Thursday, August 12, 2021

Sixty-Six; History Is Of An Age, In The Time Of The Coronavirus

 "History " T.S. Eliot observed is but a contrived corridor- If you are writing a historical screenplay, you do not have to be accurate about the people involved, only to the historical event and result of that event. Add a sequence of events that will personalize the story while leading it to an accurate Historical Result.

     It isn't so much the event in History as it is the artist's or writer's reaction to the event. Your effort to get at the greater truth is the goal. One cannot shy from the responsibility to get to and to expose the underlying motivations of those involved in the Historical Event. You may be the proverbial Canary in the Coal Mine. Not everyone understands the ramifications of actions and that there are equal an opposite reactions for every action. If you believe in the Law of Karma which we have previously discussed, you will understand this. To live in denial of it is to live in the world of Delusion or Maya. (Hinduism: Buddhism: the power by which the universe becomes manifest; the illusion or appearance of the phenomenal world.) (Hinduism: the supernatural power wielded by gods and demons to produce illusions.) Not everyone sees or understands things in the same context. What is alarming to you may not even register to another. Hence the times we are living in today should be frighteningly disturbing to you. This just means it is up to you as the writer to write about it, or to write to relieve society of the burden of coping with it or to entertain the masses.

     It may be your responsibility to record the event for posterity. In youth you may know the courage and find the strength to "Tempt a God Of Fate," it then is your duty to record what it is that you witnessed. The Golden Rules of the World are absolute. Go seek your Fortune and your Fame but be prepared to accept the responsibility that is yours for your actions.

Hurdy Gurdy Man, Donovan

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Sixty-five; Applying The Principles Of Kriya Yoga

 Kriya Yoga is the real "fire rite" oft extolled in the Gita. The yogi casts his human longings into a monotheistic bonfire consecrated to the unparalleled God. 

  ...All past and present desires are fuel consumed by love divine. The Ultimate Flame receives the sacrifice of all human madness, and man is pure of dross. His metaphorical bones stripped of all desirous flesh, his karmic skeleton bleached by antiseptic suns of wisdom, inoffensive before man and Maker, he is clean at last.---- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Autobiography of Yogi"

What an incredible promise of Divine Love. Free of Karmic constraints to be able to soar in mind and spirit. Free at last. One can only move forward in your journey of Realization on a daily basis. Just know that the rewards for your efforts are there. They are promised and delivered to you by the Great Masters. Don't wait another day! Make the effort, your goal and your dreams can be yours!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Sixty-Four; The Art of Knowing, Post Pandemic Resurgence

I knew what I wanted long before I came (into the Monastic Self-Realization Order). I did not come for honor, nor for pleasure, nor for favor. I came for God. Somethings surprised and disappointed me, but I moved on, from point to point, until I had the full vision of the guru-disciple relationship. I saw that if the Master had (not disciplined me and instead had) treated me with what is called "Kindness" I would have never known myself or my spiritual needs- Sri Gayanamata, "God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint"

What are your motivations for the actions in your life?  Are they rooted in Self-Realizaton? Now more than ever in life is the time to,"let go and to let God." What is there to think about? The assertion of one's own will often gets in the way of the success you are seeking. The hardest obstacles to overcome are those that are self created. Until you allow your will to be aligned with Divine Will there will be obstacles in the road to your success. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Sixty-Three; Building Anew Upon The Rock, After The Time Of Coronavirus

Therefore whoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them. I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon the house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock- Jesus Christ, in the New Testament

We all have had our foundations and beliefs tested. How we move forward from this will determine the future of ourselves and America. It is time to rebuild stronger than ever on the rock solid foundation that the founders of our nation provided for us. We have weathered the the storms of the centuries and come out the other side. Now is the moment that true leaders and citizens must step forward and leave politics and divisiveness in the past. Not unlike the Greatest Generation that stepped forward and pulled together to bring America out of the threat of World War, we need to set aside our differences and concentrate on a common goal to build a better and safer and cleaner world for all of our children. We no longer have the time to not address the issues that we face. Think of this as the war that it really is. Do not be lulled in to complacency. The Politicians and Government Officials Do Not Have Our Best Interests In Mind. Believe it because if you think that they do, you should look at the statistics of how many of us died during the Pandemic. How many deaths could have been prevented if it had been treated as the threat to human life and existence that it really was. Raise your voice and let yourself be heard. The time for cowering in your homes and allowing the lunacy to continue is over. Let us all work toward a common goal.

Be Strong, Stand Tall, Speak Loud, And Make The Difference!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Sixty-Two; The Art Of Faith And Action, In The Time Of The Coronavirus.

     You can't just sit there and wait for success to fall into your lap; once your course is set and your will is firm, you have to make a practical effort. Then you will see that whatever you require for success starts coming to you. Everything will push you in the right direction. In your divinely surcharged will power is the answer to your prayer. When you use that will, you open the way through which your prayers can be answered. Paramahansa Yogananda, Man's Eternal Quest

     Success has often been described when opportunity meets preparation. You may prepare all you like but if you do not act when the timing is right then it can also be described as failure. Failure is no longer an option in the time of the coronavirus. We must strive for success with all our energy and willpower to do whatever it takes to know success. One true and good act will lead to a new and greater act. Do not be discouraged by setbacks or failures. Many stories of great success have tales of sorrow and misfortune woven deeply into the back story. We together can overcome any trial that we face. Do not despair! Find joy and divine inspiration in the challenge! I and my Father are one, all that my father hath is mine!

Monday, March 15, 2021

Sixty- One; Becoming The Comptroller Of Your Destiny, In The Time Of The Coronavirus

    Mind  is the creator of everything. You should therefore guide it to create only good. If you cling to a thought with dynamic willpower, it finally assumes an outward tangible form. When  you are able to employ your will always for constructive purposes, you become the comptroller of your destiny.

    Paramahansa Yogananda, "The Law Of Success"

     Destiny they say is fickle. But it is an untruth, there is nothing that is of chance about it. Through the Scientific Methods Of Kryia Yoga of The Self-Realization Fellowship and the Masters you can achieve Samadhi. (Enlightenment) This is an absolute proven truth. There is nothing to chance about it. By applying the same principles in living your daily life and conducting your self in the manner of an enlightened Being you will be able to change your circumstances. Do not have fear or doubts. Doubts are for the disbelievers and the down trodden. No matter what your circumstances are today, do everything in your power to begin a new path this moment. Move froward with your spirituality and all things will come to you. It is an absolute truth passed down through the lineage of the great souls. They have come before you to shine the light to guide you from the darkness and confusion of maya. Do not be dismayed no matter where you are in your journey. Study the Lessons and put in the time to perform the exercises, both mental and physical. Take the time to meditate. The Self-Realization Fellowship will guide you in your progress and help you to attain your goal. It is a promise and it will be attained by you if you will exercise your willpower toward that end. Now is the time to trust in yourself and your abilities to create a new life for yourself and your loved ones. Take care of yourself and the world will be at your command. Success will be yours.


Friday, March 12, 2021

Sixty; Finding The Imagination To Improvise, In The Time Of The Coronavirus


“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”
Sylvia Plath

       Do not fear in this time of hardships. Listen to Your Hearts Desire and use your imaginative powers to create your success. Anything that you can imagine or dream can be made a reality. All the norms of society and life as you have known them have been altered by the times you are now living in. Going forward from today you are the author of your own life. Do not allow the world to dictate how you will live your new life in it. The old norms have been shattered, closed, dismantled, or disappeared in the chaos of the Pandemic. It is up to you to define the terms of which you will conduct yourself by. Be strong, fearless in your determination to control your own destiny in the new times.