Showing posts with label Saturn.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn.. Show all posts

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Forty-Four, EmbracingThe Gift Of The Magi; In The Time Of Coronavirus

      Remember when we were Kings! It wasn’t that long ago. We will be again. Believe in this. Jupiter and Saturn align with one another every 20 years or so but never as close as they will in 2020. It is the closest they will have been in 400 years, and they have not been visible, at night in over 800 years. It is the Winter Solstice the shortest day of the year, the beginning of Winter. The opportunity to see the once-in-a-lifetime star. It is commonly called the Christmas Star or the "Star of Bethlehem" The Star that the three wise men followed to deliver their gifts to the newborn Christ Child. The Magi came to honor the newborn King. The significance in this celestial happening should not escape us in this time of new miracles. It is a miracle that we have new vaccines and they are being distributed to front line workers and our older population. Do not let this miracle go without at least a small passing acknowledgement. This should be a Celestial Celebration of Epic Proportions during these very difficult times. We will soon move forward from our times of trouble to our times of prosperity and plenty. This must be the Mantra we speak for what we speak we become. What we are moving forward to is now in our own hands, It is no longer the fact that your leaders have the slightest interest in your well being. There can be no dispute that we have been left to die and starve alone without support or care. We no longer accept this as a condition for us to live by. This is a time of great upheaval and change. A great awakening of Spirit and Hope will accompany our Renaissance as we move into the Post Covid Era. We need to be both prepared and willing to do things differently to assure a greater future for all. This will no longer be business as usual, politics as usual. Things will and must change for our survival. We hope to be right alongside you in this transition leading the way.