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Showing posts with label Moses.. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2024

188-Love The Horses-The Miracle Of A Magic Monastery, Miracles Of Self-Realization Masters

 All Along The Watch Tower, Bob Dylan, John Wesley Harding

Slick Little Fox With His Mom, Foxy
He was our very first Rescue and the Foundation of The Lucky Dun Ranch
Our Motto Was: Love The Horses
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Tales of Lucky Dun Ranch Miracles and Magic Monasteries and Self-Realization Masters

Slick Little Fox was our very first rescue at Aspen Equine Studies. He was born with Congenital Flexural Deformity. It is a condition where the tendons of a horses legs do not allow the foot or leg to stand straight and true rendering the animal lame. The owner of the breeding ranch decided to put the foal down. My wife, Kathy and I asked if we could rescue the foal because we believed we could save him. It was a difficult battle between the Vet and our school to persuade the Vet to go along. In the end, the Vet agreed, and Aspen Equine Rescue Ranch was born. Kathy and I worked around the clock using massage and other therapies to eventually straighten out Slick Little Foxes legs and allow them to turn in and stand straight and true. (See my Pages, Slick Little Fox, The Coal Seam Fire, Mornings With Jack London and my Poems, Sister's Precious Miracle, In Defense of My Lady Tahoe's Honor, Wild Horses, Restless Spirits, Harnessed Spirits, Cry For The Species Equuis, Opening The Stall Door) They are some of our experiences with rescuing and working with horses. He was our very first Equine Miracle and we were to have many more, I hope you will be able to read about, as I write them all. Slick Little Fox and Our Lord taught me,  just like the Story of Rumplestiltskin, I could spin straw into Gold.

Recently, the St. Benedict's Monastery (3700 Acres) went out of business in Snowmass, Colorado. It has been listed for sale and would be an excellent Arts Colony and Rescue Ranch. I was fortunate enough to spend a good deal of time there, for many years, and it became a beloved place of worship and healing for people from all over the world. I would like to again restore it to it's original Glory. There are very specific rules and regulations of what can be allowed as renovation and remodeling. Since it was already a Monastery and had cottages and retreat houses it would lend itself to this type of progress. The Monastery had a wonderful book store that could be expanded and the retreat houses would make excellent places to write or to meditate privately. It would be a project worthy of Great Merit and a Legacy of Untold Honor. It would also take a community of Amazing Artisans and Gifted Individuals to see it through. I am reminded of Paramahansa being visited by Babaji before he left India for America.(Shortly before Paramahansa Yogananda left for America in 1920, Mahavatar Babaji came to Yoganandaji's home in Calcutta, where the young monk sat deeply praying for divine assurance regarding the mission he was about to undertake. Babaji said to him: “Follow the behest of your guru and go to America.) He was a simple Enlightened Indian Swami coming to America where he went on to build an enduring Legacy that has helped afflicted and suffering Individuals around the World to find Peace, Harmony and Radiating Inner Joy. I believe the Monastery is that Magic Place that could bring Creativity, Love and Happiness to Millions of Lost Souls and Help Save Our American Heritage, The Wild Mustang. Only God knows what is meant to be. 

  Sale Information On St. Benedict's Monastery  Tales Of The Magic Monastery- Theophane The Monk

I know that my blogs have been Extremely Political and It is not really what we are about. However these are Extreme Times and Silence is not an Option. It is imperative that everyone get out and vote. 

The Autobiography Of A Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda in Chapter 34- Tells of The Timeless Avatar Babaji materializing a Palace In The Himalayas for his Disciple Lahiri Mahasaya. It is a fascinating Miracle, one that I hope can be performed for us so that we may Teach and Rescue Horses at Theophane's Magic Monastery.

See My Pages Healing Inspirational Verses Volume !-V (A Book In Itself)