Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
“Change yourself and you have done your part in changing the world.” — Paramahansa Yogananda
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Nine: Avoidance In The Time Of The Coronavirus
Theodore Roosevelt,
Friday, July 10, 2020
Eight: Accountability in the Time of Coronavirus
Charles R. Swindoll The Necessity of Accountability
Proverbs 13:10–20; Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 5:1–3
Our society of isolated, distant individuals teaches a false philosophy: “Live and let live.” To those who have escaped from an oppressive, controlling government, that sounds like a haven . . . A long-lost dream realized. But when we flesh out that motto, it often leads to peril. We need each other! Even those who don’t think so. Even those who seem totally self-sufficient, strong, and stable. Christians are unwise when they remain out of touch and live in secrecy. Being responsible includes being accountable, not just to God but also to one another. If carried out in the power and under the control of the Holy Spirit, accountability can be one of the most secure and reassuring facets of our Christian experience.
Be Accountable not only to yourself but to others. It is an absolute necessity to be reliable and to account for your individual and group actions. In a time of trials and strife, it is easy to be secretive and to withdraw from any situation emotionally and mentally. We are being inundated with negativity, fear, and lies. The truth is being corrupted with falsehoods and deceit. You must see through them and reach out to others and share your story and state your goals. Hold yourself in high regard and speak your truth clearly and distinctly, with deep thought and fortitude.
Charles Swindoll,
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Seven: Summoning the Effort for Success in the Time of Coronavirus.
"Some People Dream of Worthy Accomplishments, While Others Stay Awake and Do Them!" Unknown.
Put forth the necessary Effort and be the Agent of Change in your Story. When Opportunity is met with Preparation it is the Absolute Law of Success.
Do not be afraid to follow your dream. Where would you like to be in 2, 5, 10, years from now! Nothing worth while in your Life will come without sacrifice. Examine your motive, desire, ability to reach your goal if you feel it is within your grasp. Reach For It!
"The Man at the Top of the Mountain, didn't just fall there. "
Vince Lombardi
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Six: The Art of Acceptance in the Time of The Coronavirus.
Matthew 22:21 Jesus; said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's
Awake the Broken Spirit of America with a Miracle Of Love.
This Years Motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius - Communiter, which is Latin for "faster, higher, stronger, and together" It was proposed by Pierre de Coubertin upon creation of the International Olympic Committee in 1894. On the 20th of July 2021, the Session of the International Olympic Committee approved a change in the Olympic motto that recognises the unifying power of sport and the importance of solidarity.
Motto for 2022 Beijing Olympics
Join us in Creating "Unique Works Of Art" in support of Our Olympic Athletes who are training in the Hope that a True Leader will arise to Lead Us To The Olympics in Beijing China. Chose a Topic from either LIFE, LIBERTY or THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. “Tell Us What It Means To You.” We submit the call to all Poets, Writers, Artists, and Any One Affected by Our Current Plight. All Peoples of each Nation represented in the 2022 Beijing Olympics Should Answer The Call for their own Athletes. I trust a way will unfold to realize the Dream and Declare Independence. The Project we are working on is, The Mountain Pearl a Collection of Short Stories, set in the High Alpine Mountains of North America based on the Mountain Experiences of Youth.
Hope to see you in China in Spirit or Wonder Why!
Om Nama Shiviya
Krishna Das
Give Me Love
It’s a Good Day To Die Strong Hearts to the Front! Weak Hearts to the Rear!
Crazy Horse: Battle.Little Big Horn.
R.I.P. Slick Little Fox
Mr. and Mrs.
True Blue: Kathy
It is with Reverence and Love I surrender
the Mountain Pearl!
To the Music of
The Goddess from the Sea.
Happy Birthday! Girl With A Song! I Love you!
A Man with a Story
Gold: Albert Bianchine
Poet, Writer, Adventurer
Girl Toy Poodle
Giant Pete's Thought of the Day
Don't be Sad Kamala, I think you’re REALLY PRETTY! Especially in your mask! Hey Man! Where's my Jump Box?
Giant Pete's Worries; A Bully will Attempt to Kick a Toy Poodle. We All See It!
A Golden Warrior Poet King On A Bronze Stallion Sets Out On A Thousand Mile Journey With The First Gallup.
Give Me Love
George Harrison
It’s a Good Day To Die Strong Hearts to the Front! Weak Hearts to the Rear!
Crazy Horse: Battle.Little Big Horn.
R.I.P. Slick Little Fox
Mr. and Mrs.
True Blue: Kathy
It is with Reverence and Love I surrender
the Mountain Pearl!
To the Music of
The Goddess from the Sea.
Happy Birthday! Girl With A Song! I Love you!
A Man with a Story
Gold: Albert Bianchine
Poet, Writer, Adventurer
Girl Toy Poodle
Giant Pete's Thought of the Day
Don't be Sad Kamala, I think you’re REALLY PRETTY! Especially in your mask! Hey Man! Where's my Jump Box?
Giant Pete's Worries; A Bully will Attempt to Kick a Toy Poodle. We All See It!

A Golden Warrior Poet King On A Bronze Stallion Sets Out On A Thousand Mile Journey With The First Gallup.
Five: Knowing When To Rest
Monday, June 29, 2020
Sunday, June 28, 2020
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