Sunday, March 20, 2022

108-Accomplishing Your Worthy Objectives


Your Part is to awaken your desire to accomplish your worthy objectives. Then whip up your will into action until it follows the way of wisdom that is shown to you.

Paramahansa Yogananda SRF Lessons

          Colder Than A Well Digger’s Ass

     Hitchhiking into East Vail I was picked up by and old man. He was traveling to Colorado University to visit his wife, who was a teacher at the Colorado Mountain College and had returned to school for her Master’s at the young age of sixty.

     Her son being a student, told his mother,  “I’m leaving campus, I won’t be at the same campus with my mother.”

     The father said, “Several years ago, I was traveling a lot without my wife.”

     She said to me, “Honey we’re older now, we don’t have that many years left, let’s try to stay together as much as possible.”

     The father agreed saying, “I love my wife so I decided to “respect” her wishes.”

     Then she ups and tells me she’s going back to college.

     I told her, “You better call before you come home. There may be someone else in your bed.”

     He says to me, “ my reception since then has been colder than a well digger’s ass. Did you ever say something, that was the stupidest thing you’ve ever said?”

     I smiled knowingly

     “Well,” he says, “I’m going down to Denver, and I’m going on to campus, and walk right up to her and hug her, and tell her I love her.”

     I felt happy and sad. I was happy he loved her so much to do this and she loved him. I was sad, thinking, I know this author on a campus in New York- I left standing- blue thermos top in her ink stained hand, of her autobiography and memoir writing workshop.

Wish You Were Here, Pink Floyd

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

107-A Simple Man of Dreams; In the New Cultural Revolution

      In Light of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the Video of Children being buried in Mass Graves . 

        A Ticket to the Fair

(For the rededication of the Statue of Liberty 1986)

I dream that my manuscript of poetry

will be my ticket to fair

so that I could

look into the eyes of

all of the who’s who of the they’s

that will be there. 

So that I could yell,

“Set the Children Free”.

The name of Steamboat Springs is thought to have originated around the early 1800s when French trappers thought they heard the chugging sound of a steamboat’s steam engine. The sound turned out to be a natural mineral spring, to be named the Steamboat Spring.
In 1909, the railroad arrived, which sparked a boom for the commercial industry in Steamboat Springs. Ranching was the primary industry of the valley and the cattle ranchers turned the new railroad depot into one of the largest cattle shipping centers of the West. Consequently, the construction of the railroad silenced the Steamboat Spring’s chugging noise forever.


Written for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics

Fresh Powder Down

A blinding blizzard beckons me into Steamboat Springs.

I arrive on the last greyhound from Vail.

My pockets full of snowflakes, a lonesome geyser’s whistle wails.

Always hiding, never tears to a cowboy’s eye.

Lord don’t let me be forsaken, the Baron’s have already taken

America by rail.



My darling I grow weary often lost without a home

but you know I’ll keep on searchin these mountain trails alone.

I wander through green valleys across the prairies, past the villages, farms and fields,

out beyond the concrete illusions where the Rocky Mountains pierce the aqua skies.

I find solace in the seclusion of another winter’s season, another place to ski,

as long as he will lay fresh powder down for me.

While you seek your fortune or search the world for fame,

be careful what you wish for, because when darkness falls upon you,

you’ll be wailing out his name.

Ski through barren aspens, see the forests through the pines,

sitting on my golden perch, am I crying out in vain?

Sometimes you awake to find, you get what you need,

other times you take what you can get,

it is from the children that, they take everything.

My gift is in my words, and for the children I’ll let them ring.

Go and tell everyone, silence is a snowflake falling,

until they hear me calling, to all the children I will sing.

Never take the last of anything.



These day’s I’m a city, pretty girl painted, street wizard in his poems.

My freedom most men will never know, never have been wary of wooden box labels,

fabled to contain rainbows.

Someday when their hair turns grey, their youth will have faded away,

with the colors that lost their shine.

The all American Gazebo Band plays behind, the new red white and corporate blue,

flag that flies against the changing hues.

Another rock opera story, of old glory and an American town without it’s name.

Somewhere in time, the poet’s rhyme, makes a cosmic connection,

Then the Seer Sayers arrive in stages, and history endures the ages.

A simple man with dreams beyond the Appletree Lane.

He sees a sunrise within her eyes.

And the hobo dude plays Howard Hughes, attempting to fill Dylan’s shoes,

to find out why they came.

But in disgrace, he falls from grace, to find success is not what they claim.

Listen Children to a thorn bird shrilly singing,

this truth you’ve heard, from a poet and his strings.

Of Mountains and Men (2010 For Vancouver,  British Columbia, Canada: Winter Olympics)

Albert Bianchine

The Hanuman Chalisa Tutorial, Music By Krishna Das

English Translation And Story Animation

Monday, March 14, 2022

106-How to become the Controller of your own destiny, In the time of the New Renaissance.

 Mind is the creator of everything.. You should therefore guide it to create only good. If you cling to a thought with dynamic will power. It finally assumes a tangible  outward form. When you are able to employ your will always for constructive purposes, you become the controller of your own destiny.---

                                  Paramahansa Yogananda, "The Law of Success"

                              Spiritual Diary, Paramahansa Yogananda

Easily spoken or read but very difficult to put into practice. Even in meditation the mind wants to wander, you must gently coax it back to divine providence and dynamic will. Heady thoughts that boggle the simplicity of the act. Sit in silence and concentrate. There are many wonderful You Tube videos, Anmol Mehta (Yoga also) is easy to learn from, as well as Lessons from Self-Realization. Make the effort today to calm the noise and focus your thoughts. You will be amazed at the results and improvement in your well being. While music for meditation abounds their is a spirited discussion on the benefits. Listen or not and decide for yourself. I enjoy Kirtan Chanting. Krishna Das ( is perhaps one of the foremost artists in this genre, as well as his associate Nina Rao, also Deva Premal. You would be well served to explore this phenomenon. All of life is grist for your thinking mill and it seems that in Today's World doing everything possible to set your self on the course of success would be your very first priority. All will be added from there. It is an absolute Law of the Universe. The practices that you will learn and be exposed to are Centuries old, practiced by Enlightened Masters. You don't have to join the Hare Krishnas. Although I remember buying my very first Bahagavad Gita from a Krishna in the old Stapelton Airport in Denver returning from a Ski trip to Arapahoe Basin in the late 70's. I did not go back to New York and sell flowers on the streets of the City with all the other Hare Krishna's. Your choice it is not vodoo but it is proven scientific methods to happiness and success.

Happy Searchng

106-Colder Than A Well Digger's Ass

                           Colder than a Well Digger’s Ass


     Hitchhiking into East Vail I was picked up by and old man. He was traveling to Colorado University to visit his wife, who was a teacher at the Colorado Mountain College and had returned to school for her Master’s at the young age of sixty.

     Her son being a student, told his mother,  “I’m leaving campus, I won’t be at the same campus with my mother.”

     The father said, “Several years ago, I was traveling a lot without my wife.”

     She said to me, “Honey we’re older now, we don’t have that many years left, let’s try to stay together as much as possible.”

     The father agreed saying, “I love my wife so I decided to “respect” her wishes.”

     Then she ups and tells me she’s going back to college.

     I told her, “You better call before you come home. There may be someone else in your bed.”

     He says to me, “ my reception since then has been colder than a well digger’s ass. Did you ever say something, that was the stupidest thing you’ve ever said?”

     I smiled knowingly

     “Well,” he says, “I’m going down to Denver, and I’m going on to campus, and walk right up to her and hug her, and tell her I love her.”

     I felt happy and sad. I was happy he loved her so much to do this and she loved him. I was sad, thinking, I know this author on a campus in New York- I left standing- blue thermos top in her ink stained hand, of her autobiography and memoir writing workshop.            

Saturday, March 12, 2022

105-To Winter My Revenge

                                              To Winter My Revenge


I had once 

so long ago it seems

enjoyed the cool aroma

tasted the nectar sweet

of personal destiny achieved

These Words!

So at last I come to understand

after all these travels

all the achievements

that most men only dream . . . .

I've been wasting the years

trying to go back

rolling that bitter ugly taste

over and over 

my tired palete

"Reliving is not Life"

I am . . . to tell this tale

        . . . to pound one nail

        . . . to Winter My Revenge

                 T. Thomas Dillon


Friday, March 11, 2022

104-How to Attain Complete Liberation, Through The Law Of Success: In The Time of The Renaissance

 Man as an image of God, possesses within him the all-accomplishing power of will. To discover through right meditation how to be in harmony with Divine Will is man's highest obligation.-

Paramahansa Yogananda,  "The Law of Success"      

"The knower of Spirit, abiding in the Supreme Being, with unswerving discrimination, free from delusion is thus neither jubilant at pleasant experiences nor downcast by unpleasant experiences,

"Unattracted to the sensory world, the yogi experiences the ever new joy inherent in Self. Engaged in divine union of the soul with Spirit, he attains bliss indestructible.....

Only that yogi who possesses the inner Light, becomes one with Spirit (after attaining freedom from karma connected with the physical, astral, and ideational bodies). He attains complete liberation in Spirit (even while living in the body)."

(God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita v:19--21,24).

Aligning your will with Divine Will through proper prayer, meditation, and action will free your sensory attachment to delusion (Maya). Once free you will be able to fulfill your potential on this earthly plain unencumbered by the failures of your own making. You must realizes that the Law of Success is absolute, that by following right living, right knowledge and right thoughts you will find your Liberation.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

103-Following The Law of Intention And Desire, In The Time Of The Renaissance

You are what your deep, driving desire is.

As your desire is, so is your will.

As your will is, so is your deed.

As your deed is, so is your destiny.


The Law of Intention and Desire

Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment... intention and desire in the field of pure potentiality have infinite organizing power. And when we introduce an intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, we put this infinite organizing power to work for us.

                                                                                      Upanishad IV.4.5.                                                   

                                            Just Ask A Horse

Now You See

I've Got This Light 

It's From These Mountains

That I Bring

Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season), The Byrds