started The Chosen again on the television and in the next few seconds Jesus tells Simon he wants him to change his name to Peter. O.K. Somethings in life happen and you say,"Did that really happen?" Well, "Did that really happen Joseph?" Kathy asked. Somethings in life cannot be ignored and often times when you are Karmically Shown Something you should really pay attention.
The Sri was a real struggle for me. I was initiated into Kriya Yoga in 2009 just as I was completing my book Of Mountains And Men. It was a defining moment in my life as I had struggled with addictions and personal suffering and after my Telluride introduction to Swami, my life changed, my spirit soared, I had already met my wife (In 1994 and Bonded over Swami's Encinitas Ashram) and life moved forward without the struggle of my addictions. (See My Pages, The Rolling Reverend, and Telluride Smile.) The question that haunted me was I felt the title Sri should be given and it isn't up to an individual to assume it. However, I was in the middle of revamping my blog and listing (My Pages Inspirational Verses based on SRF Daily Meditations-The Covid Writings. Volume !-V.) I realized that it is who I am, who I identify as, I am a Yogi of The Self-Realization Fellowship Order of Paramahansa Yogananda and while I don't proselytize, I do however preach through my blogs of the great benefits and extreme changes that have taken place in my life, soul and being since my initiation in to the Swami Order and I am very proud of my accomplishments. I once truly was a Godless Cretin( See My Pages Miracles of Babaji.) If you live your life every day open to the Universe and Listen, Listen to what God and the World is truly saying to you, then there is nothing more we can ask of you. We all see the derision, hate, and violence that is prevalent in society. I don't wish to be the Mountain Guru removed from the world of Men, Women and Children. I wish to live among them in Peace and Harmony so I guess I will go along my way today as Sri Joseph Elijo.
Sri Joseph Elijo

A Day In The Gardens At Belknap Hot Springs, Mckenzie Bridge, Oregon ( See Remembering The Healer Of Belknap Hot Springs)
Sri Joseph Elijo |