Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Valley of the Blue

The view from the parking lot of A-Basin into the valley over the Dillon Reservoir passed the Corinthian Hills. The Continental Divide to the rear of the photo up Highway 6 overlooked by the Seven Cornices and the wonderful all seeing Professor with her endless open snowfields far above the timberline. The origin of unimaginable full moon night ski adventures. Looking at the valley your back is to Lenawee Mountain and its massive ski bowl above the Land of the Giants and  across to Pallavacini.  Trails indelibly etched into the recesses of my mind body and spirit. A celebration to the soaring spirit of youth. Youth is invincibility. Age is the knowledge of the folly in that belief. Wisdom is the healing.
Healing is Freedom.

A Song of Wisdom.

"Mr. Mister, Broken Wings"