Friday, July 26, 2024

Divine Providence Arranges The Appointments

Uncle John's Band-The Grateful Dead

 The Pursuit Of Happiness (The Olympic Venue's Are Chosen)

Everything up to this moment has been Of Life And Liberty

Providence Arranges The Appointments

From this Day Forward It Shall Be

The Pursuit Of Happiness 

2026 Winter Olympics- Milano-Cortina (Confirmed)

       2030 Winter Olympics The French Alps (Tentative)

       2034  Winter Olympics Salt Lake City (Confirmed)

 Self-Realization Meditation Alter, Paramahansa Yogananda- Encinitas California

Swami's Star-Swami's Beach 

(Sunset Beach)

(Picture-Self-Realization Fellowship)

When Divine Providence Appointments Are Shown To You-You Accept The Divine Gift!

Photo-Krishna Das Enterprises-Krishna/Rahda
The Quest For The Mountain Pearl
Accepting The Art Of Divine Deliverance
The Lure Of The Mountain King
The Last Of The American Poets
How Kriya Yoga Imparts Soul-Realization, Paramahansa Yogananda

From Spirit Mountain -Perseverence
The Colorado Bay Club
Photo James A. Bilbray
Spirit Mountain Wilderness
Spirit Mountain is the center of creation for all Yuman speaking tribes and is considered a sacred area.[11][18] The 506,814-acre national monument (205,100 ha) is managed by the Bureau of Land ManagementNational Park Service, and Bureau of Reclamation.[19]
A Gift Of Sacred Spirit To Europe From North American Mountains

Beyond The Appletree Lane
(A Poem About It)
A Simple Man Of Dreams
In Honor And Glory
Bowed His Head To Divine Providence
Accepting The Appointment
 Of A Destiny Arranged
Love Song, Tumbleweed Connection, Elton John

SrI Joseph Elijo

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Further Questions To Expose The Truth Of The Lure- Thoughts On Future Alternative Historical Work

There are a lot of unanswered questions that are arising through research that will need to be answered in order to be factual and truthful. Asking them is the first step into resolving them.

I was not aware of Alternative Historical Fiction nor was I aware of alternative or more than one ending or reader write your own ending. It addresses my writing rigidity and has stimulated my creativity. Interesting. Here at the end is some Alternate Benjamin Franklin History Thoughts.

 Time Period 1978  Dillon Colorado, Arapahoe Basin Ski Area

What were the thoughts of the day?

Who were the escapists?

What were they escaping from? Family Business? Law? School? Failed Marriage? Failed Business/ Love of Mountains and Skiing?

Why did Keystone Ski Area and its Parent Company want the Ski Area Arapahoe Basin so badly.

Why did Joe Jankovsky sell the Mountain. It would have been hard to raise 5 million dollars in the 1978 economy but did he even try?

Who was Senator Dansforth? What generation of Dansforth was he?

Was he an all or nothing at all individual?

What part did the politicians of the day have to do in orchestrating the circumstances of the sale?

Did the Senator or the Politicians have anything do to with the passage of the Skier Safety Act of 1978 the would cause Joe to sell.

Who passed the Act? The U.S. Forest Service?

Why did the laid back attitude of the Basin attract so many wandering hippies and soul searchers? What was it about the mountain that filled the hippies and lost souls with joy, happiness and pride for an American Nation? Was the fact that the bragging rights of the Highest Lift Serviced Mountain In North America actually mean that much (too as Gertrude Stein would have said Another Lost Generation) (Of the VIetnam War) Politics of the era?

Why after 46 years am I still obsessed with writng the story? How did my friends that I skied with there feel? How did all the people I brought there over the years feel? What did the story mean to them? Were they as affected by the sale or did it mean anything to them? I am a lover of Mountains and the American National Forests and the Disappearing Wilderness, how did Joe, his nephew Tom and my friends over the years feel about the ski area and sale to Keystone Corp?

The setting for my Historical Work would be just prior to June 10, 1752 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and Benjamin Franklin is considering his theory on electricity, he believes that there is some form of energy but he is not exactly sure what that energy is. He spends hours in his study designing ideas of how to figure out what this source of energy is. He begins conducting experiments. He is not sure if storms, with lightning or the sun with it’s rays, or rain with a deluge of water is a creative force.

The alternatives are evident, we all know that Benjamin chose to hook a key on a string that was struck by lighting and how that scenario ended. What if instead he had taken a dark piece of metal and exposed it to the sun’s rays and found out it became very hot and he wondered how he could transfer the heat or a way that he could store the heat generated by the sun. He could have invented a small cube of material that harnessed the sun’s energy and could have been brought into a house to heat them. The cube. if attached properly could have also generated the electricity he was searching for. The possibilities of Benjamin’s Cube could have revolutionized the world and given access to heat and power to all people of all nations. From the largest of mansions in the city to the remotest straw hut in a village in Africa, Benjamin’s Energy Cube could have powered the largest of factories for free. (When the sun shone) Of course Benjamin would have discovered a way to not only harness the energy he would have come up with a way to store it or that the cube could be set in a receiver to be recharged from the (Mother Cube) that had all the energy if you will.

If our friend Benjamin had been flying his kite with his key and the rain had been coming down exceptionally hard the force of the water may have moved the key that was not tied properly down the string and he would have thought that water is pressure and is a source of power. They already used it to move grinding wheels for Grist Mills. What if he came up with a way to use the water force for something else. He already had the concept of electricity, he may have invented the turbine engine to generate power years earlier than it was invented.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

New Info on The Lure, Slaying the Goliath Bobo

The Times They Are a Changin', Bob Dylan

It seems these days and is probably evident to any one who reads this blog that I have had and currently have more than one Goliath in my life. The first Goliath is, you guessed it, the Orange Man threatening our very American Existence and way of life. I am bolstered by the news these days, if fact, I actually am enjoying listening to the news and all the great support for Kamala Harris, However, does any one remember those plastic Bobo the clowns that you used to blow up. The bottom was weighted with sand and once you blew it up, you could punch it in the face and it would bounce back up. It had this really eerily stupid grin and no matter how hard or how many times you hit it, the darn thing would come back up grinning stupidly at you. Well guess what! Mr. Strump is that clown. This is no time for complacency. We must redouble our efforts and reach young people because they are the key to a landslide victory. I don't know how to reach them, I don't think they read my blog or they would comment, I'm sure. We will reach them, I have seen some very promising youtube posts of young people supporting Kamala and going bonkers over the coconut thing. This is an incredibly exciting time to be living in. The Roaring Twenties are back!


When I finish the second draft of the book the Lure, I will probably begin the search for an agent and publisher. I have enrolled in a Historical Fiction writing class at Universal Classes and my second most giant Goliath is at bay also. There has been so much learning for an old dog like me. It has been exciting and has aided in really addressing issues That I wasn't even aware of. So I guess you really can Teach and Old Dog New Tricks. Imagine that! Now we need to teach Young Dogs to be ever so wary of the Giant Goliath fake that threatens Us All. It surely is gonna take a lot of Patience and Love to get this job done. I hope to get everyone aboard by Liberty Express before we leave the Station. I can hear the Diesel Humming and it is a Mighty Good Sound. Time to get on Board, you don't want to be left at this station, because trust me, Its no where's ville.

 Second Draft Outline and Additions With New Research References. In my research I have found a Historical Flaw in my premise. The senator was a motivating factor in the purchase but My hero Joe was facing the enactment of the National Skier Safety Act in 1979. It would have cost about 5 million dollars to upgrade the lifts to the new standard. Facing that problem and knowing he had paid 860 thousand dollars, it probably was prudent for him to sell to Keystone and Ralston Purina for 3 million and retire. I have been in contact with Tommy J Joe's nephew, who has managed Ski Sunlight in Glenwood Springs for years, and I have Joe's contact information as well as other great leads for research. Things are certainly moving a long. I always knew writing was hard, but just how difficult is enlightening in itself. No matter we are Goliath Slayers after all. 

Chapter I-Begin at the beginning Joe and Tom meet. Tom secures seasons pass.(The Lure Of The Mountain King.)

Chapter II-November - Joes Office And The General- Joe attempts to enlist General Dowe in his fight to save the mountain. 

Chapter III-Tiger’s Moose Jaw Saloon Tom meets Sara, Jilly, and Toby-The Olympic Skier. Jilly has an apartment for the boys. 

Chapter IV- First Runs- Joe, Toby and Tom Ski Together and Lean the Mountain- encounter skier cutting out of bounds.

Chapter V-Skier Dies-Skier that was cutting out of bounds is found dead by the road. Coroner and Sheriff meet with Joe and Tom.

Chapter VI- The Newspapers- Headlines Of skier death in all newspapers, Denver, Summit County. Tom and Joe meet to discuss it.

Chapter VII- The Senator-Jilly is Revealed to be having an affair and in league with the Senator to obtain the Basin

Chapter VIII- David- Tom’s best friend from New York a successful Insurance Man shows up to see Tom and Reveals Joe is trying to sell the Basin.

Chapter IX-Joe and The Bank- Joe meets with Banker and finds out the Senator is inquiring about Joe’s loan and how to prematurely make it come due.

Chapter X- The Meeting at the Moose Jaw. Joe explains to everyone what he is up against and why he might sell. The group takes it poorly.

Chapter XI- The Mountain Picnic- Sara and Tom meet Ski on the mountain and have a romantic picnic. They explore young love. Interrupted by Lance.

Chapter XII-The Plan- Joe and Tom plot to Include General Dowe from Tenth Mountain on a plan to stop the Senator and Keystone from taking over.

Chapter XIII- David and Tom- David meets with Tom and attempts to talk him into returning east and joining the Insurance business. Tom takes exception and refuses. 

Chapter XIV-January-Tom spends the .New Year alone- reflects on his life and tries to sort things out.

Chapter XV-Toby- Toby reveals his past and has problems with alcohol. Tom and Toby have a blow up. Tom is left unappreciated. 

Chapter XVI-Sara - Sara and Tom see cowboy boots in the window of Brannigans store. Tom talks her into trying them on and Mr. Brannigan gives her a deal. They all discuss history of the Valley.

Chapter- XVII- The Corporate Lawyers-Joe meets with the Lawyers to hear proposal for sale. Has an aside with his lawyer and resigns himself to the thought of selling. 

Chapter XVIII- The Betrayal- General Dowe is on the phone with the Senator and he shows his fear of his power and agrees to betray Joe and the Basin.

Chapter XIX-Lance- Lance an ex-military Arms specialist is shown with a map and plan to blow the number III lift station in retribution of Joe selling the Basin. 

Chapter XX-The Corporate Offices and The Takeover. Jilly arrives at the Denver Corporate head quarters and is setting about to meet with them to plan the takeover.

Chapter XXI- Sara and Tom have dinner at the Old Dillion Inn and Sara discusses a future with Tom. She is looking for a commitment and Tom is hesitant. It ends poorly.

Chapter XXII- The Olympic Training- Tom works with Toby to train for his Olympic Dream. Tom and Toby argue and Tom is left feeling used. 

Chapter XXIII- Tom Leaves- Tom feels pressured by everyone and cannot handle the stress. He decides to run.

Chapter Chapter XXIV- Tom’s Sojourn- Tom leaves on a greyhound to Vail and thinks about his life’s journey.

Chapter XXV-Tom’s Reckoning- Tom arrives in Vail at his friends John and Dawna. They hash out old times but confront Tom with his alcohol problems. They talk him into going to A.A. and Telemark skiing at Ski Cooper with Dawna. John will go to meetings with Tom. 

Chapter XXVI- March- Tom’s Return- Toby is skiing sees Tom returning to the Basin, Skis down to Lift Station III and gets caught in Lance’s explosion and is injured. Tom and Joe see him leave in ambulance as Lance is arrested. 

Chapter XXVII- Toby is alive-Tom and Joe visit Toby in hospital and Tom struggles with the weight of everything. He leaves Joe at hospital and has difficulty in dealing with it all. He is ready to break. 

Chapter XVIII-Jilly and The Moose Jaw- Jilly arrives st the Moose Jaw and is confronted by Sara about not visiting Toby. Jilly surprises Sara with her engagement to the Senator. Sara takes down Jilly.

Chapter XIX-April-Joe Receives Bad News- Joe finds out his Insurance is being cancelled because of the skier death and( excessive claims) orchestrated by the Senator and Keystone.

Chapter XXX-Providence Shows Its Hand- Tom waits at the Basin in parking lot next to a closed sign for mailman. Mailman arrives but the letter Tom waits for is not there. Special delivery letter arrives from David. It is a letter to underwrite Insurance for the remainder of the season. 

Chapter XXXI-The Senator is Foiled-Tom arrives at the meeting room where Joe is meeting with The Corporate Lawyers to Close the sale. He interrupts and gives Joe the Insurance Waiver. The sale is off Tom explains to Joe how he pulled it off. Since you can ski there until late June. The Mountain is saved this season.

Chapter XXXII- It’s Never Over- Tom and Joe stand at the base of the Mountain and say their goodbye’s. The both reflect on the Mountain and their time together there and the deep bond that was forged. They separate and go their own paths. Tom says good bye to the Mountain. 

Chapter XXXIII-Until It’s Over- Sara is at the Moose Jaw working and the door opens and Tom walks in. She reflects on her life Of season after season at the same bar. They stand at the end of the bar Tom and Sara make up.
Tom says their is a little restaurant for sale in Alta, Wyoming called Wild Bills at The Grand Targhee Resort (Grand Targhee’s claim to fame is that it is the first and last with the snow.) Sara and Tom embrace and they agree on no promises but to go and look at Grand Targhee. They walk out with their backpacks holding hands.


Need addition of 1979 Skier Safety Act That Would have Caused additional 5 Million Dollars to Update Mountain



Summit County- A Gold Rush History by MaryEllen Gilliland


Arapahoe Basin Ski Resort/ A Legend Since 1946 by Cathleen Norman and Alan J.  Henceroth 2020


Interviews Tom Jankovsky nephew of former Arapahoe Basin owner Joe Jankovsky


Interviews Joe Jankovsky former owner of Arapahoe Basin


I have contacted Tom Jankovsky the nephew of the owner in 1978 who was the manager of Ski Sunlight in Glenwood Colorado and I have his phone number and e-mail and he was able to give me the information for Joe Jankovsky also. Tom agreed to do phone interviews as of yet I have not contacted Joe until I’m sure how to approach him. He is still alive but older and it should be done soon.


Tom suggested several names from the National Ski Hall of Fame and thought it might be a good reference.


Recently I have gone on line and found a trove of information about Ralston Purina Corporation. There was a great amount of information of the original Senator Dansforth and the beginnings of Ralston Purina.

I will hang my Lucky Dun Ranch  Sign again!


The History of Keystone- Keystone’s Beginning on line information – Keystone’s Mining History.

If all goes well, I may again see The Lucky Dun Ranch banner wave. If not in Snowmass then in Oregon, not time for rigidity, just go with the world's flow. My Kingdom for Horses!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Paris Olympics 2024-A Protest Against The Use Of Explosives For Terrorism

 I'll Stand By You (The Pretenders) 

(In Protest of the use of explosives for terrorism)


Paris, France. Wednesday September 17, 1986 Tati Discount Department Store 3:28 pm

Blast. 53 wounded 5 dead mothers and children.


The report of a one hundred and five millimeter recoilless rifle

echoes through Big Cottonwood Canyon of

The Wasatch National Forest of Utah

gently awakening avalanches

rumbling through snowfields

above the timberline

of a sleeping Brighton and Solitude mountain sides

snow shifting, sliding, slicing, slamming, snapping

down among hundreds of year old pines.

We all wish for change and a shift in the world and its vitriol. Where did it take such an ugly turn toward hate speech, hatred and violence. Call me a tree hugger, who cares about the little people and the little countries and populations and refugees that are being starved, slaughtered and persecuted. There must be a shift in the world and it cannot be violence. It really has never been an impetus for great change. My belief is if you want change, change yourself and the world around you. It is easy to say this because I am not suffering great oppression nor am I persecuted. I understand the need for retribution if you watch your children, grand parents, wife, son, daughter or neighbor being slaughtered raped or stolen. It would motivate me to want revenge. How do you change World Consciousness? 

You do Not Allow Individuals like Donald Trump to become President of the United States of America to start with. If what he and his party is truly putting forward is Project 2025 there is something seriously wrong with their thinking and being. We must have a serious Cultural Revolution. I call it Our Great American Glow Up. Who knows if we are successful maybe the World will get on board. I write because I had a Professor that told me to Write A Poem About It. She Loved Poetry and Prose and passed that love on down to me. So I once again call for everyone to join me in my Cultural Revolution and create Art, any Art, Poems, Stories, Novels, Songs, Paintings for the Olympics these and future ones. We don't have to Accept People like Mr. Caligula (Donald Trump) and his Minions in our lives and especially not in MY America. I love it and refuse to leave it. If you question my love for it read my poems, stories, and free thought ramblings.

Once again I ask all Children to Join Me in Creating A Change. My Goal is to see if One Person with a Desire to Alter The Course Of Present Day History Can Accomplish It. When my Revolution is Finished, We will be Operating a Healing Arts and Equine Rescue Ranch in Smowmass, Colorado, at a 3700 Acre Former St Benedict's Monastery, where People from Across The World Can Come and Touch Horses and Heal Themselves. Please Join Me! After you have used your Talk Boxes, Watch Boxes And Think Boxes, to repost these posts, set them down and create a World we can all live peacefully and joyfully in!

Joseph Elijo

Tupelo Honey- Van Morrison

Monday, July 22, 2024

Mrs. Peach- Declares Joe Biden-The Greatest American Statesman

The Pied Piper, Crispian St. Peters
A Celebratory Belly Rub From Dad

 Mrs. Peach declares President Joe Biden as, The Last Great American Statesman! Joe Biden is a great American hero and statesman for putting his America and its citizens before politics and party!

My Dear Fellow Americans,

Today we witnessed a Great American Statesman perform the Ultimate Act of Heroism for the Honor of his Country. Make no mistake, I called out Joe Biden and needled him about leaving the race. He stepped up and made the decision to Endorse my girl Kamala Harris. We hope that her acceptance will be swift and seamless for all our good fortunes. This is not a time for the Power hungry Man guys in the wings to begin suggesting we make this a process. Sit down boys, The Girls Are Back In Town! This is not Children's Playground its my turn to be the leader. It is a time for the Chosen Ones to step forward and to accept their rein. We have been preparing ever since the Orange Man, Mr. Caligula decided to run for a second term. No dice! I say, Sir!You are going to loose. It will be the greatest loss of all losses. The Great American Glow Up Has Begun! You Sir! Just Go Away like the spoiled baby actor you are.

You all saw my Dream Ticket Wish Harris/Whitman on my last blog. It is a dream wish, but you know as you have now seen, people, Dreams Do Come True! However I am not filled with rigidity now is the time for a great shift. The American Glow Up Cultural Revolution Has Indeed Begun! I am going to go way out on a limb here. Since God indeed is showing us his glory and The Chosen are stepping forward I will ask for the sky.

Mrs. Pete Peaches Pie In The Sky Best Ever Dream Ticket Harris/Buttigieg!

The more you use what God has Given You, the More God Will Give You! We are indeed asking and just as Joel Osteen has preached with incredible success. Step forward and act as if it is already yours. We are going to win the American Election! All The Chosen, Please Step Forward Now! Our work indeed has just begun. My Prediction is a Harris/? win!

Our Campaign Toy Champagne Poodle Slogan: 

You Get A Belly Rub and You Get A Belly Rub!


Release, Pearl Jam

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Diablo Ranch Scene for She Sells Sea Shells, An Upcoming Short Story

 The Nevada bred wild stallion Diablo stood in the loafing shed of the Colorado Rescue Ranch. His stark white freeze brand stood out brightly against his shimmering dark black body, he nervously tugged at the lead rope that was holding him to the wooden side panel. Katie Stanton reached up and ran her hand just under his thick jet black mane in an effort to calm the tense and jittery animal. It had snowed several inches overnight and she had called the farrier to pull the shoes of the horses to prevent the snow from forming an ice ball on the cold metal. Diablo was extremely nervous.


     “Easy boy,” she tried unsuccessfully to ease his fear.


He was snorting and beginning to pace back and forth jerking on the rope. He was normally relaxed and calm. She was having a hard time with him. Katie had brought his companion Shilo in also. Shilo a 16 hand chestnut with a white blaze and four white stockings was starting to act up. She noticed that Diablo’s lead rope was coming undone. Reaching up she loosened it to retie the rope more securely.


Will Stanton, Katie’s partner was working at straightening the cover over the haystack. It was slid back and crooked. Something or someone had created a real mess of it. He reached down loosened the tie ropes and pulled the cover back. He heard the deep throaty growl of the mountain lion before he saw its big brown crouched body. Dropping the rope Will turned yelled out to Katie and headed toward the shed and a pitch fork leaning against it.


Diablo exploded back at the commotion and jerked the rope from Katie’s hand. Both, Will and Katie looked at one another at the same time that they heard the downshifting of the water tanker’s diesel engine. The tanker was rolling into the big sweeping curve before the fenced lined entrance to the ranch. It was headed to the gas well just down the road. Katie moved quickly in an attempt to grab the rope, just as Diablo wheeled about and took off like a shot down the narrow lane. He was accelerating rapidly as the tanker came around the bend.


The driver realizing the animal was loose slammed on the brakes and the tanker swung around and began jack knifing and sliding toward the cab and driveway entrance. The entire vehicle was precariously bearing down on the frightened animal galloping head long toward it and its demise.


“Will, Will, he’s going to hit him.” Katie screamed.


The wild stallion tossed his head high as it saw the truck bearing down on him. The lead rope slapped down on the ground just as the horse was stepping forward and it became caught under his hoof. The forward momentum coupled with the abrupt pitching down of Diablo’s head sent him tumbling and sliding down the lane. He slid to a halt several feet before the oncoming truck.


The driver realizing the horses forward momentum had stopped, accelerated and the rig righted itself and the driver gave several short tugs of the air horn as it rolled down the road past the ranch entrance, the stunned horse, amazed ranchers and the horrific scene that almost occurred.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Ask Mrs.Peach? A Contemplation On The State Of Politics - A Response To Project 2025 Manifesto

Mrs. Peach Contemplating The State of Politics


This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Mrs. Peach's Lesson On The Laws Of Newton
NEWTON'S THIRD LAW simply states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if object A acts a force upon object B, then object B will exert an opposite yet equal force upon object A.

Dear Joe,
 You know that we love you and we are thankful for your incredible service to our great nation and the love and compassion you have brought to each and every American. However you must realize that this is the decade of the woman and as such it is time to go.

I know that it is extremely hard for men to recognize the ability of the women around them that get the job done. This is soon to be ancient history for Women are stepping out of the closet that men have been keeping them in since the cave man era. (Interesting thought, did cave men have closets? Where did the women keep their spare furs?) You must realize that we do not wish to insult you and your fellow men. However you leave us no choice. Do you really want to have the rallying cry to become, A VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN IS A VOTE FOR KAMALA HARRIS!, I would think not. The thing is with the attack on Women's Autonomy, A Supreme Court Out of Control, Mr. Strump! waging a campaign to eradicate women from the world, we as women can no longer be silent and we won't. We are a force to be reckoned with. There is a God Awful Sound Gentleman and It Is Starting Down Deep From Your Underground! We are sorry if you can not hear it.The things is you will, unfortunately it will be when the wheels roll over you.
I think that Kamala Harris and Gretchen Whitmer would be my ticket.
Mrs. Peach's Dream Ticket HARRIS/WHITMER 2024 (Girls Rule The World!)
Carry on Sisters in the vein of all Great Women Reformers! Join Us And Become A Part Of A Great American Glow Up.  Please Join Us!

Mrs. Pete Peach (Goliath Slayer, Advice Columnist, Humorist, Satirist, Political Activist.)

Let The Woman's Revolution Begin!





A Vote For Joe Biden Is A Vote For Kamala Harris!

It would be better to say Elect Kamala Harris/ Gretchen Whitmer 2024! We will take what we can get!

Dear America!

This Land Is Your Land, Woody Guthrie

I would like to address all Generations, The Greatest, Silent, Boomer, GenX, Millennial, and Gen Z (Sorry Gen Alpha you are included also for we are doing all this for you. Be a part, distribute content about the Movement on your devices). I want you to go and tell everyone that a Vote For Joe Biden, Is A Vote For Kamala Harris. We are sorry Joe, you are a good man, but as women, we can no longer allow men to stand in our way. It is time for the blue haired leaders and legislators to move out of the way. This is the Decade of the Woman and we are no longer going to accept the rules of man to invade our lives and our property and personal autonomy. The Women's Revolution starts now and with Kamala Harris. She was the reason you were elected last time and she will be the reason you will be re-elected this time, but you can rest assured women will be in power. 

I fear for the future of our nation and the lives of all my Sisters and Brothers. The rhetoric that is spewing from you guessed it, Mr. Strump (my pet name since he is sooo good at calling other people names, Mr. Caligula.) May God help us all if we do not do something to stop him from gaining power again. We must band together and accomplish the goal to prevent the Authoritative Regime from ever coming to power. They can and will be stopped. Here is my plan. As you know and as you have Learned from Lesson Six (The Art Of Acceptance), I often Identify as Giant Pete, when I'm not blogging as Mrs. Peach and helping others with life decisions. Once you identify as one who is chosen to represent you must stand up and speak your truth. We can and we will do everything in our power to turn the tide of Public Sentiment to see that Kamala Harris is in the catbird seat for our future. There is not enough time to change the representative for American President but we can do the very next best thing. A Vote For Joe Biden Is A Vote For Kamala Harris. You know Kamala Is my girl, my sister, she represents and she brings it to the table. She is alive, intelligent and present. She will have our best interests at heart. Vote For Joe!

 Please! We need everyone to repost this Editorial until it goes viral across America! Here's How we do it. Everyone use your Talk Boxes, Think Boxes and Smart Watch Boxes and hit PLEASE! REPOST THIS BLOG! We will do for Kamala Harris what we did for Barack Obama and influence the out come of the election in the favor of Joe Biden (TELL EVERYONE A VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN IS A VOTE FOR KAMALA HARRIS, SILENCE IS A SNOWFLAKE FALLING. LET US CREATE AN AVALANCHE FOR THE SAKE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM!)

Hurdy Gurdy Man, Donovan  

Aristotle Says,"All Roads To Rome Are Paved In Gold."

QUICK LESSON ON BOXES : The first is my Jump Box, (with my good friend Bonnie) I use it to get on my Parent's Bed. While I may be Giant in Identification, I still am an 8 lb Champagne Toy Poodle in Stature.

 The Second is my Father's Think Box, he calls it, "His Golden Perch," and uses it to write his, poems, stories, books and blogs to help everyone be joyful and happy. 

The third is my Mother's Talk Box, she uses it to look up important information. It's magic she just says, "Hey Siri!," and Siri says, "Unh Hunh," and my Mom asks a question and it talks to her. Now we need to get real serious. 

I do not have a Smart Watch Box, I hope to get one soon, Please use yours to Repost!

Not related to boxes but I would like a pair of Brain Glasses, except I would feel bad for Siri every time I said Alexa would you!

The fourth Picture is Me when my parents retired and moved to Nevada. All my toys and bowls were put away in a Moving Box and I was very afraid for my future. (Almost like now.) It was before the Pandemic, let us not forget how many millions of us died under Mr. Stumps improper management. Remember the, "In The Butt Cure. Honestly."

The Last is me arriving at my new home where everything is right and I am Queen again. I don't want to have to flee the country I love. Please repost so everyone can tell all their Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends, Children any Living Breathing Sentient Human Voting Creatures To Go Out And Vote! Drive your parents crazy until they Vote for Joe (Kamala), drive your neighbor to the polls, help fill out the elder citizens mail in ballot. Start a local group to encourage everyone to Speak Loud, Stand Tall and Be Heard (Please Don't give the tired and beleaguered poor hard working class citizens performing their Civic Duty a bottle of water in the voting line, Are you serious? Time for a positive change.) You Are Now A Citizen Of The Greatest Movement The World Will Have Ever Seen! Let Us Not Disappoint! We can do it with Absolute Resolve To Change The Status Quo With Love In Our Hearts! An Army of Youth If You Will Enlist!

Sincerely Mrs. Pete Peach (She, Her, Girl, Advice Columnist, Satirist, Humorist, Goliath Slayer)

We Won't Get Fooled Again, The Who

My Jump Box with my friend Bonnie

My Dad's Think Box 

My Mom's Talk Box

Me Scared and Lonely (Not Again Please)

Me As Queen As It Should Be!

Please Read All of Mrs. Peaches Posts- Thank You And Get Out And Vote Your Future And America's Future Depends on it!