Tuesday, July 11, 2023

154; Uncle Albert's Mountain,(The Lure;) Chapter XXI; Sara and Tom

   Sara sat nervously tapping her nails on the end table. She was confused. Tom had called and told her he’d be a little late tonight. It had given her a chance to work out a few last minute questions she had about her relationship.

     “I could easily see spending the rest of my life with him,” she said to herself. “He’s everything I’ve always wanted in a man. If he could just learn to settle down, how can I love someone who might be here one minute and climbing and skiing the French Alps the next?”


     Reaching up, she pulled a few strands of her hair, noticing some split ends that would have to be trimmed. Crossing her legs, she shifted her weight on the couch and glanced at the clock. He’s not the kind that likes demands made on him. She knew that but she just had to voice them. She wasn’t getting any younger and wanted desperately to know where her life was going to go.


     A family had always been her only dream. Two, maybe three children, and a nine to five husband, picnics on weekends, It really wasn’t too much to ask. Maybe Tom wants that also, maybe he just was never in love enough before to commit himself. They had many intimate late night talks about their feelings for each other, and had discussed their past failures. They understood each other’s desires and needs. Their basic personalities were perfect. Not once had a conflict arisen that wasn’t resolved equitably between them. Their love making was more than she had ever hoped for. He was a lover that was gentle, a man, but still her little boy. She could be herself holding nothing back, not hiding even the smallest fantasy from him. The night she cried in his arms, she knew she loved him. Sara needed all of him.


     “Sara,” she heard him call as he tapped lightly on her door. She went to the door and opened it.

     “Hi baby,” he smiled, “Sorry I’m late.”

     “Hi, “ she walked to Tom and gave him a hug.

We had a big meeting at the Basin. Joe sold the mountain and he finally broke the news to everyone.,” he sighed looking deeply in her eyes.

     “No!,” Sara stepped back., the smile disappearing from her face.

     “Can you believe it? Everything he has worked so hard for is gone. Shuffled across someone’s desk like it was no more than the paper it was printed on.”

 Sara could feel Tom’s bitter disappointment, and she tightly held him in her arms.

     “I feel just like I did when my parents got divorced. The finality of family, separating, the same pain and utter disappointment.”

     “Everyone was family up there,” she knew all of them and how very close they were.

     “The thing that’s tough on me is how casual Joe is about it. He’s just letting it go. Everyone feels betrayed.”

     “Well, he’s naturally the one you are going to blame. I think that when the news settles in, you’ll realize he’s the same man as before. Think of how much he loves the mountain. He gave you the gift of it. I feel it in your heart.”

     “Yeah, I guess you're right. It’s just awfully hard,” he leaned over and gave her a small affectionate kiss. “Thanks babe.”

     “For what?”

     “Just for being there.”


     They were deeply in love. When they were together, there was no one else around, no Basin, no problems. No problems except for the one that Sara knew she had to raise tonight. They had reservations at their favorite restaurant tonight, the “Old Dillon Inn.” Tacos, Enchiladas, Tortillas and Dos Equis beer were the house specialties. Tom was not a big eater, but when he did, it was in his style. He loved to cook when he had the time. Sara was overjoyed when he surprised her with a five- course dinner. It had been complete with candles and wine for their first date.


     The conversation was light as they made their way across the small town. Tom was driving Sara’s vintage 69 Volkswagen Beetle. He was thinking about Joe’s empty future and felt the same for himself. Sara was seeing a future full of Tom and all her dreams. She was hoping it was true. They pulled into the parking lot to find it was full.

     “Look at this place,” Tyler inched the bug in. “I wouldn’t mind owning a place like this myself.”

     “We could make a fortune,” Sara attempted to spur the conversation on.

     “We’d need a lot of capital up front,” Tom reached for her hand. They walked toward the front door.

     “I’ve got some money saved,” she offered, “maybe we could find some investors. What about Joe? He’ll have a lot after the Basin is gone.”

     Tom fell silent. Sara knew she had said the wrong thing. She immediately changed the subject.

     ‘You could run the kitchen. I’ll handle the bar. Maybe we'll find a place for Jilly.”

     “They laughed as Tom opened the door for her. The restaurant was full, he gave their names to the hostess and they made their way to the bar.

     “At least twenty minutes,” Tom said as he handed Sara a Molson Gold.

     “That’s perfect, the anticipation will raise our pleasure even more.” She gave him a wink knowing he had caught her analogy.

     “Tom would you marry me?” she suddenly said, half hoping he would take her seriously.

 He was silent for a moment.

     “You’re supposed to get down on your knees when you ask that question.”

 She was beginning to enjoy the game so she went on.

     “Please, I love you. We could buy a house and make lots of babies,” she smiled hopefully.

     “And live happily ever after,” he added, not sure that she was kidding anymore.

     “ You’re serious aren’t you?”

When she didn’t reply and looked away he knew she was.

     “Sara,” he said, shaking his head, “Look at me.”

She looked into his eyes.

     “I have nothing to give you. All I own are my mountain memories and the clothes in my backpack, that’s no way to start a life.”

Sara looked down at the floor feeling lost like she was the only one in the room.

     “Don’t lose this one Sara Lyn,” a voice in her head said. “I really love you Tom, anybody else would be second best. I’m not asking for the world Tom, just you.”

 He looked over at the bottles lined up behind the bar searching for an answer. This was all so sudden but he knew it was right.  Never having felt this way about anyone, but marriage, children, a house in the country, those things were not in his plan.

     “I’m just not ready Sara,” he said finally, “you don’t know how hard this is.”

     “I do know how hard this is. Now you look at me, Tom Dillon!“ she snapped with real determination in her voice. “I know you Tom. I know the kind of man you are. No past, no future, just the here and now. That’s fine if it’s what you want out of life. I’m involved and I love you deeply, but I cannot live your life. I’m offering a life with you because I know it’s right.  You do also. I can’t live my life not knowing what will be.”

He felt helpless and reached to take her hand. She pulled away looking around at the other couples having their conversations, wondering if any of them felt as miserable as she did.

     “I’m sorry baby,” he looked at her. He was looking for a sign that she might be softening. She was distant and he felt like he didn’t even know her.

     “Dillon, table for two, Dillon,” the voice over the intercom cracked.

     “I’m not very hungry Tom. I have to go.”

She finished her beer and slid it across the bar.

     “I need my keys,” she held out her hand.

He gave them to her and she turned without a word. He watched her as she made her way through the crowd and out the door. He gestured to the bartender for another beer. Tom felt old for the very first time in his life.

Bhajelo-ji Hanuman, Krishna Das Music, Greatest Hits of the Kali Yuga

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

153;Uncle Albert's Mountain,(The Lure; )Chapter XX; The Corporate Offices and The Takeover


     Denver was less than an hours drive and she was already on her third cigarette. This meeting was everything to her. It would show the real powers in Summit County just what she was made of. She wasn’t proud of the way she had arrived at this prestigious position. Everyone does it she thought. Why shouldn’t she? She hoped Daddy never finds out. He wouldn’t like her sleeping with one of his business associates. If he ever learned the truth, he could easily destroy all the plans she had made. Her mother had cheated on him several years before. It had never been the same. If he had only known how many times she had slept around, he wouldn’t have taken her back. She would be lucky if he had let her live. You don’t mess with Daddy.


     She turned down Speer Boulevard toward the twelve story glass and steel Corporate Offices of the Senator, approaching the building where the takeover was being designed. A young valet took her car at the entrance, and she walked in to the elevator past the reception desk as the young woman behind it smiled and said, ”He’s expecting you.”

The door slid open as she approached clutching her briefcase tightly and stepped in. The elevator was empty. Jilly pressed the Loft Button, where number twelve should be. She rode up planning her strategy. Her black dress was smart well groomed but not sexy. Sex was the last thing she wanted them to notice. It was what had gotten her through the door, her abilities would have to do the rest. She would be pleasant but not seductively so. The older Board members would see right through her, her most attractive attribute would have to be confidence. She had the drive and the heart to be the best, but she also had all the fine trimmings. The right combination of each would take her to the Top. The elevator came to the top and the doors slid open. Jilly stepped out and saw people running in every direction. They were checking their watches and carrying stacks of papers. It was frantic with people trying to keep the offices moving along smoothly. Loving to see people working hard, it gave her a deep sense of security. This is the way I’m going to run the Basin, she thought. No one will slack off on my team.


     Jilly walked down the long grey corridor passed the many different branches of the corporate giant. Each small cubicle was alive, crawling with activity. Every cubicle performing its own function, each worker a drone performing there task. She noticed there were very few decorations, anywhere. She felt a stark coldness in the cubes were the single purpose was only------work. Walking into the main office at the end of the hallway, the receptionist looked up. She eyed her coldly but it was pleasant. Jilly sat and waited for her moment of truth. She watched her chewing and snapping her gum, answering her phone and taking memos.


     “What a sleaze,” she thought,” I wonder how she got this job?”

     “They’ll see you now, last door on the right.”

Jilly stood without saying a word. She stopped briefly at the wooden door. Meeting room #1 was etched into the polished brass plate. She adjusted her scarf, and buttoned the next higher button on her blouse. Smoothing the wrinkles in her skirt she took a deep breath and closed the door behind her.

     “Gentlemen,” she smiled, looking each of them directly in the eye. Walking to the head of the long table, she laid her briefcase in front of her. Clicking open the two latches, she removed her documents. She raised her head to look at them, although this time she did not smile.

Sita Ram; Krishnabai, Jai Sahaja; Mooji Mala Music

Monday, July 3, 2023

152;Uncle Albert's Mountain,( The Lure;) Chapter XIX, LANCE

      The barren one room apartment at the top of the stairs was stark and cold. The stained sheets on the single bed were crumpled and unmade as usual. A table with chairs sat against the opposite wall. On the top of the table a large glass ashtray was overflowing with cigarette butts and empty gum wrappers. A tin of Skoal sat alongside three empty beer cans. They were stacked in a pyramid. In the third draw of the dresser, by the only window was a 38 midnight special, a german luger, and a 44 magnum, all loaded. The front wall by the door was covered with posters and newspaper clippings pertaining to the Vietnam War. A few foldouts of pin up girls, gave a sharp contrast of images in the room. It radiated a disturbing feeling for the eclectic nature of the designer. In the fourth drawer buried beneath a pile of dingy grey underwear were the timer, electrical cord and plastic explosives.

     Lance Berry was sitting cross-legged on a pillow against the empty wall across from the door. Although his eyes were closed, he was wide-awake. He had been sitting communing with whatever thoughts flashed through his mind for over two hours. A peaceful look accentuated the rugged features that you would hardly notice. Deep dark eyes, and a once broken nose sat above  a thin straight mouth that never smiled, his body, a well oiled machine, hard and strong. It was ready for whatever might be demanded of it. He added more and more lines to the page as an incredibly scaled drawing of Arapahoe Basin began to appear. Lance knew every square foot of the area and transferred that image in his mind to the paper in front of him. In detailed precision he captured every structure from the lift towers to the lodge. He sketched in caricatures representing people at different positions on the map. In a corner he wrote: A-Basin, 4-1-78 3:45 PM. Sitting back he stared at his work and was scanning it for mistakes, tapping his pencil obsessively on his leg. Assured of his perfection, he grabbed the warm can of beer from the table and finished it in one gulp. Neatly, he stacked it up against the other four, grabbing his Skoal he pinched out a portion and tucked it into his cheek. Turning his attention to his drawing, he examined it carefully and after a few moments he took his pencil and made a large X through the Number Three Lift Station.

     “Stick to your Politics Senator and leave the mountains to the Mountain Men. You think just because all the other people in the Valley laid down at your feet, I’m going to. You’ve got a rude awakening. I’ll blow the whole mountain, before I see you get it.”

The Ring Song, Krishna Das, Pilgrim Heart

Saturday, July 1, 2023

151-Uncle Albert's Mountain,(The Lure Of The Mountain King;) Chapter XVIII; The Betrayal

        “Yes Sir. I’ve already taken care of that.”

     General Matthew Dowe was sitting at attention behind his polished oak desk. There aren’t many men a General in the United States Army has to answer to, but he was talking to one now.

     “I sent you a memo the last time he called. There was no reason to bother you with it, then. He was hoping he could make this conversation as short as possible.

     “This time he wants action. Well what should I do? Yes, I already have someone on the inside.

     He covered the receiver and took a long deep breath. Thank God this is over the phone, he thought to himself. He wasn’t up to a confrontation with this man.

     “Yes Sir. I realize that. I won’t do anything then. Sorry to bother you.”


     The connection broke before he could get those last words out. He hung up the phone and clasped his hands on the desktop in front of him. Betraying a friend was not his style. He hated it, but he had no choice. Besides there were no friends in business or war, these days those concepts were interchangeable. You can’t have one without the other. The only difference is the battles are fought with pen and paper, not guns and soldiers.


     The General opened the bottom drawer, and took out a bottle of twelve-year old scotch. He poured himself a stiff glass half full. He sat back and took a big long drink, rolling the golden liquid around his tongue.

     “There’s no room in this world anymore for friends,” he said to no one. He finished the drink in one gulp, and refilled the glass.

     “Good Luck Joe!,” he raised his glass to his former friend. 


150;Uncle Albert's Mountain,( The Lure Of The Mountain King;) Chapter XVII, The Corporate Lawyers

      It’s a fair offer Joe”

Joe was standing motionless with his back to his lawyer, staring out the window. It was a fair offer but that wasn’t the point.

     “How the hell can you sit there and tell me that. God Dammit! You’re supposed to be on my side.”

     Joe walked around to the front of the desk, and sat down in one of the three leather chairs. They were all facing John Staller, Joe’s attorney of thirty years.

     “Give me a break, huh. I’m on your side. I’m a realist. We’ve held on for a long time because you have friends in high places. You’ve got to understand, Joe, they’re gone, and now the Senator is the Valley. He owns or controls everything.”

     “The Senator is not the issue here. I shouldn’t have to sell him anything.”

     “Jesus Joe, will you wake up. The Senator is the issue. He takes whatever he want s because he owns the whole frigging valley, it's all gone cept you, Joe. They’ve convinced everyone you’re an eccentric old crazy fool who wants to live out his last days at the “Top of the World.”
    Joe let out a chuckle.

     “Sometimes I feel like I am John. I feel like I’m beating my head against an unbreakable concrete ceiling.”

     “Listen! I understand what this means to you. You worked your entire life to own the Basin. It’s gone, like most of the great men of the Tenth Mountain Armor Division, you can’t fight them any longer. When that team of Corporate Whore Lawyers come back in, they will be expecting only one answer Joe.”


     Joe stood up, tucked his khaki shirt into his denims and went to the window. He stood looking toward the summit of the big basin. Even from this distance it rose piercing the skies. He shook his head.

     “Send them back in, he whispered, barely audible.”

The Mountain Chalisa, Krishna Das, Flow of Grace

Thursday, June 29, 2023

149;Uncle Albert's Mountain,( The Lure Of The Mountain King;) Chapter XVI, Sara

   Sara stopped and stared longingly into the window of Branigan’s Shop. The hand tooled golden brown leather cowboy boots were still there, right next to the gorgeous knee high riding jodhpurs. They had black and red stitching in a simple yet striking design. The boots would be perfect for her date next Thursday night.

     “Aren’t they absolutely adorable,” she cooed.

     “They sure would turn a lot of heads,” Tom replied, “Why don’t you try’em on.”

     “I already have. The fit is perfect. They wouldn’t even have to be broken in.”

     “So, buy them.”

     “No, no, they’re too expensive.”

     “Come on,” he nudged her. “You need a new pair anyway. Besides, ya said they were perfect. Go ahead, go for it.”

     “Tom, I just can’t afford it,” she retorted, her eyes riveted to the boots. She was struggling desperately with herself to forget logic. She had the urge to splurge for once.

Sara turned and walked away, her logic winning again. Tom grabbed her arm, and quickly pulled her into the store.

     “Come on, I wanna see you in them.”


     “Hi, Mr. Brannigan,” Sara approached the counter.

     “Well, hello there Sara,” the soft-spoken owner replied. He towered above them both.

     “How’s your Dad? Haven’t seen’em round lately.”

     “He’s fine. Moms got the flu, but she’s getting better.”

     “You tell her to get plenty of rest before she goes back to work. You know how that flu is round here, if she don’t it’ll never leave till spring.”

     Tom loved the easy relaxed atmosphere. No pressure, no running around, no hustle, no bustle, it was a simple way of life.

     “What can I do for you today?”

     Sara stood gently running her fingers through her hair. She was curling the ends between her thumb and forefinger, staring hopefully at the leather boots in the window.

     “Oh… It’s the boots again,” he knowingly remembered the last time she had come in, how much she had wanted them.

    “Can I try them just once more?”

     He smiled widely and walked to the window, lifting them off the display. They were his last pair in that style. They happened to be her size. She slid into them like they were made for her body.

     “Whatta ya think Tom?” She pirouetted across the floor in front of him. Her blue denim skirt flared out as she twirled and danced, her auburn hair flowing out in an arc away from her body.

     “You’re the Sweetheart of the Rodeo, in them,” Tom said lovingly.

     Mr. Brannigan stood watching the young loving couple. He thought of his wife and he, many years before. He scratched his chin.

     Tell ya what I’m gonna do, darling,” his eyes twinkled. “I’ll give ‘em to ya for cost, since they’re the last pair left. Your folks helped me through some very lean years. I think it’s about time I returned the favor.”

     “Sara’s parents had run the General Store in Old Dillion for close to thirty years. She remembered Mr. Brannigan coming in ever since she was a little girl. Her father had given him credit when he had needed it most. There were some difficult years in the early Sixties. The Denver water Board had begun buying up Dillion Property from the owner’s who were unable to raise tax money during the Depression years. By the late Forty’s they owned most of Old Dillion. In the late Fifty’s, they all but crippled the community by announcing plans for damming the lush delta formed by the trinity of rivers, the  mighty, Blue, Ten Mile, and Snake Rivers, referred to as Nah-Oon-Kara, The Valley of the Blue, by the Uncompaghre Ute Native Tribes. They would build Roberts Tunnel, 23 miles long, starting in 1951 under the Continental Divide Mountains, to the North Fork and South Platte River, to supply the blossoming Denver Metropolis with much needed water. They had given the homeowners and businessmen until 1961 to vacate. If it hadn’t been for the closeness of the Community, they might never have survived. They not only survived, but with the new Reservoir and Eisenhower Tunnel through the Divide, they began prospering. The townspeople still helped each other.

     “Really,” Sara couldn’t hide her delight. Tom stood grinning from ear to ear. Mr. Brannigan grabbed her old boots, and put them in the box. He went behind the counter and wrote out the sales slip.

     “If you can’t afford them now, give me what you can, and come back and pay the balance when you’ve got it.”

     Sara kept looking down at her feet as they walked out the door.

     “You take care now Sara Lyn.”

     “Thanks again Mr. Brannigan,”Sara waved as they went out into the street.

     She slid out of her blue knapsack, and gave Tom a big hug.

     “Wha- What’s that for?”

     “Well, you were the one who made me go in there in the first place. If not for you, I’d still be in those beat up old things. Besides,” she said, pulling on her pack and flipping her hair out from under it. “A girl doesn’t need a reason to hug her man.”


     She turned and started down the street, Sara loved him more and more each day. Every little thing they did together was special. She looked down at her feet and started crying.
     “Now what are you crying for?”

     “Honestly Tom, you may know everything there is to know about mountains, but when it comes to women. You’re such a big jerk! She started walking away. Tom stood there raising his hands.

     “What did I do?”

     Every moment they shared was better than the last. Her only problem was in not being able to say it. She couldn’t hold it much longer. Win or lose, she had to face the consequences. She hated not knowing the future, and was afraid of living for today.

Narayana/For Your Love, Krishna Das, Heart As Wide As The World

Monday, June 26, 2023

148-Uncle Albert's Mountain,(The Lure of the Mountain King; )Chapter XV; Toby

   Toby had been slacking off the last couple of weeks. He was staying out late, sleeping in extra late, and not showing up. It was hard for an eighteen-year old boy, with all the distractions around him, to dedicate his every wakening moment to one sole purpose. The only way to attain a goal, is absolute single minded desire. Push until it hurts, and then start pushing.

     He was blaming everyone but himself for his poor performance. Sara mixed the drinks too stiff, Tom didn’t wake him on time. He was harder to live with than Jilly. He rarely rode to the Basin with her anymore. If he made it there by noon, he was lucky, he missed more days than he skied. It turned out that his biggest down fall was his lack of ambition. Hard work was not his strong suit. Putting everything off until tomorrow, he didn’t realize that tomorrow never come until it is too late. The only think that every skier on the circuit knows is that the season ends too soon. You have to love each moment as if it was your last moment, and spend it as if you were wealthy beyond belief. If you don’t its over, and your left with nothing except wasted time and pockets full of empty dreams. Toby had always had the best equipment and training available through NASTAR Racing, his parents had made sure of that and supported him all the way. They spoiled him as parents do, but they never realized the effect it would have on him now. Accustomed to getting it all, he didn’t know how to give, never having had to learn. He had no idea what the game was like, and it was all coming due. Having to play it all by himself for the first time, he was lost.


     “I don’t believe you, Toby, you’re a real jerk,” Tom said pointing his finger in his face. “You have got more than 99% of the people on this planet have, and your drinking it all away.”

     Toby just rolled his eyes, and took another long swig.

     “You’re so blind drunk that you don’t even know that you’re hurting yourself. I would love to see you go all the way, but if you don’t care, why should I. I don’t know why I’m saying this. Just forget it.”


     Tom grabbed his glass to take another drink, but he put it down and pushed it away. He looked around the room at all the intoxicated people having a drunken time. In disgust, he shook his head. He had been drinking since he was fifteen, and never thought about it until now. Looking back at his friend, he saw him throwing his life away in the name of harmless fun. The reasons he had, didn’t matter. It was his inability to realize the situation and deal with it that was the cause of his trouble.


     “Sara get my friend here another drink. In fact get him two, I think he needs them.”

     “Take it easy Tom.”

     “Yesh come on Tom, give ush ,” Toby slurred.

     Tom had given up hope.

     “I think you have had enough Toby,” Sara said taking away his glass.

     “Hey come on,” Toby yelled. He spilled Tom’s drink grabbing for his.

     Tom and Sara looked at each other. They didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t even spell his own name. You can’t argue with someone who is not present.

       “Call a cab Sara. I’ll take this mess home. Come on Tobe let’s get some fresh air.”

     Helping Toby up from his chair, he ushered him out the door. He sat him down on the front step and leaned him up against the railing. Tom stood and watched his friend slumped over and barely conscious. He wanted to do something, but nothing had worked. Toby was just getting worse.

     The cab pulled up and Tom lifted Toby into the back seat. As they were driving away, he remembered similar nights like this with David. He was the same back in high school. They would drink until they passed out. He had no control over it, and no desire to stop it. If it hadn’t been for his girlfriend Michelle, he wouldn’t have made it. The love of a beautiful woman can be a strong lifelong influence on a man’s character. Toby needed something to beak him free of his self-destructive path. Unless things changed very soon, it would be only a matter of time before there was nothing anyone could do.


     The next morning Tom left Toby once again snoring away in his bed. He rode up to the Basin with Jilly. There were a few minor repairs that were needed for some time. Joe came up behind him with someone he didn’t recognize as he was finishing replacing a door lock.

     “Tom, this is John Weston. Toby’s NASTAR coach from Steamboat.”  

He looked closely at the short solidly built man.

     “I’m glad to meet you,” he said shaking his hand firmly. He was surprised to see him. After writing a letter to him about Toby’s problem, he had expected to hear some advice, he hadn’t expected him to come in person.

     “Toby’s not here?” His voice was strong and demanding.

     “You two have a lot to talk about. I’ll go see if I can round him up.”

     “You tell him I’ll kick his butt if he’s not here in exactly one hour. Tell him one hour Joe,” Coach demanded.

      Joe started out hoping Toby wasn’t going a problem to convince.


     Tom and Coach Weston sat down to catch up on all that was going on in Toby’s life.

     “It’s good to see that Toby’s found such a good friend. Most skiers on the circuit couldn’t care less about such a deep personal problem. They’d be glad something gave them and edge.”

     “Toby means a lot to me.”

    “I could tell from your letter. It’s why I’m here. What the hell happened?”

     “To tell you the truth, I don’t know. He was doing great, good ski times, focused. Right up until Christmas, then he just fell apart.”

Coach sat there with his elbows on the table, and his hands under his chin. He was looking off in the distance.

     “Christmas? Just before Christmas?” Coach inquired.

     “Yeah. There was a party a couple of day’s before, that’s why I remember. He was wasted then and has been ever since!”

     “That has got to be it,” Coach looked at Tom.

     “What? What’s got to be it?”

     “Three years ago Toby lost his brother in an avalanche two days before Christmas. He was devastated.”

Tom sat back, his mouth open wide in disbelief. He listened intently to the story.

     “They were at Alta, Utah. They were skiing a long the High Traverse. If you have ever been there, you know just how treacherous it really is. They were heading across to ski Eagle’s Nest. Toby’s a very strong skier. His brother was good, but not as god as him. Anyway, as near as anyone can tell, Toby was clowning around. His brother dropped into Eagle’s Nest, Toby followed. He was going to ski down and knock his brother over. There was 18 inches of new powder the night before. It had fallen on sun baked hard back and was loose and unstable. It fractured, created a large slab slide. It took his brother out. He didn’t ski for along time after. We all thought he had gotten past it.. They were as close as brother’s can be. Apparently we were wrong.”

     “He never told me,” Tom said.

     “Toby doesn’t talk about it with any one. He blocked it out like it never happened and threw himself in to downhill racing. When he came back, he was better than he had ever been. Extremely focused and dedicated. He may have taken a few more risks than I approved of.”

Coach worked with bodies not minds. This went deeper than just winning races and training skiers to go fast, safely.

     “It all makes sense now, a few weeks before Toby started getting crazy, we warned a skier off the out of bounds ropes. The next morning we found him, caught in a slide. He had never made it out. Toby saw him from on the hill. His legs were broken, and he had crawled to several yards from the road. His arm was outstretched and he was frozen in an attempt to signal a passing car.

     “That’s what brought it all on again.” Coach agreed. “He never really dealt with it in the first place.”

     “He must have seen his brother lying there when they carried him off.”


     “Hi Coach!” Toby yelled walking out of the lodge. He jogged to the table. The two men stared at each other blankly. He acted as if nothing was wrong. It seemed there was a wall around him and nobody new what was inside. Coach hadn’t said a word, when Tom stood, up all of a sudden, knocking over his chair.

     “Why the hell didn’t you tell me you had a brother?”

Toby glared at coach, then back at Tom

     “What’s the difference? It happened a long time ago. He’s gone, there’s nothing you or anybody can do.”

     “I’m your friend for Christ’s sake. I want to help you. Don’t you know that by now!”

     “HE’S GONE TOM! You can’t change that.”

     “I’m not talking about him, it’s you. You can’t tell me you didn’t see his face lying out in the snow that day.”

Toby closed his eyes tightly attempting to ward off the vision. The memories were painful. He didn’t deal with it then, and he didn’t want to deal with now. Tom walked over and took him by the shoulders.

     “Look at me Toby,” Tom’s voice echoed through the Lodge. “I know you loved your brother. No one can ever change that or take it away from you. He’s gone and nothing can undo that. You can’t let him down by throwing away your life also.”


     Toby was starting to fight back against Tom’s grip, but he held firmly. If he didn’t keep up the pressure no one would.

     “He didn’t throw his life away and I’m not either, back off Tom. It’s none of your business.”

Toby was beginning to loose it. Tom didn’t want to fight, but he felt he had to draw his emotions out. He began grabbing for Tom attempting to knock him away. All the years of sorrow and anger came out in that moment. His feelings were rushing up in a blur and they were directed at Tom. They wrestled each other to the floor, pushing tables and chairs around. Tom could barely dodge some of his blows. Whenever Toby broke free of Tom’s grip, he started swinging, Tom had to lunge at his midsection to protect himself.


     Joe stepped forward to stop it when Coach motioned to him to let it go. When they finally had spent every ounce of energy, they stopped, pushed each other back and fell to the floor breathing heavily. Joe and Coach lifted them up and into a couple of chairs. They took a few minutes to regain their strength as the moment sunk in. Toby looked over at Tom and realized what he had done.

     “You’ve got a lot of guts for and old ski bum,” he said, cracking a faint smile.

     “I was just getting started,” Tom replied rubbing his shoulder.

     “I’d like a few more rounds with you someday,” Toby said.

     “Anytime,” Tom replied, lying through his teeth.


     “Coach?”  he said standing up. “How about a few more runs? I’ve got a lot of work to do, I need the advice.”

     “Let’s go,” he said,” Times a wastin.”

He gave a nod to Tom as they turned to begin the next phase of Toby’s training.

     Joe sat down next to Tom who was still trying to catch his breath.

     “I thought I’d seen it all.”

     “I was lucky.”

      “You were great,” he looked at Tom, his arms folded, he was wincing from the thrashing he had just received. He knew Tom was special, but this young man really cared for the people and things he believed in. If he had a son, he would have liked him to be like Tom. The life that could have been he thought, in a past that was all too quickly coming to an end.

Om Namah Bhagavate Vasudevaya, Krishna Das, Breath of Heart