Sunday, August 11, 2024

193- 200 East Main Street- Aspen, Colorado- Prometheus and The Reversal of Fortune

Night Right For Love-Robert Earl Keen

Queen Of The Light Of Life


200 East Main St, Aspen Colorado

Winter of 94
Welcome to the Dream Academy 
The Aspen Athletic Club and Katarina's
Made for the Denver Bronco's
Ski Conditioning

Writing in the Office 
Shared with Katarina
My Love for her
Clearing my 8 year
Post Sobriety
Appletree Lane letter
Writer's Block
Breaking the 
Incantation Spells

Skinny Skiing to 
The Pine Creek Cookhouse
Up Castle Creek
Katarina driving with
Teamster Boone
Sid and Sam
Percheron Behemoth's

Christmas Celebration
Being Crowned 
Aspen's King of Light 
For changing the dull white lights 
To a dazzling spectacle salsa delight
Enduring the uproar
Of the stogy local business owner's
The delight of the tourist's 
Noted in the Aspen Time's 

The Lady of the Lamp 
Unwrapped by Katarina
Sealing my Destiny

Friday, August 9, 2024

192-A Brief Lesson In Showing And Not Telling

    Scene 1

     “Honey I’m Home,” Bill said.

     “How was your day Dear? His wife Joan asked.

     “It was O.K. I met Charlie for lunch and we discussed the possibility of a new account. Sally called and we ended lunch early. How was your day?”

Joan hesitated before answering. How could she tell Bill her mother was coming for a week long visit. How would he react?

     “Fine Bill, I have a Hungry Man T.V. dinner in the microwave.”

     “Sounds, Great, Joan! Just let me get my slippers on.”


Scene 2


Bill turned his Infiniti into the driveway of his sprawling Ranch Estate. He turned the key off of his new electric E series and was taken by the silence. He still had a difficult time with the silence of electric vehicles. He was old school and remembered the throaty rumbling groan of the big V-8 combustion engines of his youth. Although he did enjoy not watching the gas gauge drop every time he accelerated quickly. He was enjoying the smell of new, the newness of his car and the newness of this sprawling five-acre estate in a new development. Bill stepped out of the vehicle and was surprised to see his lovely wife Joan in her tight riding Jodhpurs holding the horses already saddled and waiting. He wasn’t sure what excited him more, the fact he would soon be riding the wonderful Equestrian Trails along the river, or that he would be beside this amazingly attractive middle-aged woman, he completely adored.


     “Hi Bill! I thought you might like to take a short ride before dinner. I baked a lovely Lasagna Dinner and its on the counter waiting,” Joan smiled brightly.

     “I’ll change in the barn quickly,” Bill replied.

     “Oh, Bill,” Joan grinned,” I filled the hot tub with some essential oils and thought we might get cozy before dinner,” Joan smiled devilishly.


Bill hesitated before answering. He might look too obvious if he pinched himself, but was this really his life. To have such a gorgeous loving wife, beautiful estate, with horses and amazing life, he wasn’t sure what life he had stepped into, but it surely suited him.

     “Sounds, Great, Joanie! Just let me get my riding clothes on,” Bill said with a twinkle in his eye and a spring to his step.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

191- Beyond The Appletree Lane Collection- 1097 Van Antwerp Road, Niskayuna, New York

I Shall Be Released, The Band

2142 Appletree Lane
Prometheus Unbound
Pegasus Rising With The Light 

1097 Van Antwerp Road, Niskayuna, New York

Summer of 84.

I wrote in a Loft 

Behind Rose, colored stained glass windows

Listening to Gordon Grey

Play Peter Gabriel’s Red Rain

On his electric guitar

All hours of the night. 

Played in the yard with Abbey

An English Sheep Dog

Named for the studio

the Beatles recorded in.

I was Uncle Albert 

To every one then

On the ceiling

Laughing Gregariously

Like Ernest Hemingway 

Sure that I would 

Publish with Simon and Schuster like

Lowell Thomas'
Book of the 
High Mountains

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

190-The Origins Of Sri Joseph Elijo

Loosing My Religion-R.E.M.

  Sri Joseph Elijo came about almost as organically as Pete Peach did. Her name was Piper when we rescued her and had her baby teeth removed because her adult teeth had grown in and her baby teeth never fell out. She was like a little shark with all these teeth. We felt sorry for this little creature after her surgery and said things like, "How's my little Pi, Pi, my Piper, Peter Piper, my little Peach, Pete Peach." So she became Pete.  Since i carry her around in a lovely hand made carry bag, older people would admire this darling creature and I like an Organ Grinder would present my friend. When asked her name I would say, "Her name is Pete." generally the woman of the group who does not grasp the Pronoun thing would say," Pete, that's a girls name, I'm going to call her Peach." So of course I who always embellishes on the  ideas my wife talks to me about (always to her dismay) started calling her, "Mrs. Pete Peach. It is how the origin of Ask Mrs. Peach? evolved. How does all this tie into to Sri Joseph Elijo? Here we are.

While reading the Edgar Cayce Handbook For Creating Your Life Principle # 23 There is Power in a Person's Name My wife came across this passage. At other times, however, Cayce recommended that people may benefit from such a change. Once as he was beginning a reading for a man in a distant city, he repeated the recipient's name and address (as was customary), then he inserted curiously, "you should leave off the name Albert." He then proceeded with the reading as usual. The implication was that a shift in how the man referred to himself would have a significant impact. Now that was interesting, as a young man I was fat child, right at the time Bill Cosby came out with Fat Albert. You remember," Hey, Hey, Hey." How I hated Bill Cosby and my name. It was grade to middle school and it was relentless. I suppose it is why I am trim and exercise Today. To further put this into context we were watching The Chosen on television and Kathy had paused it. We discussed what name I might like. Growing up I admired my Uncle Joe. I mowed his lawn and worked in his garage on my cars. My father and I rebuilt a 1946 Dodge Power Wagon in his garage and it is a wonderful memory. My Father was of course Big Albert and I Little Albert (Ugh!) So Joseph was a great hit for the first name. Elijo was bantered about because when Kathy first took me to visit Paramahansa's Ashram in Encinitas we stayed in the State Camp Ground, San Ellij State Park. It is a very short walk from Swami's and we would spend the morning in Swami's Garden after buying our morning coffee's at Miracle's Cafe on the way. There was a meditation Bench at Swami's Star in the early days and we would sit and Dharma Talk for hours gazing out over Sunset Beach and the Pacific Ocean. Elijo it was. It was decided my pen name was to be Joseph Elijo. Was I really going to change my name? We started The Chosen again on the television and in the next few seconds Jesus tells Simon he wants him to change his name to Peter. O.K. Somethings in life happen and you say,"Did that really happen?" Well, "Did that really happen Joseph?" Kathy asked. Somethings in life cannot be ignored and often times when you are Karmically Shown Something you should really pay attention. 

The Sri was a real struggle for me. I was initiated into Kriya Yoga in 2009 just as I was completing my book Of Mountains And Men. It was a defining moment in my life as I had struggled with addictions and personal suffering and after my Telluride introduction to Swami, my life changed, my spirit soared, I had already  met my wife  (In 1994 and Bonded over Swami's Encinitas Ashram) and life moved forward without the struggle of my addictions. (See My Pages, The Rolling Reverend, and Telluride Smile.) The question that haunted me was I felt the title Sri should be given and it isn't up to an individual to assume it. However, I was in the middle of revamping my blog and listing (My Pages Inspirational Verses based on SRF Daily Meditations-The Covid Writings. Volume !-V.) I realized that it is who I am, who I identify as, I am a Yogi of The Self-Realization Fellowship Order of Paramahansa Yogananda and while I don't proselytize, I do however preach through my blogs of the great benefits and extreme changes that have taken place in my life, soul and being since my initiation in to the Swami Order and I am very proud of my accomplishments. I once truly was a Godless Cretin( See My Pages Miracles of Babaji.) If you live your life every day open to the Universe and Listen, Listen to what God and the World is truly saying to you, then there is nothing more we can ask of you. We all see the derision, hate, and violence that is prevalent in society. I don't wish to be the Mountain Guru removed from the world of Men, Women and Children. I wish to live among them in Peace and Harmony so I guess I will go along my way today as Sri Joseph Elijo.

Sri Joseph Elijo

A Day In The Gardens At Belknap Hot Springs, Mckenzie Bridge, Oregon
( See Remembering The Healer Of Belknap Hot Springs)

Sri Joseph Elijo

Friday, August 2, 2024

188-Love The Horses-The Miracle Of A Magic Monastery, Miracles Of Self-Realization Masters

 All Along The Watch Tower, Bob Dylan, John Wesley Harding

Slick Little Fox With His Mom, Foxy
He was our very first Rescue and the Foundation of The Lucky Dun Ranch
Our Motto Was: Love The Horses
Please Subscribe, Comment and Share

Tales of Lucky Dun Ranch Miracles and Magic Monasteries and Self-Realization Masters

Slick Little Fox was our very first rescue at Aspen Equine Studies. He was born with Congenital Flexural Deformity. It is a condition where the tendons of a horses legs do not allow the foot or leg to stand straight and true rendering the animal lame. The owner of the breeding ranch decided to put the foal down. My wife, Kathy and I asked if we could rescue the foal because we believed we could save him. It was a difficult battle between the Vet and our school to persuade the Vet to go along. In the end, the Vet agreed, and Aspen Equine Rescue Ranch was born. Kathy and I worked around the clock using massage and other therapies to eventually straighten out Slick Little Foxes legs and allow them to turn in and stand straight and true. (See my Pages, Slick Little Fox, The Coal Seam Fire, Mornings With Jack London and my Poems, Sister's Precious Miracle, In Defense of My Lady Tahoe's Honor, Wild Horses, Restless Spirits, Harnessed Spirits, Cry For The Species Equuis, Opening The Stall Door) They are some of our experiences with rescuing and working with horses. He was our very first Equine Miracle and we were to have many more, I hope you will be able to read about, as I write them all. Slick Little Fox and Our Lord taught me,  just like the Story of Rumplestiltskin, I could spin straw into Gold.

Recently, the St. Benedict's Monastery (3700 Acres) went out of business in Snowmass, Colorado. It has been listed for sale and would be an excellent Arts Colony and Rescue Ranch. I was fortunate enough to spend a good deal of time there, for many years, and it became a beloved place of worship and healing for people from all over the world. I would like to again restore it to it's original Glory. There are very specific rules and regulations of what can be allowed as renovation and remodeling. Since it was already a Monastery and had cottages and retreat houses it would lend itself to this type of progress. The Monastery had a wonderful book store that could be expanded and the retreat houses would make excellent places to write or to meditate privately. It would be a project worthy of Great Merit and a Legacy of Untold Honor. It would also take a community of Amazing Artisans and Gifted Individuals to see it through. I am reminded of Paramahansa being visited by Babaji before he left India for America.(Shortly before Paramahansa Yogananda left for America in 1920, Mahavatar Babaji came to Yoganandaji's home in Calcutta, where the young monk sat deeply praying for divine assurance regarding the mission he was about to undertake. Babaji said to him: “Follow the behest of your guru and go to America.) He was a simple Enlightened Indian Swami coming to America where he went on to build an enduring Legacy that has helped afflicted and suffering Individuals around the World to find Peace, Harmony and Radiating Inner Joy. I believe the Monastery is that Magic Place that could bring Creativity, Love and Happiness to Millions of Lost Souls and Help Save Our American Heritage, The Wild Mustang. Only God knows what is meant to be. 

  Sale Information On St. Benedict's Monastery  Tales Of The Magic Monastery- Theophane The Monk

I know that my blogs have been Extremely Political and It is not really what we are about. However these are Extreme Times and Silence is not an Option. It is imperative that everyone get out and vote. Please Vote for Kamala Harris!

If Mr.Caligula is chosen by God (As He Says), then I am Moses (The Only Man To Speak To God- Face To Face) in the Wilderness. We now know how Moses Felt. We will all step forward and be accountable and Teach the Children a Lesson On Bullies. Not with anger and violence, however we will use all methods at our disposal. I hope you can join us!

The Autobiography Of A Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda in Chapter 34- Tells of The Timeless Avatar Babaji materializing a Palace In The Himalayas for his Disciple Lahiri Mahasaya. It is a fascinating Miracle, one that I hope can be performed for us so that we may Teach and Rescue Horses at Theophane's Magic Monastery.

See My Pages Healing Inspirational Verses Volume !-V (A Book In Itself) 

Thoughts On Ernest Hemnigway's Missing Thirteen Stories

I Can See Clearly Now, Johnny Nash

 I was always fascinated by the fact Hadley Richardson Hemingway lost 13 short stories of Hemingway’s on a trip to Paris. Here is one scenario.

It would make a great movie!

The setting is 1920's Paris and Hadley Richardson Hemingway has arrived from the states. She has been charged to deliver 13 of Ernest Hemingways short stories to him and they are in a leather brief case. She is greeted upon arrival and immediately ushered to a party at Gertrude Steins with Hemingways artists and writer friends. The writer's Dos Passos, F. Scott Fitzgerald, E.E. Cummings, Archibald Macleash and others along with the artists Picasso, Masson, Gris and Miro. Hemingway is delayed and will arrive at the party later. During the early part of the party as she is being introduced she sets the brief case on a stand near a chair in the room. While distracted by the introduction to these Famous people she has heard of but never met she is overwhelmed by the excitement and forgets about the stories. When Hemingway arrives and makes his grand gregarious entrance she remembers that she set the stories down and she goes to the table but the stories are gone. There is an uproar throughout the gathering and Gertrude Stein calls the police. A middle aged somewhat backwards and slow detective shows up and begins asking questions. There is tremendous confusion and each person the detective interviews is sure they know who took the stories because each artist and writer that is accused has expressed jealousy over Ernest Hemingway's talent and consider him to be somewhat of a bully. They all have their stories of confrontations while excessive drinking has occurred and arguments about who is better at their craft abounded.

The briefcase is found but it is devoid of the stories and the important factor is that the detective determines that no one has left the party and the intrigue is where in the world in Gertrude Steins home could some one hide the stories. Each and every person leads the detective in a different way and many false innuendos and accusations creates disharmony and jealousies and outright disdain for fellow artists and writers are exposed. In the end the detective discovers a clump of pebbles next to a large bamboo stick near the fire place hearth upon closer inspection he finds a piece of cloth a shard ripped from someones sleeve. He examines all the occupants clothes and the shard matches Zelda Fitzgeralds apparel. She took the stories because one of Hemingways stories had received greater adulation from Gertrude than her Husbands recently and the opportunity presented itself and she was sloppily drunk at the time.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ask Mrs. Peach? Champagne Toy Poodles For Kamala Harris

People Get Ready, Jeff Beck, Rod Stewart

 This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Dear Mrs.Peach?

We Turn Our Backs On Him And We Will Erase Him From History

What is currently happening in America? The Political narrative is rapidly shifting and the stale obnoxious rhetoric of the far right is being replaced by sanity, common sense and factual clarity. I fear the shift will swing back to the Old Blue Haired Blocker -Man Guy Mentality of the Mitch McConnell's. What can we do to continue this trend?

A Very Concerned Undecided Voter

My Dear Undecided Voter,

What an excellent and topical question. Your question alone and it's wording lead me to believe your are closer to being a vote that has made a decision than you think. Yes! Thank Heavens the narrative has shifted to reason. We must not become complacent. Now is the time to Literally Raise the Swords and Wave The Banners for the Great American Cultural Revolution Has Begun. I like to use my favorite Gen Z term. The Great American Glow Up! All the majorities, The Undecided, The Silent, and all the Unnamed as of yet, are finally beginning to Awaken. Yes, It appears as Sanity once again is beginning to rein supreme. The Great Poet Dylan Thomas wrote Rage, rage against the dying of the light. We must not be silent every man, woman, young person, grandmother, grandfather of voting age must register to vote and actually go and vote to restore our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness once again in American Freedom. I have had life and liberty, my pursuit of happiness has been somewhat tread upon by the Maga Movement. Actually so have my Life And Liberty. There is another Great Poem by Pastor Martin Niemoller First They Came. Do not be fooled and Listen when you are told you will never have to vote again after this election. When people tell you who they are, Believe Them! I have decided to never mention that other Fat Fellow again by name. We must erase him from our thoughts, minds, and our ether. He cannot have America, my Dear Undecided, it is time to decide and Vote for Kamala Harris and the Democratic Ticket down the Line and take over the House, Senate and that Big White House in Washington. When Is the Revolution my Dear Undecided. The Revolution is Now! There is no other decision to be made. I am an Independent Champagne Toy Poodle who is here to Champion The Democratic Ticket. Vote, vote against the dying of the light or They Will Come. Believe Me! I have been a Champion Of Kamala Harris for many years, if you read my previous posts you will see that I fought against Mr. Caligula when he was bullying Kamala (A Beautiful Name, Girl) over her mask during Covid, where the (Most People Ever!) died on his watch. Kamala Harris is and will be a Great (No Distinction Here!) American Woman Hero. I am reminded of Great Women In History,  Michele Obama, Coretta Scott King, Oprah Winfrey, Shirley Chisholm, Bessie Coleman, Elizabeth Freeman, Harriet Tubman, Ida B Wells to name a few (Forgive me if I missed all of them) who have all started movements. My Dear Undecided, there is no other decision to be made. Do you really think that after the performance at The National Association Of Black Women Journalists that he or his party is someone you would want representing you and your country. I think not, Now is the time for all Good Men and Women to represent for America and Vote The Democratic Ticket Down The Line. We will not be denied Our Place And Time In History!


Mrs. Pete Peach

How To Cultivate Divine Love, Paramahansa Yogananda

My Father, My Friend Boney And Me
A White Dude, A Green Best Friend Ever and Champagne Toy Poodle For Kamala Harris