Showing posts with label Everything But The Girl. Enlightenment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Everything But The Girl. Enlightenment. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Looking For The Answers

The Hippie Movement was a search for truth, a search for answers to questions, The biggest question was, Why am I here? I guess every individual has to find that answer for themselves. I know I did. Everything in it's own time. Life will reveal itself to you if you don't force your will on it. I know that all the times in my life that I attempted to force my will on the world, the world showed me it's own will. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't strive for your goals and attempt to attain your dreams. You have to stop and let the world unfold before you. For me, the realization that the world doesn't revolve around my wants and desires was enlightening. It sounds simple, but the truth is it doesn't. I have had to figure out how best I fit in and how to move forward with my personal dreams and aspirations. O.K. so you want to write! So why are you not spending more time in actually writing than talking about it. I know that life gets in the way, but embrace the fact that you are unique and your perspectives are worthy of being shared. So share your life and your dreams!

Everything But The Girl, "Driving."
Everything But The Girl, "I Don't Want To Talk About It"