Showing posts with label Millenials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Millenials. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Ask Mrs.Peach? A Contemplation On The State Of Politics - A Response To Project 2025 Manifesto

Mrs. Peach Contemplating The State of Politics


This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Mrs. Peach's Lesson On The Laws Of Newton
NEWTON'S THIRD LAW simply states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if object A acts a force upon object B, then object B will exert an opposite yet equal force upon object A.

Dear Joe,
 You know that we love you and we are thankful for your incredible service to our great nation and the love and compassion you have brought to each and every American. However you must realize that this is the decade of the woman and as such it is time to go.

I know that it is extremely hard for men to recognize the ability of the women around them that get the job done. This is soon to be ancient history for Women are stepping out of the closet that men have been keeping them in since the cave man era. (Interesting thought, did cave men have closets? Where did the women keep their spare furs?) You must realize that we do not wish to insult you and your fellow men. However you leave us no choice. Do you really want to have the rallying cry to become, A VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN IS A VOTE FOR KAMALA HARRIS!, I would think not. The thing is with the attack on Women's Autonomy, A Supreme Court Out of Control, Mr. Strump! waging a campaign to eradicate women from the world, we as women can no longer be silent and we won't. We are a force to be reckoned with. There is a God Awful Sound Gentleman and It Is Starting Down Deep From Your Underground! We are sorry if you can not hear it.The things is you will, unfortunately it will be when the wheels roll over you.
I think that Kamala Harris and Gretchen Whitmer would be my ticket.
Mrs. Peach's Dream Ticket HARRIS/WHITMER 2024 (Girls Rule The World!)
Carry on Sisters in the vein of all Great Women Reformers! Join Us And Become A Part Of A Great American Glow Up.  Please Join Us!

Mrs. Pete Peach (Goliath Slayer, Advice Columnist, Humorist, Satirist, Political Activist.)

Let The Woman's Revolution Begin!





A Vote For Joe Biden Is A Vote For Kamala Harris!

It would be better to say Elect Kamala Harris/ Gretchen Whitmer 2024! We will take what we can get!

Dear America!

This Land Is Your Land, Woody Guthrie

I would like to address all Generations, The Greatest, Silent, Boomer, GenX, Millennial, and Gen Z (Sorry Gen Alpha you are included also for we are doing all this for you. Be a part, distribute content about the Movement on your devices). I want you to go and tell everyone that a Vote For Joe Biden, Is A Vote For Kamala Harris. We are sorry Joe, you are a good man, but as women, we can no longer allow men to stand in our way. It is time for the blue haired leaders and legislators to move out of the way. This is the Decade of the Woman and we are no longer going to accept the rules of man to invade our lives and our property and personal autonomy. The Women's Revolution starts now and with Kamala Harris. She was the reason you were elected last time and she will be the reason you will be re-elected this time, but you can rest assured women will be in power. 

I fear for the future of our nation and the lives of all my Sisters and Brothers. The rhetoric that is spewing from you guessed it, Mr. Strump (my pet name since he is sooo good at calling other people names, Mr. Caligula.) May God help us all if we do not do something to stop him from gaining power again. We must band together and accomplish the goal to prevent the Authoritative Regime from ever coming to power. They can and will be stopped. Here is my plan. As you know and as you have Learned from Lesson Six (The Art Of Acceptance), I often Identify as Giant Pete, when I'm not blogging as Mrs. Peach and helping others with life decisions. Once you identify as one who is chosen to represent you must stand up and speak your truth. We can and we will do everything in our power to turn the tide of Public Sentiment to see that Kamala Harris is in the catbird seat for our future. There is not enough time to change the representative for American President but we can do the very next best thing. A Vote For Joe Biden Is A Vote For Kamala Harris. You know Kamala Is my girl, my sister, she represents and she brings it to the table. She is alive, intelligent and present. She will have our best interests at heart. Vote For Joe!

 Please! We need everyone to repost this Editorial until it goes viral across America! Here's How we do it. Everyone use your Talk Boxes, Think Boxes and Smart Watch Boxes and hit PLEASE! REPOST THIS BLOG! We will do for Kamala Harris what we did for Barack Obama and influence the out come of the election in the favor of Joe Biden (TELL EVERYONE A VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN IS A VOTE FOR KAMALA HARRIS, SILENCE IS A SNOWFLAKE FALLING. LET US CREATE AN AVALANCHE FOR THE SAKE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM!)

Hurdy Gurdy Man, Donovan  

Aristotle Says,"All Roads To Rome Are Paved In Gold."

QUICK LESSON ON BOXES : The first is my Jump Box, (with my good friend Bonnie) I use it to get on my Parent's Bed. While I may be Giant in Identification, I still am an 8 lb Champagne Toy Poodle in Stature.

 The Second is my Father's Think Box, he calls it, "His Golden Perch," and uses it to write his, poems, stories, books and blogs to help everyone be joyful and happy. 

The third is my Mother's Talk Box, she uses it to look up important information. It's magic she just says, "Hey Siri!," and Siri says, "Unh Hunh," and my Mom asks a question and it talks to her. Now we need to get real serious. 

I do not have a Smart Watch Box, I hope to get one soon, Please use yours to Repost!

Not related to boxes but I would like a pair of Brain Glasses, except I would feel bad for Siri every time I said Alexa would you!

The fourth Picture is Me when my parents retired and moved to Nevada. All my toys and bowls were put away in a Moving Box and I was very afraid for my future. (Almost like now.) It was before the Pandemic, let us not forget how many millions of us died under Mr. Stumps improper management. Remember the, "In The Butt Cure. Honestly."

The Last is me arriving at my new home where everything is right and I am Queen again. I don't want to have to flee the country I love. Please repost so everyone can tell all their Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends, Children any Living Breathing Sentient Human Voting Creatures To Go Out And Vote! Drive your parents crazy until they Vote for Joe (Kamala), drive your neighbor to the polls, help fill out the elder citizens mail in ballot. Start a local group to encourage everyone to Speak Loud, Stand Tall and Be Heard (Please Don't give the tired and beleaguered poor hard working class citizens performing their Civic Duty a bottle of water in the voting line, Are you serious? Time for a positive change.) You Are Now A Citizen Of The Greatest Movement The World Will Have Ever Seen! Let Us Not Disappoint! We can do it with Absolute Resolve To Change The Status Quo With Love In Our Hearts! An Army of Youth If You Will Enlist!

Sincerely Mrs. Pete Peach (She, Her, Girl, Advice Columnist, Satirist, Humorist, Goliath Slayer)

We Won't Get Fooled Again, The Who

My Jump Box with my friend Bonnie

My Dad's Think Box 

My Mom's Talk Box

Me Scared and Lonely (Not Again Please)

Me As Queen As It Should Be!

Please Read All of Mrs. Peaches Posts- Thank You And Get Out And Vote Your Future And America's Future Depends on it!